Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2031: The path Xiaobai chose

A few days later, the two people lay down in the dormant cabin under the farewell of many teachers and students. This is the dormant warehouse of the college for students. Of course, those in the graduating class can only use it for a while.

Because they will leave after graduation, or they will enter the society and find a way to find the dormant warehouse by themselves. Either it is to become an ordinary person, and in the future can only live as the bottom of the society.

"One minute, let's wait here for one minute, and the results will come out soon."

The dean of the college said, he himself was waiting here. In his opinion, these two are both the future of the academy, and the stronger their future, the better for the academy. With the development of communication in the city, there are more and more colleges, and the overall ranking makes them even more inconspicuous. They must work hard.

If the ranking of the college cannot be improved, then the future of the college can be imagined.

On the other side, after Du You entered, he continued his own affairs and arrived in a new seventh-order world. Du You directly contacted the other clones who came to this world, and began to control the world.

As for the other side, Xiao Bai has really started his first adventure in the Outland World.

If Du You were here, you would find that the monster Xiaobai encountered for the first time was the same as the monster he encountered for the first time. They were all goblins. A group of goblins was surrounding Xiao Bai at this time.

But Xiao Bai's strength is not simple, facing the goblin arrows and blowing shears and other long-range attack weapons, easily avoiding, and then approaching. With a wooden stick that he picked up, it hit the goblin's head fiercely.

The special method of force exerts no damage to the stick itself, and the goblin's head does not seem to have any effect. But the internal brain was cracked due to the shock. The current Xiao Bai couldn't achieve the point where he could smash the inner brain into pieces through the skull. But in this part of the brain, cracks are the same result.

A crack appeared, the goblin died, and the spoils in front of him were easily cleaned up.

Then Xiaobai looked at the points he had got, communicated with the will of the world, and started looking for something to exchange.

Because of Du You's words, Xiaobai didn't look at the skills that directly enhance strength and the exchange of directly enhanced abilities, but instead looked at the methods of cultivation, which are all in a system.

It's just that these secret methods consume too much time and points, so few people will choose. Even if someone chooses, they will either give up in the end or combine them with other skills that can be directly exchanged.

Although the points are not enough now, it does not prevent Xiaobai from making choices.

"Du You's choice is mage and summoning, then I will choose warrior and summoning."

Xiaobai remembered that when he asked Du You's choice later, Du You told himself that he had chosen the route of the mage. The element mage plus the beast-type summoning, used the summoning object to protect himself.

But how could those summons compare to me? In addition, I have always practiced the method of physical exercise. Xiaobai habitually chose to continue to increase his physical strength, so he chose the route of a fighter.

As for the summoning, it is to improve one's adaptability in certain situations. After all, the adaptability of fighters is relatively poor, and sometimes it is not effective. So Xiaobai chose the summoning of the element type.

It happened to complement Du You's abilities, Xiao Bai thought with joy in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Xiaobai began to organize his trophies. Xiao Bai's hands-on ability is not as strong as Du You, and there is no way to make bows and arrows out of thin air. Besides, Xiao Bai's bow and arrows level is not high.

Fortunately, before coming in, Du You had also trained Xiao Bai in this respect. So Xiao Bai packed up the weapons of the goblin, then chose a wooden stick, dealt with it in a simple way, and made it into a spear. For a long time, Xiaobai has practiced a fighting method that mixes stick and marksmanship.

The manufacture of this weapon is also relatively simple, as long as the tools and materials are available. At this time Xiaobai had good luck. This goblin didn't know where he got a good quality dagger, which happened to be usable.

With weapons, Xiaobai looked at his own missions, various hunting missions, and now there are a lot of goblins and beasts in the forest, which is very suitable for his actions.

So Xiaobai immediately dispatched, jumped up, reached the tree, and moved back and forth between the branches. Xiao Bai, who has reached the second order, can do this incredible movement in the eyes of ordinary people is very simple.

It didn't take long for Xiaobai to meet his own goal, relying on his strength to hunt them down one by one, collecting points very quickly.

This speed is faster than when Du You entered the Outer World for the first time. After all, Du You was hiding his strength at that time, and Xiao Bai didn't use it, and directly showed his strength.

The points are obtained, and various exchanges have begun. Exchange the cultivation method, and then exchange the resources, plus still need time to replenish, Xiao Bai's promotion is very expensive. Most people can't hold it, but Xiaobai is different. With her own strength and skills, she can collect very fast, and gradually a foundation has been laid.

On the fifth day, Xiaobai summoned his summon for the first time. It was a wolf-like creature made of cold ice, and the ice thorns on his body looked like a hedgehog. Although not very strong among elemental creatures, it is enough for myself.

"Ice Thorn It's up to you next." Xiaobai said cautiously, but this elemental creature didn't have any thoughts, just stayed quietly. After discovering that he could easily control it, Xiao Bai began his next hunting plan.

If you are seen by other summoners, you will definitely be surprised. They can directly exchange skills to learn the ability to summon in a short time, but it is not easy to want such free control.

Most people tend to have much higher levels than they are now to be able to easily control general elemental summons.

This is the difference between self-cultivation and direct exchange. Those guys who directly exchange skills can never imagine the extent to which those who gain strength through their own practice can exert their strength.

At the same time, Xiao Bai also exchanged his grudge training skills. The spear in his hand pierced out, with a little white halo, and the power and speed he exerted was far beyond the previous ones.

After hunting in the forest for a few days, Xiao Bai finally walked out on this day and saw the outside world. Opposite oneself, that is the outline of a city, next, oneself has to enter the city to do quests.

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