Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1881: The overall strength has exploded again

Territory upgrades, as long as the conditions are met, it actually does not take much time. In just a few days, the two sisters have cleaned up the entire world. Those dragon masters either surrendered or were eliminated directly.

Of course, there are some who run faster and have already escaped from the dragon world, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

In short, without the support of the dragon world, then the dragon will no longer be the top race. Maybe their blood is very advanced, but that will only make them prey.

Just as Du You thought, when the dragon world was occupied for the first time, many people in the world who had not dared to deal with the dragons started to take action. Perhaps these places would not have attracted the attention of the dragon clan, but the power of the dragon clan at the beginning made them dare not mess around. But now it's different. The Dragon Clan is the best goal.

Apart from other things, the living dragons are very powerful weapons, and many of the world's top warriors have the dragon knight profession.

Even if it is a dead dragon clan, it can make all kinds of things from its body parts. It is one of the top materials. Even if only bones are left, they can still be used to make bone dragons.

The once powerful race has now become a treasure of activities in many worlds.

As long as there is news, a large number of dragon-slaying warriors will rush up and destroy the dragon.

Only professionals can do better, because professionals have always been bold and brave, and the dragons they encountered before can be eliminated and they will do it directly. It's really not so easy to find new ones nowadays.

After all, right now, the world of the dragons controlled by Du You and the surrounding worlds of the dragons have not yet opened up.

But many professionals have already geared up, and various preparations have been done. Although you cannot establish your own territory on this facade, there is no problem in establishing a base area yourself.

A few days later, in the dragon world, Du You's territory was upgraded to the ninth rank, and then the earth's will forcibly entered. This devastated world will, with almost no resistance, was completely swallowed in a few days, and the entire world became a part of the earth. This time, Du You's movements were much larger than before.

A top-level world plus countless subsidiary worlds around it. With such a world occupied, the earth's power has been expanded to a very strong point. Now the power of the earth is no longer secretly bottomed in the Tier 10 world.

The foundation of the earth has gradually enriched, and a new and powerful world is growing.

Similarly, many surrounding worlds also feel a strong threat to the expansion of the earth, and the earth will have a lot more opponents in the future. But none of this has much to do, as long as the strength is improved.

Next, before Du You let go of the world, the development of these worlds had already begun.

First of all, a large number of dragons were packaged and sent back, as well as large quantities of dragon eggs, dragon beasts, and some dragon people, and so on.

The dragon people are a good slave race, strong, not weak, and very loyal. Du You didn't intend to stay the guys who were loyal to the Dragon Clan. They sold them directly and were very popular.

With the supplement of the dragon people, the safety of many professionals on the planet is also guaranteed. After all, these dragon people, if they are absolute followers, are also very cost-effective.

As for the dragon beasts, whether they are used as pets or used for other things, they are good. A group of dragon beasts were sent to Capital University by Du You, specifically as targets for teaching in the college.

Students have living dragons and beasts to experiment with their own power, and it will be safer to enter other worlds in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is the dragons. The arrival of the Dragon Egg has once again elevated Du You's company reputation. Recently, the dragon pet has been very prosperous.

After all, the dragon is very talented and can be used forever. Such pets do not need to be replaced as long as they do not die. It's better, not even worse than Du You's unicorn.

Of course, the price is not low. Du You didn't plan to release it all at once, only part of it. But even so, the professional's strength is also frantically improving.

Professionals do not need to wait for the dragon to grow slowly, as long as they become their own pets, they can directly spawn with their own coins. One by one, adult dragon pets appeared in all the worlds. With the changeable abilities of professionals, the overall strength of professionals has once again increased, and this speed is getting faster and faster.

As for those living dragons, they must either be forced to enslaved and controlled, or killed to obtain materials, or simply turned into undead creatures. Those who are not strong enough are temporarily raised in captivity.

All in all, there were many dragons who resisted, but these did not end well.

This is a war between the world and the world, between races and races, and it cannot be resolved peacefully. It is impossible to stop this kind of thing without completely regaining one party or eliminating one party completely.

In this regard, Du You had no objection at all. Because of Du You's legendary experience, many professions such as spell masters and summoners have appeared in the new generation in recent years, especially the increase in summoners.

Everyone has seen that as long as the career moves in the right direction, the strength of the summoner is simply terrifying.

Although it may be different at the ninth level, there are a few who are confident that they can become the ninth level.

Now these dragons are the best materials. Even if it is a corpse, they can use their professional power to make it into their own summoned beast. There are too many occupations similar to Du You back then.

Another point is Du You's bloodline, everyone now knows that Du You chose the dragon bloodline.

Now that there are so many Dragon Race materials, how could professionals not like it. As long as they have the ability to create bloodlines, they are now choosing dragons. Even if the dragon cannot be exploded by hunting the dragon, there are special methods to create the dragon bloodline by collecting the essence and blood of many dragons. In short, since the occupation of the world, many professionals with dragon blood have appeared in the world.

Some senior members of the Dragon clan saw these conditions and felt the clan's continuous oppression and squeeze. Although they gritted their teeth, they could do nothing. Du You ironically wanted to completely control this world, and would not allow this world to resist.

With the suppression of several Tier 9 combat powers, the Dragon Clan, no matter how powerful it is, cannot be independent of the earth. It’s impossible to learn some worlds by themselves.

Didn't you see those giant dragons who resisted, one by one was wiped out by the two sisters and turned into cultivation materials. And also find the means of resurrection, it will never be resurrected.

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