Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1987: The essence of skill runes

In the dense forest, suddenly an arrow flew out of unknown place, directly hitting a sabertooth.

The arrow directly hit the gap in the bone and got into it. It's just that the sabertooth hasn't felt the pain yet, and is still walking forward. By the time he discovered that something was not right, the toxin had spread all over his body.

This is the case with dinosaurs, because they are so big that it often takes a long time for some pain to be felt.

Taking advantage of this weakness, Du You has easily killed many large dinosaurs.

That's right, this arrow came from Du You. Du You hides in the dark, smiling at the dead dinosaur, another goal is solved. It's a pity that the equipment awarded this time is not very good.

With the special bows and arrows he got in his hand, Du You was like a fish in the bushes. No matter what the target was, as long as Du You looked at it, he could easily solve it.

It's been two full days since I came into this world, and if you continue, Du You's body will no longer be able to hold it.

After all, it was only spiritual power. Although Du You could guarantee that he would not sleep, his body had to rest. It is not easy for an ordinary person's body to be able to fight for two days.

Even if it has been sneak attacks in secret all the time. "I knew this a long time ago, I should have exercised my body well at the beginning." Du You didn't exercise much because of his performance at the time.

Only by concentrating on cultivating spiritual power can the spiritual power be raised to the third level in just a few years.

You know, this is in the absence of any resources to help. If it weren't for Du You's strong body, it would not be easy to have this kind of mental power in such a short time.

Looking at the large number of tasks completed, Du You smiled: "A total of more than 50,000 points, not bad for a newcomer."

With that said, Du You directly submitted the task, and the whole person disappeared. Du You didn't know that others were already a genius among geniuses who could get more than a thousand points after spending the first mission.

Most people die in the first game, and then get the compensation points for the first game, which is two hundred points.

Only through these two hundred points to strengthen oneself can one's own strength be improved.

Of course, the most important thing is equipment. Only rewards or exchanged equipment can be brought into other worlds. What I bought on the earth is simply not worth it. With the special nature of this world, any equipment with special abilities cannot be slackened.

In addition to the clothes and decorations on the body, the group's belongings will also be left in place.

Back at home, Du You opened the dormant warehouse to see if the time really had only passed one minute.

Standing up and walking out, Du You began to communicate the will of the world. "The feeling of mechanization is very serious. Although the will of the world has thinking, if so many people have to communicate, it is really too busy."

Du You quickly adapted to this kind of communication. Although it could only be in his mind, it was not as intuitive as the panel, but it was still usable. It didn't take long for Du You to figure out what he could exchange.

"Very well, let's redeem a common skill first, just meditation." Du You thought for a while and exchanged a basic skill. In an instant, there was something more on his body, and then Du You began to concentrate on studying it.

"Sure enough, the essence of this thing really belongs to the will of the world."

Others may not be able to find out, but Du You himself is the highest existence of the ninth rank, how could he not find out.

There is a special rune in his body. Under the control of this rune, one's own spirit will operate automatically. As long as you stimulate yourself, meditation will automatically begin. There will be no special insights, and there will be no interference. They are all so stable. But the core of this rune is the power of the will of the world.

Once the world will want to deal with a person, there is no need to directly attack, as long as these rune cores are imprisoned.

All of their own skills can't be used, and they have a strength, and they probably won't even be able to mobilize them. Ninety-nine percent of all power will disappear. If the will of the world detonates the core of these skills, then this person is immortal and disabled.

"The will of the world controls the people of this world really strictly. It seems that power cannot be directly exchanged from this aspect."

Du You thought for a while and abandoned this method of gaining power. Even if it was just a body that he temporarily possessed, being so controlled or even destroyed by this world was not what Du You wanted to see.

With a move in his heart, this rune collapsed directly. But the next moment, a new rune appeared. It is very similar to the previous rune, except that it is more refined and the core power inside has also been changed.

"The rune that has been improved with the knowledge of the world itself should not be a taboo."

Du You was talking, but his tone was affirmative. After all, no one in this world has improved runes at all, and they are all controlled by the will of the world. No matter how strong the strength is, it can only be left to nothing. Even because of the special nature of the power rune, I am afraid that the general ninth-rank strongman can't even feel the existence of the rune. TV mobile terminal/

They don't know what their power comes from, as if they have exchanged it, they have it directly.

Therefore, the world has absolutely no intention of blocking in this respect.

"There really are things related to knowledge, um, there is still room for cultivation and the exchange of cultivation time. It seems that this world is not allowed to practice by It's just that most people don't have this idea."

This world does not have a systematic cultivation system, nor does it have that kind of consciousness. In everyone's opinion, it is not as fast as a direct exchange to spend time understanding and practicing. It is a bit too wasteful to spend on cultivation.

The final result is not as good as the exchange rate. But in Du You's opinion, it was different. Only through self-cultivation can you fully control your own power and get rid of the fate of the skill release device.

People in this world look more like instrumentalists of the will of the world, and Du You is very disgusted with their approach.

Looking at the points in his hand, Du You thought for a while, and simply bought a lot of skills and knowledge. The knowledge of this world is very unique, after all, there is no contact with the outside world.

Therefore, if Du You wants to fully exert his power, he still needs to study it carefully.

The whole night was spent in Du You's research. Of course, with the help of time exchange, in fact, Du You spent a lot of time this evening, at least a few months passed.

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