Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1831: The conditions are met, the counterattack begins

After five days of war, Du You felt that he had never been as tired as today.

Although under the blessing of his special skills, his original strength and physical strength are recovering quickly, and there is no danger of being exhausted. But his energy consumption is very large.

Because the opponent's strength is too strong, Du You has always been vigilant, carefully responding to every attack from the Beastmaster.

After such a long time, even Du You felt exhausted in his heart. Fortunately, it was only his own spirit that was exhausted, and Du You himself was able to stick to it. In terms of mental power, Du You's recovery speed is also relatively fast.

It's just that the opponent's situation is much better than theirs. Under the blessing of the world's power, the Beastmaster's power not only hasn't weakened, but has a feeling of becoming stronger after the war. Its own power is also basically inexhaustible.

However, while they were fighting, the upgrade of the territory was completed silently. In order to speed up this upgrade, Du You consumed a large amount of crystal coins accumulated over the years, and this process was also accelerated a lot.

In just five days, the territory has reached the height of Tier Nine.

From then on, the territory can provide itself with the high-level energy of colored crystal coins.

With colored coins, you will increase your speed very fast. The reason why Hades is the strongest among all ninth orders is because the only territory of order ninth on the earth once belonged to Hades.

Now, he also has a ninth-tier territory, but whether he can hold it depends on his next performance.

Du You's clone looked at the territory that had just been upgraded, and a smile flashed in his eyes. "Finally finished, then it's time to fight back. The territorial level has reached the highest level in the world, and the influence is enough to start occupying this world." Du You directly started the erosion of this world.

If talking about influence, top influence, Du You is now at war with the Beastmaster.

High-level influence, now this battle has involved all the seventh and eighth ranks of the entire orc world, and there have been countless deaths. It would be strange if they had no influence.

And the influence of the bottom, Du You's territory, arms and civilians have spread to the entire world, affecting all aspects of this world. Even for those special secret techniques that Du You released, at least one-third of the orc world was cultivating.

This kind of influence absolutely covers the entire world. If this is not enough, then what is sufficient.

Du You's layout this time was the longest and the largest. For this world, Du You has laid out for thirty years, which is still thirty years in this world. The world where Du You himself lives is longer.

If you didn't even consider these issues, then Du You would have been in vain during this period of time.

Sure enough, Du You had just turned on, and the white ball of light after dissipating appeared again, and it was larger than before, and the scope of influence was also larger. This time the ball of light wasn't just underground, the light was projected directly, illuminating everything around it. The Earth Will rushed over for the first time, as if facing a delicious meal, he spoke without hesitation.

This change affected everyone in the first place. The faces of the seventh and eighth orders suddenly became ugly, because they knew that the will of the world was under attack.

"Damn it, how did they develop to this point, our world is being attacked by the earth. Once we fail, our world will be occupied, and then we will be homeless."

"Then what can you do, besides watching this, we can only pray for the Beastmaster and the will of the world to fight back."

While talking, the axe in their hands slashed at each other. There is no way, he can't control himself now. Being controlled by someone to fight with oneself, like a puppet, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

But the one who controls himself is still a master, able to play his own strength perfectly. Because of this situation, the orcs of the seventh and eighth levels don't know how much they have lost, what can they do now.

The orcs have been constantly attacking other worlds, and now they finally understand what it feels like to be attacked. Survival is difficult. A person who accidentally brings his own soul will be destroyed, and there is no chance of resurrection at all. They really don't know what to do. The feeling of waiting for death is too uncomfortable.

Even they felt it, and of course the Beastmaster felt even more profoundly.

"Humans, you dare to do this kind of thing in our world."

Under the anger of the Beastmaster, the attack became more violent, but Du You laughed.

"We are professionals from the earth, and we don't do anything like this. Besides, the world you orcs invaded has directly destroyed a lot of them. No, it should be said that most of them have been directly destroyed."

The orcs are very violent. They don't care what those worlds will be like. As long as they are of no use to their own world, most of them will be destroyed, and then the origin of the world will be divided. Another part is absorbed by the world origin of the orc world, which is why the orc world has been able to develop to this day, becoming the reason why it is close to the top world among the ninth ranks.

So this kind of remark sounds completely ridiculous to Du You, which is a double standard.

"You **** it." The Beastmaster's attack became more and more violent, but Du You smiled.

Because he felt the power of the Beastmaster was constantly weakening, and the speed was very fast. This is not because the Beastmaster's own strength has weakened, but because the power blessed by the world has begun to disappear, or be extracted.

The will of the world is now going to fight the will of the earth with all its strength, so it is impossible to continue to waste one's own power to help others ~ no matter how much you value this Beastmaster, the Beastmaster is not himself.

With the extraction of the world's power, the Beastmaster's own power finally weakened to its original situation.

In response, a smile flashed in Du You's eyes, because he knew that the Beastmaster was already meat on the chopping board. Don't look at the Beastmaster's current strength still remaining at its peak, but the current Beastmaster is just the Beastmaster himself.

After an attack, Du You discovered that the opponent's attack did not break through his far away shield, but just made his Yuanli shield oscillate, and he knew that the opponent could not even break through his own defense.

After he was relieved, Du You's output was more direct, and he didn't have to treat every attack from the opponent carefully.

That really consumed energy, and now there is no problem, Du You's energy is even continuously recovering. The two sisters also breathed a sigh of relief, attacking from time to time, harassing and even storming around.



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