Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1899: Impact after the cleaning

Facts have proved that the influence of the internal cleaning of Du You's company is not as simple as ordinary.

Because the people cleaned out this time are not only the moths who violated the company's regulations for their own benefit. After a large-scale inspection, many spies were also found.

Although for various reasons, everyone did not disclose the situation of these people, but after they were arrested, the people who sent them behind were a little frightened.

No way, Du You's strength is too strong. At the beginning, the company developed too fast. In order to expand quickly, it continued to recruit a large number of people. At each stage of development, a large number of external organizations will send in personnel.

And there are more and more such personnel, even in several alliances.

It can be said that as long as there are organizations and the world that are numbered on the earth and even the Earth Alliance as a whole, there are spies lurking in their own companies. Some have been exposed, but there are certainly some that have not been exposed.

Those who joined prematurely, because the strength of their organization is not strong enough, with the help of Du You's internal information, it can be said that they have developed well and have gained a lot of benefits. Now they are found out as spies, it is dangerous.

Many people started to run actively. Those low-ranking forces did not quietly move in, want to join Du You's company, or become a subsidiary company. Either it is trying to make up for it and eliminate the previous impact. Maybe Du You didn't care at all now, but they didn't dare not make their own attitude.

The larger organizations have also started their own various actions. Even a few alliances are having a lot of headaches now, and many staff members are suffering. But these things can't be suppressed at all.

There are too many insiders for such a large-scale operation, even the world with ordinary people knows it.

Then, Duyou's subordinate ordinary company also began a spontaneous cleaning. This is not Du You's order, nor is it an order of other people, they are just automatically cooperating with the head office's actions.

In fact, no one would really care about the company formed by these ordinary people.

Such a big impact is strange if everyone is not paying attention.

What Du You himself didn't expect was that other major organizations would not simply cease to exist because of the company's cleansing. Their respective internals have also begun to be constantly cleaned up, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

It is true that Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue did not expect that many of these spies who entered their company were actually double-faced or even multi-faceted spies. There is an identity on the surface, and there are more identities inside.

This organizational structure is enough to shoot a few wonderful spy films directly.

After the results were discovered, some people were sent back to their own organizations, but other organizations also found out. Once this kind of thing is exposed, it will be impossible to conceal it.

Finding that so many of their elites have been infiltrated into this way, it is strange that they don't clean up. And once the cleanup begins, the following problems will become more and more numerous, and the scale will become larger and larger.

Because of Du You's relationship, most of the world's large organizations have begun to join the ranks.

More and more people are being cleared out because there are too many people involved, and the five major leagues that are worried about causing too much turmoil can only take action in person to completely suppress the matter. Those who should have been punished have alleviated their punishment, or even just given warnings, and this has not caused too much turmoil in the world.

Of course, as for how they organize themselves to deal with it, there is no way. After all, some organizations are very strict, and they will kill all traitors and spies.

But at least it has been suppressed on the surface, secretly, no matter how they chase and kill, it has nothing to do with them.

And because there are too many people who have problems, they also have big problems inside, and this kind of chase is difficult to carry out. Therefore, in the end, with the exception of a few organizations, most of them are resolved by means of bribery and threats.

Even for dark organizations such as the Shadow Council and the Thieves Alliance, it was because there were too many traitors inside. In the end, they had no choice but to let these people go, and only selected a few serious pursuits to warn them.

Some people have even been re-absorbed back and continue to work for themselves. This kind of thing is really unexpected.

It is no wonder that although they are the largest organization in the dark world, they are also the most chaotic and the most alarming. Is there anything weird about being inserted inside?

Some funny organizations are even more interesting, and most of the top executives are actually people from other outside forces. If they are all driven away, then their organization will be dissolved directly. When they knew this kind of thing, they themselves couldn't laugh or cry.

As a result, these organizations either really disbanded and were absorbed by the major organizations, or they became subordinate organizations controlled by the major organizations, and after consulting with each other, they were divided up in the form of holdings.

There was a large-scale shuffle in the whole world, and Du You never expected that this time would cause such a big disturbance.

And because of social turmoil, the culprit this time, Tier 7 technological weapons, the distribution action has also become very fast. The distribution, which had not made any progress, was completed in less than a month.

Everyone gave in and forbeared. In the end, the Asian League won 30% and 50% was allocated by the other four alliances. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed by those powerful organizations and the world that can influence the alliance.

Next, there is internal distribution, which has nothing to do with the outside world.

That is, the five major leagues are still meeting because they are orthodox organizations.

The organization alliances and world alliances that they are cooperating with this time have great influence one by one, and their contribution is not small this time, so the allocation of shares also needs to be carried out.

If they can buy it out, they try their best to buy it out. After all, this share is continuous and it is not a one-shot deal.

As long as Du You keeps making things, they can keep getting them. Unless you can't afford it, you can transfer it to others. But for the Alliance, this wealth is nothing at all.

Du You didn't need too high-level resources. The resources traded were basically those below Tier 7, and Tier 7 didn't need many resources. They could completely regain them with these weapons, and the benefits would be even greater.

A large amount of wealth went out, in exchange for the seventh-order quality combat effectiveness, then they would need to reclaim the spent wealth. Major organizations have set their sights on the outside world.


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