Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1820: High-race kobold

When the nearby seventh-tier came to congratulate one after another, some eighth-tier powerhouses finally appeared. However, there are not many that appear, adding up to three, and one of them is still responsible for the lead.

"It is indeed the birth of the eighth-level powerhouse, and we are here to witness. Starting today, the kobold clan has been upgraded to a superior race."

That's right, the appearance of Tier 8 is a superior race. The classification of orcs has very strict rules.

There has never been a Tier 7 race, that is, the slave race, which was the case with the previous kobolds. No matter where you go, your identity is a slave. Without a master, anyone can take it back and use it.

Even if you kill the slave race, you only need to pay some money to their master. If there is no owner, it will be no problem to kill it anywhere, and no one will blame it.

This is the case for most orc races, because the talent is not high, and there is no Tier 7 appearance at all.

And after the appearance of the seventh rank, that is the inferior race, this is the common people in the orc world, and they have certain rights. At least like this kind of casual killing, no one will pursue it anymore.

Of course, if it is in a place with a small population, it doesn't matter if no one sees it even if it is killed.

This is the case for most of the remaining orc races. Many of them even appeared in Tier 7 before, but later Tier 7 died, and they may even die completely, but they are still considered inferior races.

This is an agreement unanimously adopted by the top leaders in order to give birth to more orc powerhouses.

When the rank 7 powerhouse reaches more than ten, it is a medium race. At this time, this kind of race is very rare. The middle race can also be regarded as the noble among the orcs.

This is the case with the kobolds before, and they have exposed more than ten seventh ranks.

But now that the Kobold Empire has an eighth rank, it's different. As long as the powerhouse of Tier 8 appears, then this race is a superior race. The upper-class races are no ordinary races.

If someone arbitrarily kills members of the superior race, it will be life-paying to be caught. The civilians of the higher races are privileged in the orc world. Of course, this privilege is useless on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, all races are equal, and everything depends on strength, and no one will blame it if they die. After all, as long as you dare to step onto the battlefield, you are ready to die at any time.

Although the number and strength of the eighth ranks of different races are also different, because the upper-class races are really too few, there are only a few, so no one will continue to distinguish between them.

This kind of level is only people's own inner understanding, and race is actually equal. But for the character of the orc, it is impossible to be truly equal. For members of a race of equal rank, their level of strength becomes an important evidence for their evaluation of each other's status, and the most important thing is their own strength.

Many races now look depressed, and the kobolds are actually equal to them.

Some races that look down on kobolds are even more helpless, because kobolds are now an upper-class race, and their families have surpassed themselves. I don't know what kind of personality those kobolds will be in the future, and will there be any changes.

The upper-class race, if they want to expand the land area they occupy, no one dares to say anything.

"Well, since you have reached the eighth level, you can't interfere with things in the world in the future, you know that." The visitor said solemnly to the kobold guardian.

This guy wasn't made by Du You, but was born naturally after the Mage Tower broke through. Because the mage tower is a kobold type, the guardian naturally becomes a kobold.

Of course, a lot of Tier 7 also appeared, but no one was exposed for the time being.

"I know, I won't intervene, but some of the kobold's elite strength development, I can take action."

"This is okay. As long as it can improve people's strength, that is the most important thing. Not only you are doing this, in fact, other people will do it as long as they have the ability."

The people around suddenly realized: "So, it's no wonder that the kobolds are developing so fast, it turns out that we have been looking for the wrong person." That's right, this is what they thought, and Du You deliberately misled them.

In the hearts of these orcs, the real reason why the kobolds were able to grow was not led by the leader Du You, but the eighth rank. It's just that this one has been hiding in the dark.

I am afraid that his strength has not been exposed after he has been promoted to the seventh rank. Instead, he has been studying cultivation methods suitable for kobolds. The leader in front of him is just an existence that has always been introduced to attract people's attention on the bright side.

"I understand, the main **** of the kobold is really a good calculation, and he has completely hidden himself. This kind of forbearance, many of us can't learn it." Everyone present was shocked.

"It's really amazing. Although I don't know how long it took, but I can research a cultivation secret that is completely suitable for kobolds, and it is no wonder that it will be upgraded to the eighth level, but I don't know if other kobolds have this ability. Damn it, the kobolds have become a superior race, how can we use kobold workers in the future."

Everyone is very depressed, because there are so many kobolds. If you can't kill arbitrarily, who knows how many of these guys will be born. There are really few orcs that can reproduce better than kobolds.

Du You, who was next to him, flashed a smile in his Now everyone's attention is attracted by the Pot Back Man he launched. In the future, even if someone wants to pay attention to the kobold, he will also pay attention to it. Guardian.

You can do more things in the dark. Speaking of which, those who assassinated him over the years have also upset Du You.

Although this guy couldn't directly intervene, Du You had no intention of letting him intervene. It is not in your own interest to attract the attention of this world's will too early, so just stay like this.

Du Youneng discovered that the will of the world had already focused a large part of the attention on the kobold guardian.

Perhaps the will of the world is a bit surprised, because the breath of this guy is a little different from this world. But as long as the Guardian does not show obvious hostility and destruction to this world, there will be no problem.

For the orc world, every strong man is very precious, after all, their current situation is not good. There are a few ninth ranks outside, and they are always ready to attack them, which is really dangerous.


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