Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1845: Everyone fills up the roots

In a blink of an eye, Du You had been in the void for a year. At this time, the time in the inner world finally gradually stabilized. However, more than 10,000 years have passed since the time inside.

After so long of evolution, all aspects of the world are close to perfection, which is perfect for the seventh order.

The major forces inside have stabilized one after another, and even gods have been created.

As the world's largest organization of gods, it believes in the **** of darkness. Take a closer look, the face of the **** of darkness is somewhat similar to Du You. Although these guys have never seen Du You, the ability to correct the statue to this level with the strength information really shows that these people are not simple.

And the center of the birth of the territory he once became the sacred place of this world.

People in this holy land and this world don't know why, and no one can stay here for too long. If it takes too long, you will come out unknowingly.

It is difficult even to enter this place. But as long as you have entered this place, your future achievements will not be too low, and it is precisely because of this that this place will become a holy land.

Du You knew that this must have been done deliberately by the will of the world when the world evolved.

After all, he is now the master and creator of this world, and the instinct of the will of the world can also be said to be in the past.

In one year, the creative force finally disappeared and no longer went out. Du You got up and felt it for a while, feeling that he was in good condition. "Call other people to come together next time, so that everyone can absorb a little."

Du You can be considered selfless in doing this. Although they can only absorb scraps and not much in their situation, they also need to waste their own energy to control it. After all, the creative power cannot be controlled by people below the ninth rank.

They can't even feel it, and can only absorb it passively. This will reduce the benefits of the ninth-tier powerhouse, so people who can do this are really rare. Of course, other people are not able to absorb the power of creation unlimitedly, at most they can absorb a little bit to fill in their own original deficiencies.

But this is enough, and the two sisters have no objection.

Not long after, Du You called everyone at home, including Du Yun and even Du You's parents who were roaming outside. Du You's parents now seem to realize the importance of strength.

Not to mention other people, even in terms of life span and energy, there are some improvements in comprehension that are very useful for research.

It's just that the foundation is not too strong, which caused the two people to upgrade with the help of Du You's forces from time to time over the years, but they were still stuck in the sixth rank and couldn't enter the seventh rank at all.

This time, Du You intends to use the method of filling the original source to allow his parents to enter the seventh step in the future.

After everyone came, Lin Yucha began to open up the world.

"It turns out that this is world development, it's really spectacular." Du Yun sighed.

Lin Yucha and Du You opened up the world differently. He shot an arrow directly, and the arrow drew a strange arc in the void, and then the powerful force tore the void open.

To create the world, the first is to feel this special line feeling, and the second is to have strong power. Generally speaking, it is impossible to do this before reaching the eighth level.

Although Aisha can do it, it is not easy to do it, and it will be very expensive.

The world opened up, and with Du You's experience, what to do next was very easy. Lin Yucha directly wrapped the new world with his own power, and after stabilizing, put the world's origin into it.

Inject your own strength to continuously strengthen the world. Because the original source is contaminated with magic gold poison, this world is very good at using toxins, and it also cultivates a powerful force with strong corrosive ability, which is also evolved. The most important thing is that the power system of this world is simply the nemesis of evil creatures.

As the world evolves, creative forces continue to spread out. Du You brought others to the edge of the world.

Under Lin Yucha's control, some leftovers merged into other people's bodies. Although they can't see anything, they can feel that they seem to have become stronger.

"My bottleneck seems to have loosened a lot. After I go back this time, I will definitely be able to advance to the eighth level." Li Mengyao said.

Xi Qianxue also said, "I also feel the same way. It seems that the improvement of the source is really good for us. Unfortunately, it will not absorb too much, I am afraid it is still difficult to enter the ninth level."

Two people have this feeling, it is basically impossible to enter the ninth rank.

Unless you can find a better way to make up for your shortcomings in the future, you can only stop there.

In another year, the evolution of the new world is complete. For the next thing, Du You threw it directly to Li Minglu, asking him to lead someone to deal with the control of the new world. Because of this, Li Minglu can get a chance to absorb a little creative force.

With this opportunity, Li Minglu, who was almost impossible to enter the seventh rank, finally had the possibility of advancing. For Du You gave himself this opportunity, Li Minglu was moved from his heart, no one else could do this step.

The second time, Lin Yushi opened up the world. Unlike her sister, Lin Yushi did not use arrows, but released a thunder. Thunder and lightning swept across the void, directly splitting the embryonic form of a new world.

Everything about the next is similar, the evolution of this world is exactly the same as Du You thought, almost all moving towards thunder and lightning. Moreover, it is also a positive attribute of thunder and lightning, which has strong restraint against evil creatures.

However, the royal family in this world cultivates a **** thunder and lightning, which is not only powerful in attack, but also has many special effects. In a sense, this kind of lightning is very similar to Hell Blood Demon Thunder.

Sure enough, the inherently stable world that is contaminated with a personal atmosphere has too much influence on the world itself.

In just two times, the creative power absorbed by others has reached its limit, and even if it continues to be distributed to them, there is no way to absorb it. So Du You could only arrange these people back to his own territory, and he continued to open up a new world here.

The same goes for Xiao Zi and Bubbles. Xiao Zi uses her own purple lightning. The bubbles do not use lightning and flames, but use the light bursting on the sharp corners to open up. The sharpness of this light is even more terrifying. A ray of light cut through the void, instantly opening a prototype of the world, and the bubble looked at Du You and the others proudly.


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