Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 181: Bloodletting therapy

"The attack speed is so fast, is this still soil attribute." Du You felt that once the opponent's attack was issued, he couldn't avoid it at all. It was not because his consciousness could not react, but his body speed could not keep up.

One's own consciousness can start to prepare within 30 meters, otherwise, he won't even be able to release the shield curse. With this attack speed and attack power, the average level 10 professional is really not an opponent.

No wonder the world of giant beasts is so dangerous in Ma Can's mouth, almost invincible at the same level, this is not just for fun. Giant Beasts don't have star ratings, but if you count them according to star ratings, each one is probably 8 or 9 stars.

After only a while of fighting, Du You used the shield spell to resist it many times. Even if he hides himself, as long as his head appears and the moment of attack, the heavy rock beast tortoise can actually react, and the attack speed is much faster than himself. After several attacks, Du You stopped wasting time to evade.

Xiao Zi has been put away, she can block it, but Xiao Zi can't. Du You helped Xiao Zi resist the two attacks and put it away. When he continued, he didn't stop once, Xiao Zi was gone.

"We have all attacked from the outside, and there is no weakness at all. Then the only place that can be attacked is the inside. I don't believe it anymore. You are as strong as the inside."

Du You took a deep breath, staring hard at the front.

If it is magic resistance, the gap between inside and outside of a creature is not very large. The external magic resistance is high, and the internal magic resistance is generally not too low. But physical resistance is different.

Almost all organisms have very high physical resistance on the surface of the body, but the body is extremely fragile, which is caused by the biological structure. The tortoise in front of me should be the same.

Du You stared at the turtle, waited for the turtle to swallow the soil and rocks again, and then aimed at himself.

"It's now." Du You suddenly took out the Giant Beast Hunter Javelin, and threw it at the heavy rock beast's mouth. At this time, the heavy rock beast had opened its mouth, pointed it at Du You, and a gray light flashed.

The next moment, the shield curse in front of Du You's eyes lit up, and the heavy stone spear slammed on the shield, pushing the shield back continuously. If this is not a spell, but holding it by hand, I am afraid that my blood and energy would have been shocked long ago.

The attack is fast, but the heavy rock beast itself is not so agile.

The javelin swept across the edge of the gray light. This was the law that Du You had concluded after many observations. It didn't hit the stone spear head-on, but leaned a little, but still aimed at the mouth of the heavy rock beast. With the special power blessed on the Javelin Mountain, the method of action of the javelin was not thrown by Du You, but shot by himself.

Before the attacking heavy rock beast could close its mouth, it was hit by a javelin in the mouth.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought." Du You clenched his fist and waved it.

As the javelin plunged into the mouth of the heavy rock beast, the heavy rock beast, which had not been in a hurry, suddenly became uncomfortable, lying on the ground and constantly patting his head, even the body was shaking constantly, which seemed very painful.

Du You could see clearly that his javelin had successfully penetrated into the mouth of the heavy rock beast, not directly along the mouth, but pierced into the upper part of the mouth.

The huge size of the giant beast showed a bad point at this time. That is, after the javelin fell into the mouth, it actually entered completely. The thick claws of the heavy rock beast could not be touched at all, and it could only keep pulling its own mouth.

But no matter how hard you try, there is no way to get the stuff out of your mouth.

As a result, it didn't take long for the red blood to flow from the mouth of the heavy rock beast, like a flood that opened the gate, and it couldn't stop it.

At this time, Du You had already hid the moment the attack was successful, and didn't fight the heavy rock beast head-on at all. Heavy Rock Beast couldn't even find a target to vent.

If you continue to devour the earth and rocks, the javelin will go deeper due to the relationship between the earth and rocks, and it will only make yourself more injured. It was discovered that Du You, the culprit, had disappeared, and the Heavy Rock Beast had no intention of continuing to attack.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I finally succeeded. If I am not successful this time, then I am afraid I will really give up this task."

Du You, hiding behind the rock, let out a long breath.

For this task, I paid too much. From the beginning of the mission, there was constant danger, and the most important thing was that there was no gain at all. Once he gave up, Du You felt sorry for himself.

The most important thing is that you have already come here, and it is impossible to retreat. If you can't move forward, you can only stay in this gorge and cannot advance or retreat. Then, your goal of entering the world of giant beasts will not be achieved. At that time, I have no other way except to leave the world and choose Seeing that the college entrance examination is about one month away, Du You doesn't want to waste this time.

There are so many people in the world, so many rooms are amazing. If you don't work hard, how can you be better than them. Du You didn't want to be bullied by some people as weak after entering the school.

Du You waited slowly here, while the heavy rock beast on the opposite side was still struggling. But as time passed, the struggle of the heavy rock beast became more and more sluggish, and it became weaker and weaker.

After more than two hours, the heavy rock beast finally stopped moving. "It takes so long for the blood to drain, and it's good to be big."

Du You carefully poked his head out to check it from time to time. After such a long time, he finally determined that the tortoise's blood was drained. Relying on this method to grind it to death is unpleasant.

But this invincible defense is really enough. At his own level, no matter how he attacked, there was no way to break through this defense, so what can I say.

Du You carefully threw a stone and tried it out. The tortoise didn't respond, then he released the Fire Snake Curse, and the Decomposition Curse was released, but there was still no response. The same attack had no effect.

Du You's courage gradually grew, and he placed the decomposition spell on the tortoise's head. After attacking again and again, until cracks appeared on the head, there was still no response.

"It seems that it should be dead. If you are alive, the magic resistance will be higher. It is impossible to crack so quickly. And if you are alive, it is impossible to suffer such fatal damage and have not responded."

Finally confirmed, Du You walked out with confidence, and then walked to the side of the turtle. "It's not easy for you. I don't know how long I have lived when I grow up. Why do I have to stand in my way." Du You seemed to forget the fact that he was the one who woke him up.

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