Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1843: Open up a new world in the void

The background is still not good, one-time update.

"We're almost done. Let's go back first. If we continue, those high-level demons will come out."

The two sisters also nodded, and followed Du You back. Now this behavior can be regarded as a kind of warning. But those high-level demons may have noticed them, and they will go to war if they continue.

Even the demons who reached the ninth rank were also very impulsive, although they were somewhat sensible.

Du You didn't want to confront these demons right now. In that case, for a long time, he wouldn't have time to do other things. The first time they came here, it was not to fight the devil, but to improve themselves.

Having reached their limit, they urgently need to upgrade their strength to the mid-tier ninth stage.

Du You, who returned to the front line, left with the two sisters only after an explanation.

In the next period of time, the demons started to attack frantically, but Du You completely ignored it. It's just this situation, but it has suffered for those low-level professionals, who have recently lost a lot.

Similarly, there are also some who are relatively strong or have relatively strong potential, and they have gradually improved in this process. These outstanding professionals will be their backbone in the future.

Du You is not all right, at this time he is refining those world origins. It is not to absorb, but to repel the chaotic aura inside, and then be contaminated with the aura of oneself, and the remnants of the will of the world also need to be cleaned up.

Du You used his own Soul Eater Demon Flame to burn these origins bit by bit.

The same is true for the two sisters. They don't have the Soul Eater Demon Flame, but they also have their own power. Lin Yucha directly used magic gold poison, tempered by its own poison.

However, Lin Yushi was simple, directly using his own blood demon thunder from hell. Among the blood-colored thunder and lightning, there was already some golden power aura at this time, and it was no longer pure blood-colored thunder and lightning.

These golden auras are Lin Yushi's own power to destroy the gods, but they are even more violent.

And the bubble is the same as Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi condensed the purple thunder and lightning to a high degree, and has turned into something similar to flame. Bubble directly uses its own sacred flame, speaking of it, flame tempering is easier than other powers.

From time to time, when they rest, they will also go to the void to fight, adapt to their current power, and find a more suitable way of using power. In this way, one's own strength can be exerted perfectly.

With the passage of time, several people have fully adapted to their own strengths, and now Du You is sure that even if he encounters a person in the middle of the ninth stage, even if he is not an opponent, he can delay time or escape easily.

And those origins in his hands, after this period of time, have also been completely tempered successfully.

Du You just watched the professionals who were exhausted by the crazy attacks of the demons. This kind of high-intensity battle is not something that everyone can adapt to, not even these professionals.

Although I don't know how much I lost, I want to make up for it. Thinking of this, Du You directly approached the manager of this place, asked for a large number of corpses, and then transformed them all.

A large number of Tier 6 skeletons and dragon tomb guardians were born. These undead had the breath of Tier 9 powerhouses, and they could pose a threat even in the face of Tier 7. "These will be left for you to use in the future. With these, you shouldn't have to worry about the attacks of the devil." Du You is one of the rare existences that can create a large number of summoned objects.

The other party quickly expressed gratitude. With these things, their frontline is indeed much safer.

Compared with the loss during this period, with these people, more people can be protected in the next period of time. And they can also use these conditions to obtain more resources and train more powerhouses.

After making up for it, Du You left this place and led people into the void. At this moment, Du You is ready to open up the world in this place and gain the power of creation.

Speaking of which, opening up the world is something that ordinary people can't do. Although it was possible to do it at the eighth level, it would be too expensive and the gains outweighed the losses, and few eighth-levels would do this.

Today, Du You feels like he is following Pangu. Pooh, Pooh, Pangu is dead, but he doesn't. All kinds of preparations were fully prepared, and after the last check, Du You started.

Without speaking, the two sisters took Du You's other summoned beasts and backed away.

Du You's summoned beasts were all summoned. Except for Bubble and Xiao Zi, which need to be carefully observed, the other summoned beasts are nearby. Du You also worried that the creation of the world would explode too much, and it would not be good to attract other people.

Although this place is behind the front line, it is too close to the world of the devil after all. It is troublesome if one is not careful and attracts a powerful demon. I am not afraid, but the world is destroyed, and I have no benefit at all.

Taking a deep breath, Du You said, "I'm about to start."

As he said, Du You raised his hand, and a black light flashed out instantly. This was an energy-concentrating magic cannon that didn't use the energy-gathering ring. Now Du You can use it very freely. Then with a wave of his hand, a strange arc traversed the void.

This is a trajectory that Du You found with his own feelings, and he himself didn't know why he wanted to do this. It's just a feeling in the dark, not a law, but a more subtle induction.

When this arc was crossed, the void was directly torn It was not cut from the middle, but a special force directly expanded in the middle, completely repelling the turbulence of the void. A clearing appeared in the middle.

Then, a large film of film gradually emerged around it, which was the embryonic form of the birth of the world barrier.

A special force slowly spread out in the void. It just didn't spread too far, and soon disappeared into the void turbulence. Du You breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, it didn't spread out continuously.

But also, if this new world can be discovered by people in such a simple way, then those worlds born in the void would have long since become harvested leeks. In that case, no world can grow up.

"Unexpectedly, opening up the world is so simple." An incredible feeling flashed in Du You's heart.

But this is just the beginning, and the troubles are still to come. The new world is very weak, especially this kind of forcibly opened up. The surrounding void turbulence gradually returned, and began to erode the barriers of the world, oppressing the scope of the new world.


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