Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1947: Don't be afraid of anything now

After Du You left, those who paid attention to this place have not left for a long time, and their consciousness has always been here.

"I am ready to take refuge in the earth, yes, it is not an alliance, but a direct refuge. The earth is really strong in all aspects, and people who want to come to us will have greater development after they become professionals."

A consciousness suddenly said, without moving to a secret place this time, he just spoke here.

You know, besides them, there are some people from the Earth Alliance and even Earth professionals who are paying attention here at this time. It is impossible to conceal the slightest words here.

"Is it worth it? Just take refuge, isn't it too expensive?" Someone raised objections.

"Isn't it just a name? Anyway, no matter whether it is a refuge or an alliance, the final result is the same. In name, I can maintain my autonomy. In fact."

Everyone is silent, yeah, it's just a matter of name. But at least, with this name, I can feel a little better. I took refuge directly, and then said that I was a servant.

"With that person's character and strength, do you think we have a chance to resist. If I am not mistaken, he has reached the peak of Tier Nine, which is already a legendary level."

Suddenly, another consciousness next to him said: "You are right. With that person’s character, this time is definitely not just for revenge. So many Tier 9 worlds are destroyed, and the source of the source, if it’s not for the people around me to improve. Breakthrough is for your own Consummation." Everyone was suddenly shocked, and they hadn't thought of this before.

Yes, Du You now has a lot of resources. He can cultivate his followers and pets to this level. Who knows if he can reach the peak. If it is reached, it will be several peaks.

Even if they were not good enough, Du You absorbed it himself, maybe he could continue to improve. Although it has reached the peak of Tier Nine, there is still a gap from the highest level of this level. If Du You hasn't reached the limit, he can continue to strengthen.

At that time, they were not opponents either. If the earth is really determined to expand, can they stop it?

No, it should be said that the earth will definitely expand. For any world, expansion and evolution itself are an instinct. And for the careers of the earth to develop, the bigger the land, the better.

Soon, the silent powerhouses withdrew their consciousness one by one. As for how to do it, it was up to them.

Du You didn't know this happened, even if he knew, Du You wouldn't care. What he wants to do now is to improve the strength of the two sisters. This time, Du You didn't hide it.

After all, I have reached the peak, and no one is afraid of it, so I have to weigh it.

So Du You personally took the place and directly started the two sisters to create a new world. Although some people are ready to move, but thinking of Du You's strength, everyone can only suppress it. Even if you want an alliance, you can't do it.

The alliance of the ninth-tier powerhouse, that is a series of questions, it is not just a sentence.

It takes a long time to connect in series to be able to coalesce enough people to solve a ninth-order peak. The arrangement in the middle also requires a lot of time and resources, and they simply can't do it now.

Although there were in ancient times, the arrangement of the trap did not know how much manpower and material resources were spent.

And in the end, their losses were very heavy, and the price they paid was too great in order not to let the ninth-tier pinnacle escape their trap. Now if you want to pay such a big price, everyone has to think about it.

Before Du You forced them to that extent, who would dare to mess around?

In the course of this entanglement, of course, some people started to connect. But it takes time. They just started to make a head start, and the world of the two sisters has basically stabilized.

A large amount of the creative power of the ninth world has been absorbed. These people probably don't know that the creative power of the ninth world is needed to break through the peak. After all, there are not many people who can reach the level of close to the peak.

As for the high-end advancement of professionals, everyone is even more unaware of it. So the two sisters absorbed the origin of a whole world, and finally reached the level of Consummation. He didn't say anything, just nodded to Du You, and then began to retreat.

The two sisters are different from Du You. After Du You's absorption is complete, he immediately advanced. But the two sisters can't do it. They still need a period of brewing and cultivation. This is the reason why their talents are not enough. If it weren't for Du You's strength to support, the two sisters would probably not be able to make this step today.

As the two retreat, Du You thought for a while, and let Xiao Zi and Bubble start to create their own world.

When other people saw this scene, they thought Du You was just trying to strengthen the experiment, and at the same time create several ninth-order worlds for himself. They even think that at this level, because the strength cannot continue to improve, resources and so on are no longer used. It’s better to use it to make the world than to keep it all the time.

In this way, some people who originally wanted to unite slowly relax.

Those who secretly dealt with Du You in series, the alliance began to shake, and it was even more difficult to cooperate.

Day by day, the two pets also absorbed all the creative power, and then they hid and began to retreat. The relationship between pets and Du You is not as close as an absolute follower, so it takes longer. Du You didn't care either, and left here as well, and the person who explained him began to develop these four newly born Tier 9 worlds.

Du You returned home and started a peaceful life, just as usual At most, sometimes, he took out his source to absorb and continue to improve his strength.

In this state, a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. The outside world was about to forget what Du You was doing before, and because of Du You's state, everyone was relieved of Du You.

No matter how strong the ant is, it cannot be hostile to the elephant. If the elephant does not move, then the ant will live with peace of mind. This is the current state.

However, on this day, the calm was broken. Two powerful forces burst out one after another, shaking the void.

Du You raised his head and said helplessly: "You can't even constrain your breath." Du You knew that his power had exceeded the limits of the two sisters and could not be controlled. This had surpassed the extremes of the two of them.

After all, this step was achieved with the help of one's own power, and as a result, one's own power could not be completely controlled. After the breakthrough, the momentum exploded. Although other people have let go, they have been paying attention to this place, and the first time perception of the aura has arrived.

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