Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1930: The invasion begins, 1 way deep

With the two sisters, Du You no longer said nothing this time, but informed everyone.

Even Du You called the people on the front line for a meeting. "This time I am going to take the initiative to attack, counterattack the abyss, let them realize that we are powerful. But the abyss is chaotic after all, so their counterattack is also possible."

Everyone's eyes widened. For so many years, no one has dared to take the initiative to attack the abyss.

Although Du You got a lot of benefits last time, it was the abyss to provoke him instead of attacking himself. Last time, Du You attacked a ninth-order world under the abyss, not the abyss itself.

Speaking of starting with the abyss, this is really not something worthy of publicity.

If it succeeds, it is a great victory, but basically no one thinks it will succeed.

"No, once the abyss is attacked, regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, the counterattack from the abyss will be very strong, and our side may not be able to stop it." The bottom of the abyss is not comparable to the new earth power.

Top powerhouses can use the power of the earth itself and are not afraid of the abyss. But these lower class people can't do it.

In the face of the chaotic opposition, Du You said indifferently: "Our action has been booked and we will set off today. I inform you that this is to prepare you. In addition, the forces we prepared in these worlds are also ready to defend. Up."

Du You didn't inform them before, there were always people whispering and crooked, now Du You took the initiative to say that there are still people who want to influence Du You's will. What kind of person is Du You? He is a rank 9 powerhouse, and he is currently the strongest on earth. These guys want to use the so-called public opinion to control themselves, that is too much thinking.

The strong are not only not to be humiliated, but also impossible to calculate and control.

Hearing Du You's overbearing and natural declaration, everyone closed their mouths. What can they say, those ninth orders did not say anything, their strongest is only the eighth order, and not all eighth orders have spoken.

Even if he opens his mouth more, but the strength is not enough, there is no way.

Du You nodded slightly, and he was also very satisfied with their appearance. "Very good, so let's go."

As he said, Du You flew towards the opposite side with someone, instantly tore open the space barrier, and entered the space turbulence. The others glanced at each other as if they wanted to say something, but in the end they couldn't say anything.

The commander was silent for a while, and then said: "There are already orders on it, so let's start preparing."

"But this is too arrogant, can't you discuss it with us."

Looking at this guy who is full of power, the commander snorted coldly: "Huh, strength is the honor. This is the jurisdiction under the dark lord's crown, and it is a word under the mian. What use is your words."

With that said, everyone no longer paid attention to this guy, but began to discuss the next defense issue.

The ninth-tier powerhouses are already models of stubbornly doing their own way. If they want to consider it, they will consider it themselves. If you don't think about it, there is no way. Except for the ninth-tier powerhouse, everyone else is not even qualified to comment.

Du You didn't know what happened afterwards. At this moment, he took the two sisters and flew all the way towards the abyss.

The closer you get to the abyss, even the Void Turbulence becomes a lot more chaotic, and there is a disgusting aura in it.

"I found the first world, only Tier 6." Soon, Lin Yucha spoke. This time the matter of path exploration was still handed over to Lin Yucha. Although Du You was not bad in perception, it was a bit worse in exploration.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't encounter a world above the eighth level, you don't need to pay attention to the others."

Du You looked at the map: "Although these ninth-tier worlds have records, they are too remote. Let's go a little deeper. As long as we don't touch the core area, there should be no problem." After thinking about it, Du You said again: "Also, Always pay attention to the mighty demons that may be hidden around you, they can do things like sneak attacks."

Demons are messy creatures, but they do all kinds of things very easily.

But all the way deep, everyone didn't see any powerful demons. They might have avoided it, after all, they didn't want to attack the place where Du You was. I didn't see so many Tier Nine going out, and none of them came back in the end.

I don't know how long it has passed before Du You discovered the first world of Tier 8.

Stepping forward, Du You crushed it easily. Anyway, the world of the abyss is difficult to save back. This kind of world, even if it is seen by other ninth orders, most of them will be destroyed.

If someone else destroys the high-level world, there will be a little hidden danger in itself, and it will take some time to eliminate it. But for Du You, it had no effect at all, because the biggest hidden danger was the power of destruction.

And this kind of power is exactly what Du You needs. Absorb it directly, even if the upper limit and strength cannot be increased, it will have no effect. Temporarily stored, Du You felt that this power would show its true effect sooner or later.

Even now, adding it to your own skills will greatly enhance the power of the skills.

But Du You always felt that the power of destruction and the power of creation might not be that simple, at least not as simple as it seems.

Just to enhance the power of one's own skills, this is too sorry for the powerful nature of these two powers.

With Du You's current strength, dealing with the world of Tier 8 was very easy. Just stretch out your hand to crush the entire world, and the essence inside appears in Du You's hands intact.

This is not a good place for refining, so Du You put it and waited until he went back to talk about it.

The devil inside, anyone who can escape has already escaped. Those who cannot escape are all destroyed with the destruction of the world. Those who barely enter the Void Turbulence will soon be eroded and wiped out, leaving no trace at all.

In this way, Du You and the two sisters slowly penetrated into the abyss. I have to say that the scope of the abyss is too big. Countless years of development, in terms of scope alone, the abyss is hundreds of times larger than the earth, or even larger. The world contained in it is even more unknown than the earth.

Had it not been for the abyss to make enemies and attack everywhere, the power of the earth would really be unable to resist them.

Not long after Du You set off, his whereabouts were known to the Tier 9 professionals. A touch of solemnity and worry flashed in Ming Zun's rare eyes, but he didn't say anything at this time. The powerhouses in other worlds are also paying attention to this place. Even if they dare not come in person, they must take a good look.

This is really bold, they want to see Du You meet here, or turn the abyss into a stepping stone.


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