Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1865: Was made into a show

"That's the case again, this time the impact is even greater." A group of people looked at each other, they were really speechless by Du Youzai's ability to make trouble. It used to be like this when Du You was still weak, but now that he has reached the peak, it is still like this.

"What to do, what should we do next, let it go."

"This time, I can't completely blame that person. After all, this time is a battlefield battle. It is only because it is more attractive that it attracts so many people. When there are more people watching, it will naturally be exposed, and it is impossible to hide it at all. "

This kind of similar videos are often found in many places, but most of them are not too important, and they are all local. There is no problem if it does not directly attract large-scale attention. But this time the war has aroused large-scale attention. People all over the world are watching, various videos are everywhere, and people are discussing it every day.

It is really a large-scale battlefield under Tier 7, and there are too many things to study and explain.

"You can't say that, after all, if you didn't have that person's charisma, it would not have developed so fast. Besides, this time, it seems that it was the person who caused it." Someone retorted.

At this moment, a voice rang: "I can't suppress it anyway, just let it go. This matter can also provide us with some work experience."

"Director, you are here." Everyone turned their heads and saw the arrival of their immediate boss.

"Well, there is no need to be restrained. This time, the order has been issued to hide the news of those strong people as much as possible. People like to see those that are closely related, and they like to see that they are about the same level as their own, so let them see. . Also, let those experts get active for me to explain these things."

Everyone's eyes brightened, and everyone understood the truth that blocking is worse than sparse. Just shift everyone's attention and don't focus on the strongest people and there is no problem. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to popularize with ordinary people.

After all, professionals have too many privileges, and many ordinary people who cannot become professionals are very dissatisfied. Now let them know a little bit, this kind of dissatisfaction will definitely be dispelled a lot.

Although it will make some timid guys give up becoming professionals or give up fighting, there are still some advantages between the pros and cons. As long as public opinion is well guided, there will be no problem.

"In addition, following this event, we will publicize the professionals, and then give the lower-level professionals some better treatment. Also, those semi-professionals, give them more job opportunities, and comprehensively enhance our strength." Now professionals The strength is rapidly expanding, making them feel that the follow-up personnel seem to be somewhat insufficient.

This kind of explosion of professional strength is still rare, but you should not miss it if you encounter it.

Then, the media from all over the country launched reports one after another. Each event on the battlefield was taken out and studied separately. Experts and professors gave lectures every day, and more famous professionals from all over the country were invited to come to explain.

All in all, this war was made into a show on the earth. It's the same not only on the earth side, but also on some other earth-subsidiary worlds. Everyone is paying attention to this kind of thing.

It was not the first time that it was possible to make a battlefield as a show, but it was the first time it was on such a large scale. When Du You knew it, he also felt a little surprised.

The reason Du You knew it was because Du You was on the battlefield that day.

Below, a group of people with long guns and short clubs surrounded a deputy commander below.

"Excuse me, what is the enemy like this time? Have you made a plan? What is the plan."

"Excuse me, what is your occupation and hobbies."

"This handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend? What kind of one do you like, hey, don't go."

Du You looked at these people with an inexplicable look in his eyes. "What's the situation? How come so many reporters suddenly appeared." Du You himself didn't expect such a thing to happen on the front lines of the battlefield.

If they continue to go deeper, they will be able to see where they made the dead. Of course, that place has a high degree of secrecy, and these guys won't be allowed to enter it casually, it would be fatal to break in.

"Master, don’t you know, this is something created on the other side of the earth. Our war has attracted too many people’s attention, and it’s now known to all. The Alliance simply made it into a lot of TV shows. Let the people see it enough, and it can also improve the image and treatment of professionals, and it is also helpful to eliminate the grievances of the people."

Resentment? Indeed, Du You still remembers it. After the original rule, those who failed, those who became semi-professionals, were full of envy and jealousy of themselves.

But some people who have been graduating for a while, people who have been in the society for a while, look at themselves with resentful eyes, but they dare not show anything.

Just like in some worlds, common people look at nobles and slaves look at slave owners.

There is no way, the difference in treatment is too big. Professionals have a high degree of freedom. They can do whatever they want, and they can afford to buy everything. When one person becomes a professional, the whole family is a classy person.

However, those who have not become professionals need to work hard every day, with few rest days. For the most serious ones, apart from eating and sleeping, only work is left, and there is no other time.

As an ordinary person, if you don't work, you have to pay huge taxes. Otherwise, they will face very dire consequences. If things go on like this, how can there be no grievances in the hearts of the people?

This war, let the people see that these professionals are struggling with their lives, it can indeed offset some grievances.

Forget it, what does this have to do with me. "Let them be free, as long as we don't shoot us."

Du You didn't want to be famous anymore. For Du You now, things like going on TV were of very low grade. But in fact, these people come with missions, those powerful beings, they don't want to shoot.

It was meant to divert a part of their attention. If they were asked to shoot those strong, wouldn't the cart before the horse be upside down?

Those who have been established as heroes and benchmarks on the battlefield are all below the seventh rank, and even the fifth and sixth ranks are rare. Often people from the third to the fourth level are more likely to become the target of these people's attention.

It can be said that the focus of the people's attention has been completely biased by these people.

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