Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1874: The power of Hades revealed

As time passed, Du You's breath became more and more complete. The outside world doesn't know what happened here, they are still paying attention to the dragon world.

As for finding Du You, isn't it normal? Du You has always liked to hide himself, many times they don't know where Du You is. In order to provocation before, it was only deliberately let them see.

The dragons are now completely ashamed, but they still dare not do anything.

Only at this time, another big thing happened. On the other line of defense of the earth, Ming Zun actually followed Du You's appearance and entered a world directly, and fought a war with the aboriginal people of the world.

Ming Zun did not have the same layout as Du You, this time he entered that world directly. That world is also very famous in the void, and it is one of the rare local worlds of beasts.

The celestial snakes that dominate the world are flying and huge snakes. The ancestor of the Sky Snake clan is also a rank 9 powerhouse, the world itself is the kind that is close to the top world, and there are also very powerful forces nearby.

Speaking of it, this time it was also the world that provoked Mingzun first. They deliberately used a world to directly smash the world barrier of Mingzun's world, and then a large number of heavenly snakes entered it and directly swallowed a large number of creatures inside. And the resources they need are absorbed in a brainstorm.

Taking advantage of Ming Zun's time to pay attention to the world of the dragon race, they all evacuated, shrinking into their own world.

Speaking of it, Ming Zun has been guarding the world on their side, but in fact he has a lot of hatred with them. It's just that Ming Zun usually has a lot of his own things to do, plus their strength is also good, so that they can always survive.

But I didn't expect them to be so bold this time. Of course, with this batch of resources, they might be able to train a new Tier Nine, no wonder they are so anxious to start.

But no one expected that Ming Zun would actually take a shot directly and personally enter the world of the heavenly snake.

The ancestor of the sky snake appeared directly in the void, with layers of dark clouds, which blocked the entire sky.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that Mingzun, who has been calm, would be so irritable and directly enter our world. Now you don't have to go back. The earth is developing too fast, and it's time to get some blows."

In this world, the Celestial Snake ancestor was blessed by the world, and his strength was barely able to enter the late stage of the ninth stage, so in his opinion, the Ming Zun entered this time is definitely coming to die.

Ming Zun said indifferently: "You said I've been very calm, why would I come in because of my temper."

Hearing this, coupled with the shadow that Hades had always left him, the ancestor of the sky snake instinctively felt something bad.

"No matter what, don't even think about going out when you come here anyway, here I have the strength of the late stage ninth stage, this strength is not what he can achieve." Thinking of this, the ancestor of the sky snake simply shot directly. "Hmph, pretend to be a fool, let me see if your mouth is so hard." The ancestor Sky Snake opened his mouth and spit out a terrifying poisonous mist.

At this time, Ming Zun also showed no weakness, and the dead aura was everywhere, and the poison began to erode each other.

Suddenly, a blue-black light radiated, directly hitting the body of the ancestor of the sky snake. A huge black spot appeared directly on the ancestor of the sky snake, which was still spreading continuously. This is the power of the law of death.

But this is the law of death that belongs to Mingzun's own unique law. Not only can the sky snake be unable to expel it for a while, but can only watch this death force continue to spread across his body, causing his own situation to get worse and worse.

Then, another light appeared, and another dark spot was created.

"No, your power, your power is definitely not the middle stage of the ninth stage, **** it, when have you reached the latter stage."

Looking at Ming Zun, the ancestor of the sky snake felt that the situation was not good. This is his own base camp, let alone reluctant to leave, even if he can leave, he will not be able to leave. Because after Hades entered, he has locked the world.

The power of the will of the world is locked in full force, and it is difficult for the other party to escape, not the same for himself. Unraveling is not something that can be done in a day or two. Oops, Hades must have thought of this a long time ago, so he was calculating himself.

As a result, Ming Zun didn't speak, let alone explain anything, just like this, the power of death was released.

The power of death entangled the ancestor of the sky snake like a big net, getting tighter and tighter.

In just two days, the Ancestor Sky Snake couldn't hold it anymore. Ming Zun is not like Du You, who will grind with each other little by little, as long as he does it, he will go all out. This guy is just blessed by world power.

Although his strength barely reached the late stage of the ninth stage, he had just entered, but he didn't know how long he had stayed at this level. With all his strength, the Celestial Snake Ancestor is no opponent at all.

Just insisted for two days, the ancestor of the sky snake couldn't stand it anymore. His skin was dry and lifeless, and his eyes were full of pale divine light.

Finally, when Ming Zun felt almost the same, the power of death turned into blades, and the ancestor of the sky snake was instantly cut into several pieces. Without the protection of the Celestial Snake Ancestor, the Celestial Snake World still doesn't need to exist.

Ming Zun directly sits in the town himself, sets up a territory, and the territory reaches the ninth rank in a few days, and then clears all the high-level heavenly snakes in this world. A new Tier 9 world was occupied in this way.

The strength displayed by Ming Zun shocked everyone again. Those guys who were envious and jealous of the Asian League have now closed their mouths. Facing the existence of a late stage even ordinary people know what this means.

Now, after all kinds of news spread, ordinary people are not as ignorant as before.

The other areas that had escaped very powerfully have now ceased.

The question of which Du You and Mingzun are strong and who is weak, which had been vying for a long time before, is no longer a routine. In the late stage of the ninth stage, that is completely another level, from the perspective of strength, how can he be stronger than Ming Zun.

"It's incredible. It turns out that Ming Zun has reached the late stage in these years. Poorly, we have never known it. We thought that the Ming Zun was only stronger in the middle stage of the ninth step."

"Yes, Pluto has never been very public. If no one provokes it, we probably won't know the previous strength. Speaking of which, Pluto is really a genius, and now we don't need to be afraid of anything on Earth."

With the late stage of the ninth stage, as long as it is not too unlucky, there will never be a problem with the earth plane.


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