Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1862: The temptation from the dragon

For a few years, nothing was discovered. Instead, the people within the dragon tribe were panic. Many tribes have been destroyed. As long as there is a little difference, they will be immediately suspected by the dragon.

Even some things that the dragon does usually do not notice, and will feel strange after discovering this time.

"It won't work anymore. Many ethnic groups in our world will have problems."

Indeed, the number of dragons is too small, and most of them like to sleep or do their own things, and they do not have enough control over the entire world. If the trouble continues, many commands in the future will not be so easy to convey.

If those ethnic groups violate the yang and yin, it is absolutely not good for the development of their dragon clan.

The Purple Scale Dragon God nodded slightly, but it was a pity that he did not dare to leave this world at all. Because he knew that once he left, he was definitely not Du You's opponent. If it is found, it is very likely that he will not come back.

Although he has his own means of resurrection in his own world, the **** knows how long it will take to resurrect and does not know if there will be any problems. Even if the resurrection is successful, it will take a long time to restore vision. In such a time, the world of the dragon clan is dangerous, and for the sake of the whole dragon clan, he can't take any risks.

After thinking about it, the Purple Scale Dragon God said, "Since the enemy hasn't revealed any flaws, let's take the initiative to look for flaws."

"Lord Dragon God, what do you mean?" The elder dragon underneath was a little unclear.

"Take the initiative. Anyway, we often take the initiative to attack. This time we just made it bigger. It just happened that some of the things that happened some time ago, you can also find this opportunity to divert everyone's attention."

"Do you take the initiative to attack? I understand, so how about the intensity of the attack this time."

"The biggest, except that I can't shoot, the other attack strength can be enlarged to the maximum. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, even that guy won't attack you directly."

Perhaps, the Purple Scale Dragon God thought in his heart. Although the dragon clan is powerful, that guy is obviously much better than himself. The most important thing is that they are not just themselves, but a large group of ninth orders. Even his summoned beasts can also display the strength of the pseudo-ninth rank. Maybe the strength of those summoned beasts is stronger than their own.

As for whether these guys die or not, there is no need to think about it for the time being, it's a big deal to compensate them later.

As a result, a vigorous and large-scale operation began once again within the dragon clan. All major ethnic groups have mobilized personnel to prepare for the offensive. At this time, their attention was really diverted.

It is not a good thing for them to keep being oppressed by the dragon clan and being killed by the dragon.

But if you directly attack other worlds outside, it would be honorable to die, so they are very active. Besides, attacking the outside world can give them a lot of benefits, which is of great significance for improving themselves.

They don't know the specific reason, but every time they attack the outside world, some dragon beasts will break through their own bloodline restrictions and advance into real dragons. This kind of dragon is a hybrid in the eyes of those dragon races, but in the eyes of their ordinary races, this is a broad road, even if it might die.

At this time, some of the original discordant voices disappeared suddenly. Sure enough, the dragons are the ones who know these sub-dragon tribes best.

The movement inside the dragon world, the professional side did not notice. Because they have been constantly cleaning up their own world during this period of time, they have not found Du You, but they have almost wiped out all the surveillance they left behind.

In this operation, although the remaining people were desperately sending out messages, it was a pity that they were discovered by the dragons who had been monitoring the surroundings before they had any action, and then they were wiped out.

Although there are humans in the dragon world, there are too few humans. Under the focus of monitoring, if you want to send the news back unconsciously, it is simply a dream.

When the dragon clan launched an attack, the professional side only woke up like a dream.

"Damn dragons, didn't they just fought a battle? They attacked again only a few years ago, and the scale is still such a large." Six front worlds were attacked by the dragon army at the same time.

With various dragon beasts and dragon people as the vanguard forces, they attacked forcibly. These guys are not demons. Their attacks are very orderly, so the advancing speed is unusually fast, and they are quickly removed without data points.

"I think it might be because of the excitement of the person above. I don't know what the person above did."

No way, Du You has never communicated with them since he came here, so everyone doesn't know what Du You is. They also didn't know what Du You had planned.

"Fiya, how have you communicated with the two adults recently? Have you noticed anything."

For Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi, because of their identities, they can only be called adults or Mianxia, ​​and no one dared to call them Mrs. There are only two of Du You's wives, and they don't come here often.

Feiya's delicate face was depressed for a while: "The communication is still pleasant, they are not the kind of people who are not easy to talk. But some important news is not revealed at all."

It seems that the two people are young, and Feiya still wants to use his own experience to talk about it, but because of the status of the other party, Feiya does not dare to go too far. But what he didn't expect was that these two were not easy.

Although they are young and seem a little immature in handling some things, these two people are too smart. When talking about some important things, the two of them will directly change the and they cooperate very well. It's not because of the two professionals who are connected with each other, Feiya's idiom ability can't be fully displayed.

"But one thing may be certain, that is, that adult really doesn't seem to be doing anything in the dragon world. Because of the things he did before, that adult thinks it seems unlikely to succeed in doing so."

"Impossible. If nothing was done, how could the dragons attack on a large scale."

"Could it be that they attacked because they didn't find anything? They might be like us, thinking that the adult must have done something." Everyone's eyes lit up, as if that was the case.

If you think that an enemy has a conspiracy, but find nothing, you will definitely try it out. So this attack is a test by the Dragon Clan. In this case, you might be able to figure it out.

But it is clear to understand, but this time the matter is still very serious.



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