Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1901: 1 large undead world

I don't know if it was to deal with Du You or to deal with the earth professionals. In short, many worlds around because of the aggressiveness of the earth slowly began to unite. Of course, this combination is conditional and very subtle.

Probably the content is that once they encounter an attack, they will send troops to unite with each other.

What level of force the earth dispatches, they dispatch the same level of force. At the same time, so many ninth-tier powerhouses are united together, so the powerhouses of the earth need to think carefully about moving them.

In fact, this is also a sign of weakness, after all, they need to unite to fight the earth.

Du You didn't care about their movements at all. After all, these had nothing to do with him.

The development of the company will naturally be dealt with by someone. All you have to do is to select the target, and then it will kill you with one hit. Even if these worlds are united, relying on their current strength, it is really easy to deal with them.

After all, these people can only get the blessing of world power in their own world, not in other worlds. And Du You could completely destroy one world after another.

It's just that, in that case, I'm afraid I will become everyone's public enemy.

There is no reason to destroy the high-level world everywhere, and many high-level world powers will definitely unite, and even force them to study some special secret methods, so that they will really lose out.

To deal with these worlds, you need a reason and a layout. And for different worlds, the conditions and methods required for locks are also different. Du You always believed in this.

Of course, their union is not completely useless, at least it has curbed the rapid expansion of the earth.

In many places, where a powerful world exists, the offensive of the earth has been blocked to a certain extent.

High-end combat power cannot be suppressed by quantity. Even if Du You sold a large amount of Tier 7 combat power, facing these powerhouses, he still needed more high-end powerhouses to be able to fight.

Especially near the world of dragons and giants, which is regarded as Du You's base camp by many worlds.

Because Du You has the strongest strength over there, and the movement made is also the biggest. So the joint team over there is more and stronger. In the same way, many companies regard it as their own territory.

Few other big forces have developed there. Even if the world is opened, they will only enter the open world to find opportunities, nothing more. And Du You's company focused its main energy around this place, spreading out through this place, and wanted to control more of the world. Originally, near Arran World, it was not so lively anymore.

With the surrounding world clinging to each other, it is not so easy to expand. Everyone is constantly fighting against each other, and the speed of occupying the world is not very fast, but it is not completely useless.

Under this kind of war, the speed of the professional's improvement is still very fast, although it is more dangerous.

Under tremendous pressure, the growth rate of professional combat effectiveness and combat experience is far beyond that of people in other worlds. The most important thing is that the more intense the battle, the easier it is to gain merit.

All this has nothing to do with Du You, Du You has now focused on another world.

On the huge star map, a new world was dotted in it, and Du You was looking at this place.

"Is this place our next goal? According to the information, this is an undead world, and it is also a top-level world. The number of Tier 9 undead creatures in it has reached ten, and each of them is not weak."

Du You nodded slightly: "It is indeed not weak. This world is taking the path of merging into the world. All the strong understand the laws of the world step by step, and then merge into the world. Although these ten undead cannot leave their world, and The Guardians are similar, but in their own world and around the world, they can display the combat effectiveness of the late stage ninth stage."

Lin Yucha frowned slightly when he heard Du You's words: "Master, although we are all late-stage, but we only have five. Even if the combat effectiveness is stronger, I am afraid that we will not be able to perform much if we are suppressed by the world power. Strength comes."

Du You also knew that if they were suppressed, it would be good for them to be able to be one-to-one. Du You himself was special and could only be one-to-two at most. But the remaining three are uncontestable situations.

"Indeed, you are right, but there is one thing we can arrange. Although the undead creatures in this world are powerful, they don't know what the outside world is like at all, because this world is very closed."

That's right, this world has completely concentrated their powers together, and these peak undead creatures have lost their own thoughts and are completely integrated with the world. Therefore, there is no consideration of external affairs at all.

The nature of the will of the world makes it impossible to cooperate or communicate with other wills of the world. The undead inside think that their own world is everything, and they don't know anything about the outside world.

"So they can't understand our methods. This is a good opportunity for us to lay out. As long as they cannibalize step by step, then let the earth will deal with the other's world will."

Du You's ideas are always so radical, full of young people's enthusiasm.

If it is someone else, seeing such a powerful world of undead, the first thing that comes to mind is not to interfere with each other. After all, that world is not aggressive at all.

This approach of directly integrating yourself into the world completely and In fact, most of the world does not. Although there are a few worlds, those who have thoughts rarely do this. Only these undead creatures are born without much brain thinking, so they can easily integrate themselves with the laws of the world.

However, in Du You's eyes, this is really great news.

Because this world is closed, it has never been discovered by anyone. Until now, close to this world, no professional accidentally broke into it. After investigation, the intelligence was sold to Du You.

However, Du You continued to investigate and discovered that the level of this world was very high. Some internal conditions were obtained at a considerable price. And this world is Du You's next goal.

After making the choice, Du You sent out the news as soon as possible to prevent others from robbing himself.

Of course, this news is only within the ninth rank professional, and other people don't know this.


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