Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1838: Advancement conditions and blood avatar

Do not know how long it has passed, Du You felt that he had reached the limit. The 83rd level limit, but the bottleneck in front is very huge, it can't be broken through by relying on crystal coins at all.

Opening his eyes, Du You sighed helplessly, looked at the resource in his hand, and then put it away. It's just that at the moment Du You started his hand, there was a strange feeling in his heart.

"So that's it, what's not yours is not yours after all, staying on your body is also a hindrance."

Du Youjing slowly realized that the bloodline power he had obtained at the beginning had a special obstacle to himself. If he wanted to go further, I am afraid that he would have to disperse this power first.

Of course, this is not completely useless, this approach will be more beneficial to itself.

Du You didn't know how long he felt it, but he still didn't do it. Knowing that the two sisters woke up, Bubble and Xiao Zi also slowly became awake. Du You knew that they had reached the limit just like himself.

"How is it, did you feel it, we have reached the limit."

Lin Yushi pursed her mouth and said, "The more you get to the higher level, the more trouble it will be to upgrade."

Lin Yucha said angrily: "If it was as simple as it could be ascension, there would be no such few masters now. For so many years on the earth, only Mingzun has a mid-stage ninth stage. Our earth doesn't even have a late-stage ninth stage. ."

This is the shortcoming of the background. Although the earth is the top existence in all the worlds, without the late stage of the ninth stage, the power to protect oneself is still not enough. Those who are the most powerful are all supported by the late-stage powerhouses of Tier Nine.

Although the world cannot command such a powerhouse, there is nothing the same as the absence of that.

"I feel that the power of creation is indeed needed. Only the power of creation can supplement the insufficiency of the heart of the law. This kind of insufficiency cannot be supplemented by relying on my own strength and perception."

This is the limit of manpower, and some special forces must be used. Human beings can produce creative power, but they cannot produce such power.

"Yeah, I can feel that when we were first regularized, we actually accepted creative power. The degree of regularization is how much and level of creative power we accept."

Du You could feel it, no wonder that when the rules were first started, there would be different innate star ratings. Although the star can also be upgraded the day after tomorrow, it is not the same as the high innate star rating. The higher the level, the more you can experience it.

It turns out that from the very beginning, they have accepted this kind of power. If they can't accept too much, then professionals will not be able to walk on this fast lane until the end. This is also a defect of rapid improvement through plunder.

If you are a cultivator in other worlds, no matter how talented you are, there is still a possibility of improvement, although the possibility is very small. The earth professionals can improve quickly, and they can advance through killings and missions. But once it reaches its limit, there will be no possibility of improvement, because its foundation cannot be supplemented at all.

Unless there are people in the middle of the ninth stage who are willing to consume their own creative power to supplement them, but who can be so selfless. And even if you use this method, you can only add one point, it's impossible to improve without limit.

"Is that so, Master, we haven't felt it yet." Lin Yucha said strangely.

Du You looked at the others and found that only he felt this way.

This is also the reason why my foundation is too strong. Perhaps only those who have directly reached the 10-star level can truly feel it, and it may also be the reason why this star level can obtain the purest original power.

Forget it, anyway, I was the first to be sure. "Well, since this news cannot be fully confirmed, don't tell it for now." This news is too important, and Du You wants to keep it secret.

Even if they reach their ninth level, it is impossible to disclose them completely when they disclose their information. This is the case with Ming Zun, and the same is true for other ninth orders, even with Du You. Everyone must have a little secret of their own, right?

"You have also discovered that our bloodline has become a hindrance. We now have two choices, one is to give up the bloodline, and the other is to completely transform it into another existence."

"But if it is transformed, it will consume a lot of money." Lin Yucha said with some worry.

"It doesn't matter, we can't continue to improve anyway, but we still have enough resources in our hands. How can we be willing if we don't consume them." Du You smiled at the two people.

"Well, now that you have decided, Master, let's start."

"Very well, shape the bloodline clone so that our strength will increase a lot even if it doesn't double."

These are special abilities that are naturally understood after the strength is achieved. Du You distributed the remaining original strength for a while, and then the three of them continued to improve. As for Xiao Zi and Bubble, they can only be on guard around them.

Their bloodline itself is their own, and it won't happen like this at all.

The continual source of power is absorbed, transformed and injected into his own blood. A special force in the bloodline was gradually condensed, and this was something that did not belong to oneself.

Originally, Du You thought that these bloodlines had been perfectly integrated with him, but it was not until today that Du You discovered that the foreign is the foreign, even if it is perfectly integrated, it still does not belong to him.

But this expulsion is not a complete expulsion, but an expulsion of external forces. But Du You still kept the part that had good influence on him before. The only thing left is the influence, but the bloodline has completely become his own. From now on, his own bloodline has something different.

This kind of thing can be easily passed on to offspring. And Du You also felt that it seemed that it would be easier for him to leave offspring in the future. At least in terms of probability, it is much simpler than before.

Speaking of it, there is no child left until now, and Du You is a bit regretful thinking about it now. If it weren't for the trouble and unnecessary, it wouldn't be so difficult to want a child now.

But what can be done? If this probability can be increased a little, it can be increased a little.

Behind Du You, a black dragon gradually appeared. And the depth of the two sisters is the appearance of a golden demon-like figure respectively.


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