Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1857: Expansion of the border

The reason why the front line is the front line is that there is often a battle here. They are here, also to prevent a ninth-order demon world, after all, the demon world is very aggressive.

Moreover, this world has reached the ninth rank, then it is very dangerous, and it also poses a certain threat to the earth.

The most important thing is that behind this world is the support of the abyss, so the danger is even greater. Du You's initial attack was able to attract five ninth-tier powerful existences, which would explain the problem.

It is precisely because of this that the earth has not moved this place, and dare not launch a decisive battle against it, because that would cause a great loss to himself. The earth has only existed for a short period of time and has insufficient background, and it is impossible to be as unscrupulous as the abyss.

Therefore, this place has always been a very important frontline area of ​​the earth, and there have always been ninth-level powerhouses coming to patrol.

But what I didn't expect was that this place was destroyed by Du You today. The ninth-order demon world in front was directly destroyed, and even the large channel connecting the abyss with it was solved.

It will not be easy for the devil to come over in the future, as long as some worlds that are used as passages are closed or destroyed, then this area will lose contact with the abyss. Finally, using the power of the earth to transform it, the earth can have a large area of ​​territory. And this area will only be an ordinary border in the future, not an important frontline area.

At that time, a large number of rank 8 and rank 7 powerhouses here will also be transferred to other frontline positions.

Du You used his actions to completely eliminate a battlefield. The result was similar to what they thought. The following commands and the guidance from the earth are indeed the same.

A large number of soldiers and professionals set off, passed through the world channels opened up one by one, entered other worlds, and cleaned up all the demons. With the unique abilities of the earth, it is very easy to find these demons.

Next, some of the worlds on the border that were passages for demons, these key points were directly destroyed.

It was still a few eighth-tier powerhouses who shot in person, and they also got a lot of resources when they shot. This time it was not a small gain. After these worlds were destroyed, the follow-up Abyss Demon did not continue to come over.

When you finish cleaning up these things, then there is no problem next.

Separate the control of the abyss, and then let people build a large number of territories here, and then control and transform these worlds. They are different from Du You, Du You sees a world that is not easy to transform, and directly destroys it.

But low-level professionals can adapt to any world, because any world is precious to them. The territory established here can also create demon units and become a demon territory.

Although it is also a demon, it still belongs to the earth. And the following long-term transformation has no effect on them, all they need is some low-level resources, and the troubled world is more suitable for them to improve.

This is a long process, during which Du You no longer needs to participate.

Next, the strong here were transferred away one by one and entered other worlds. In fact, Du You also received other people's messages that day and needed Du You to leave this place to change to a stationed location.

Speaking of them, they are also very helpless, because what Du You has done is really making them a headache.

Du You stayed at the first station for at least a while, and then occupied his world. Du You was even more exaggerated at this second location. It took just a long time to destroy the entire demon world.

At this time, they were a bit cruel to the abyss offended. Sure enough, in all major worlds, as long as there are abyss demons, those abyss demons will attack wildly when they see professionals. This should also be a reaction mode of the abyss.

But the benefits are not without it. One battlefield is destroyed, the earth's sphere of influence is expanded, and one dangerous place is reduced. The Earth professionals who were still under-strength now have a lot less manpower.

It's just that Du You didn't respond, because he is now in the critical period of improving his strength, how could he react at this time. A large amount of the original power has been absorbed, and Du You's understanding of his own laws is now constantly improving. Although the two sisters will be slower, but with sufficient resources, the speed will not be too slow.

Du You himself has no bottleneck at all, this feeling of no bottleneck is really great.

With the constant comprehension of the power of one's own laws, one's own origin began to grow again. I don't know when, Du You felt that his origin suddenly shook, and at this time, the origin strength had grown to a higher level.

Du Youfu reached his soul, knowing that his opportunity to upgrade had arrived. Sure enough, Du You, who took out the crystal coins, easily broke through the current level and reached level 85.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to advance to a level. But in the same way, every time you upgrade a level, your own strength will be greatly enhanced. The current Du You, even if he faced the five 9th-order demons independently at the time, he could easily keep them behind, and they couldn't escape any of them.

Speaking of it, if it weren't for a strong foundation and no bottleneck, this source wouldn't necessarily be able to raise one's level. Where is it that now, so many people absorb it together, and more than half of the original source is still left.

If you use it well, maybe your level can be improved by another level. However, there is still some uncertainty, after all, the resources required for each level upgrade will continue to increase.

"Don't worry about You continue to improve, and we will talk about it after you upgrade." Du You stopped, and the two sisters immediately opened their eyes.

After hearing Du You's order, the two of them closed their eyes again and continued to improve their strength. Du You completely ignored the urging from the outside world, and there was no big deal anyway. What matter was more important than improving himself.

As a result, it took Du You only a few months to destroy this place, but it took a year to improve his strength. Even if because of Du You's relationship, the two sisters still have no bottleneck, but they still don't have to improve so quickly.

After more than a year, the two sisters finally broke through to level 85, and then Bubble and Xiao Zi also broke through this level.

It's not that Bubble and Xiao Zi have poor talents, but that both of them are pets, so Du You gave fewer resources. After all, the talent is good, so don't waste so many resources.

After this promotion, there are still more than half of the world origins obtained before. But this amount, I'm afraid it's really not enough to make myself continue to raise a level.


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