Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1849: Great harvest this time

"No, you can't continue like this, otherwise you will definitely die here."

Death is not terrible, and for the devil, death can be resurrected again. But it would be very dangerous to die in the hands of professionals. Who knows if this guy will be stronger if he is given a period of time.

Although demons are selfish, they are not without their brains. Once this guy grows up too strong in the future, and is looking for trouble in their abyss, isn't it necessary for people like himself to stand up?

No, even if the loss is huge, get rid of it. Thinking of this, the abyss demon began to change. The black energy on his body no longer spreads, but suddenly introverted and gathered towards his body.

Under Du You's incredible gaze, the body of the abyss demon suddenly enlarged and grew bigger and bigger.

This is not ordinary enlargement, nor is it a filling of power, Du You can feel that this is the body of the abyss demon. It is so big in itself, or the essence of the ontology is constantly getting bigger.

What's the situation? This increase is not a big increase for the Abyss Demon himself, but a smaller surrounding area.

This is much more powerful than your pets getting bigger and smaller. "Damn professional, go to death for me." The powerful force condensed on the two great swords, as if a depraved flame was burning.

Yi Jian cut towards Du You, and Du You felt tremendous pressure with that kind of power.

His own attack was directly hit by one sword and two stages, and his own attack fell on the opponent's body, and there was not much damage. That kind of enlarged body seemed to be covered with a special armor.

Facing the opponent's attack, Du You's Yuanli Shield finally did not block it again. A sword slashed over, and his original strength shield was smashed on the spot, and then the dark shield absorbed the remaining strength, and he was knocked back a long way, before stopping.

Bubbles and Xiao Zi were ready to come to rescue, but Du You directly stopped them.

"It turns out that it is like this. It is really interesting to use the power of the abyss to temporarily stimulate your own potential and explode even if you do harm to yourself. However, you also have a very big weakness like this, that is, the speed is slowed down."

That's right, after all, this is not the fighting power of the Abyss Demon itself. Although it has become much stronger, it also left a lot of hidden dangers for itself. The slowdown, not as fast as before, is the biggest problem.

"Hmph, even if the speed slows down, what can I do, my attack will definitely be hit."

That's right, at this time the attack of the abyss demon has added a special law, that is, it must be hit, and it is still with the power of the abyss. No matter how slow this kind of attack was, Du You couldn't avoid it.

You can only use the elemental shield and the dark shield to resist. Fortunately, his defense is strong, and although the opponent's attack is also good, it is still difficult to hurt himself. Since it can't be avoided, there is no need to dodge it. The opponent's defense is strong, as long as his attack is stronger than the opponent.

Du You directly released the energy-gathering ring, which was the first energy-gathering attack after he reached Tier 9.

The nine energy gathering rings appeared at the same time, forming a bright plane in front of Du You. Huge energy is accumulating quickly, but the abyss demon, who is slowing down now, can't evade this kind of attack at all.

Not to mention this attack speed, even with Du You's own locking ability, it is very difficult to avoid it.

In a hurry, the Abyss Demon quickly attacked, but Du You did not hesitate to spread his shield out, release it from a long distance, and forcibly blocked the opponent from a distance. Although the powerful vibration force made Du You a little uncomfortable, he could still bear it. Three seconds later, the shaped energy magic cannon had gathered a huge amount of power.

"Goodbye, Abyss Demon." Du You aimed the energy at the opponent, and a beam of light instantly released. It's a pity that the abyss demon couldn't react at all, so the head hit by the beam of light directly penetrated his forehead.

The huge original power directly eroded the entire body of the Abyss Demon, and the Abyss Demon was simply unable to resist. In the end, only a part of the soul was casually wrapped in the power of the abyss and left, and most of the souls and origins did not escape.

"It's a pity, let this guy run away a bit."

There was no way, the opponent had used the power of the abyss to bless him before, and the level of the power of the abyss was too high for Du You to resist at all. I could only watch some of the other's soul fragments leave, and I couldn't intercept them at all.

Moreover, Du You was also worried that it would attract the attention of the will of the abyss, it was not a joke.

In the end, Du You could only let the other party leave, but what was left was very good. This corpse, as well as this origin, is no problem whether it is used to create a guardian or to enhance one's own strength.

"The exclusive weapon of Tier Nine, it's time to make it." Du You said.

It used to be insufficient resources, but now it’s okay. That's right, after reaching the ninth rank, every professional can forge a piece of exclusive equipment of his own, even if he doesn't know the refining device.

If it is a god, you can reach the seventh rank, and their professionals have to reach the ninth rank. If you had your own exclusive equipment before, it would be very easy to destroy this guy. The devil has no exclusive equipment. These guys temper themselves, and their body is the best equipment, and no external force is needed.

Looking at the two sisters, the battle is still heating up. Arrows in the air were constantly crisscrossing, and the snake-shaped demon was poisoned all over.

Noting that Du You's side was over, the two sisters looked at each other and understood each other's meaning. Then, Lin Yushi's body flickered quickly and appeared around her constantly, powerful attacks were continuously released, as if a violent The opponent was suppressed for a while and looked up, but Lin Yu did not find Lin Yu The tea has disappeared.

The next moment, Lin Yucha suddenly appeared, and the spiral sniper in his hand had been shot.

The snake-like demon who reacted quickly flashed aside, and a shield-like thing gathered in his hand, obliquely blocking it in front of the arrow. Although it was slightly embarrassed, it was not injured.

But the next moment, he felt a huge threat in his heart. Before he could react, he found that his body was instantly cut into three pieces, and his strength continued to weaken, and he could no longer control it.

I didn't know when, a shadow demon appeared behind him, but the golden shadow demon had never seen it. Why is the power in this guy not a feeling at all with his own power.

Before thinking clearly, this guy's thinking fell into silence. "Finally solved, this time the gain is really not small."


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