Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1914: It seems that the abyss is really scared of being beaten

After Xiao Zi's attack power increased, Du You was surprised by the burst of power instantly.

If all the attack skills are attached to the claws, and the four claws attack at the same time, under the full force, the attack power that can be burst out even if Du You uses the energy-charging magic cannon to condense for a few seconds to be comparable. .

Among the Shunfa skills, I am afraid that only the passive attack of the guardian of the stars and the destruction of flames full of destructive power can be compared with the use of special techniques. This attack power is really terrifying.

Of course, this kind of attack power, Xiao Zi, can't be used a few times, after all, his own power is limited.

Every time you use it, it consumes too much, and if you use it several times, you can only let Du You help replenish your strength.

In this regard, Du You did not feel that there was anything wrong. Since reaching the ninth rank, many nirvana skills have no way to exert their effect. If it wasn't for your very strong nature, you would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

Whether it was the death finger of the Lich Emperor or the poison attack of the desert death god, these mortal abilities were unable to exert the mortal effect because the summoned beast's own abilities could not keep up.

Du You himself had the eyes of death, but he hadn't used it after the breakthrough, and he kept it as a killer. As for the specific power, Du You also didn't know.

But now Xiao Zi's full burst can be used as this kind of kill ability.

Once released, even a strong person of the same level, as long as they can't escape, most of them won't be able to retreat. Even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured. In the next battle, this ability may be able to exert a great effect.

"Now that we have completed the task, let's go home and relax."

It's been a long time since I saw his family, Du You was ready to go back and spend some time with him. This time, in order to successfully condense the weapons at one time, so he didn't go out, but Du You felt abnormally indebted.

With this feeling, Du You and the two sisters returned home and once again lived a leisurely life. At least on the surface, it doesn't count the files that you have to check every day.

At their level, it's impossible not to deal with many things. After all, it is because the earth has not yet reached the point where no one can deal with it without care, and the development of every world has a lot of troubles at the beginning.

However, these data did not show any special circumstances.

On the front line, it seems that there is really no need to worry, the abyss over there may be really afraid of being beaten this time.

Since I solved the fourteen 9th-order demons, although the offensive of the abyss has not weakened, the strong ones are basically invisible. There is no one at the eighth level, and there are fewer and fewer at the seventh level.

With such a long period of retreat, he finally couldn't even see the seventh-order ones.

For more than a year recently, not a single Tier 7 has appeared on the battlefield. You know, the battlefield here is not small, and it is densely covered with stars. In this case, the devil can't bear it, and it's impossible to say that it's not afraid.

Of course, this refers to demons above the seventh rank. Those below the seventh rank, there are too many, and they continue to attack every day. Contaminate the earth with his own flesh and blood and life, and constantly assimilate the world into a part of them.

Every day, people on their side spend a lot of time to purify. It is not enough to rely solely on the power of the earth. Some professionals with purification ability, with troops with purification ability, are busy on the battlefield every day.

Not to attack the enemy, but to clean up all the pollution.

Fortunately, this kind of cleaning is also a task, and after completion, there will be coins and equipment income.

"The abyss is still unwilling. This chaotic will doesn't know what he is doing. Without the urging of the abyss, it is impossible for so many abyss demons to rush over continuously." Lin Yucha said while looking at the information.

Du You nodded slightly: "That's right, but this is good, at least it can make our professionals continue to improve. Recently, the speed of the promotion of professionals in our company has not been slow." Du You has noticed this.

Several of them looked at each other and were very satisfied, especially Li Mengyao, who now controls the company. These are all my own credits.

Even other earth professionals are gradually attracted. Originally worried about danger, some people don't worry about it anymore. Is it safe on the battlefield? The enemy did not even appear at Tier 7.

As long as there is no such destructive force, most people can guarantee their own safety.

With so many soldiers as cannon fodder and shields, if you still don't choose such a good place, where you want to go. If you want to improve your strength, it is impossible not to bear any danger.

Most professionals do not have strong help behind them, and they can only rely on themselves.

However, there are still many people who are uneasy, worried that the devil will suddenly come back. No one knows what kind of thinking a creature this kind of devil is. The brains of these guys are originally different from normal people.

But in any case, more and more people are coming here. Similarly, front-line commanders are becoming more cautious. With so many professionals, if something goes wrong, the impact on the earth will be greater.

Because of the large-scale dispatch of demons on the abyss, there are a lot of materials related to demons on the earth side.

As a result, the prices of these materials began to drop continuously. The price of some skills related to demons is also falling. So recently, those professions related to demons, such as demon warlocks and demon summoners ~ ushered in the happiest moments.

But the price of those skills and items that restrain the devil is constantly rising.

Since there were no problems on the front line, Du You stopped paying attention. The group soon moved to live near the huge world of undead, and observed the situation here up close.

Du You won't make much movement here, and his plan is now very smooth.

If you are noticed by that world, you might lose everything if you don't worry about it. In such a big world, there are ten late-stage ninth-stage undead who can't escape. Du You said that this wealth is unwilling to give up.

There was no way to improve himself for the time being, and Du You didn't think he was an opponent of those guys, so the plan still had to continue. This time Du You is equivalent to taking care of two different battlefields, and this experience is also the first time.

But after getting used to it, Du You found that it didn't seem to be a big deal, and there was still nothing to do anyway. To say that things happen on both sides at the same time, this probability is too low.

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