Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2060: The crisis of Bai Zimo

It wasn't until the next day, when the three people woke up, that they came out. I haven't seen it for a long time. The two sisters kept talking as if they could not finish talking, but they forgot the time.

Until that afternoon, Xiaobai found Du You's home because Du You had not come out.

When Du You received the call from the guard, he patted his head annoyedly: "Oh, I forgot Xiaobai."

"Xiaobai? Master, do you have a pet?" The name Xiaobai is really not a person's name.

"No, no, it was a classmate of mine who had a good relationship with my body's predecessor. Later, I cultivated it a little bit." Du You didn't explain much, but there was a flash of curiosity in the eyes of the two sisters.

"It shouldn't be a male classmate, otherwise the master won't have such a good mood to keep training."

In fact, the two sisters still have some understanding of Du You's personality, and he has no patience with men at all. If it is a woman, is there another person in the family?

The two sisters didn't feel annoyed, and even the two of them wanted a few more at home. On the one hand, no one can threaten one's status, and on the other hand, the owner should have a descendant.

The level of life is getting higher and higher, and there has been no offspring. It is always a pity.

It didn't take long for Xiaobai to appear in front of Du You. The two sisters looked at Xiao Bai curiously, and Xiao Bai looked at the two people in a daze, and had never seen these two people appear next to Du You.

"Hello, you are Xiaobai, I heard the master mentioned you. You are so beautiful, you are very suitable to come to our house."

The two of them had no scruples, even though Du You had said it, the two of them still used the title of master. Of course, what other people think is up to them.

Besides, as Du You was a "rank 5", it seemed normal to buy a few servants, and there was nothing strange.

Such servants are also very popular in this world. After all, they can be protected by the strong and don't have to go to work.

However, they are generally people with a certain level of strength. They can buy some ordinary people to serve as servants and give them some extra shelter. This kind of direct use of adventurers as servants is rare.

Of course, with Du You's potential and talent, this situation is not surprising.

Just because the appearance of the two sisters is not worse than that of herself, Xiaobai instinctively pays attention to the two people, um, the body is also very good. It seems that the relationship with Du You is also good, Xiao Bai didn't know why, and suddenly there was a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Hello, I, my name is Bai Zimo, I am Du You's classmate. Also, it is still very good, very good friend."

Although Xiaobai plucked up the courage to speak, but in the end he was getting weaker and weaker. This kind of personality made people feel like they wanted to be bullied, and the two sisters suddenly felt a little funny.

No wonder Du Youhui has been helping this person. Everyone who sees this character wants to protect it.

Of course, whether there is any idea of ​​wanting to bully, that is another matter.

However, with the two sisters' personalities and the abilities that they trained, they soon became one with Bai Zimo when he catered to them.

"Sister, your name is very nice, can you tell me what you and the master do in the ordinary time." When they got acquainted, the two sisters began to inquire. Du You rolled his eyes, as for?

But it doesn't matter, the contact between himself and Bai Zimo is just training. But what Du You obviously didn't expect was that what Bai Zimo thought in his heart was obviously not the same as what Du You thought.

So soon the eyes of the two sisters became ambiguous.

The next day, Du You took the two sisters to school, because the two sisters directly went through the procedures for transferring students. I really don’t know why I have to come to school because I’m here.

In fact, even Du You rarely returns to school in order to avoid trouble.

"Look, isn't that Du You? Who are the two people next to him?"

"That's Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi. I heard that they are transfer students. They are so beautiful. They are no worse than Bai Zimo."

"That's it, and it's still twins. If you can get it, it will be double satisfaction."

"Shut your mouth. Didn't you see that the two of them were following Du You. I heard that these were servants purchased by Du You. The two of them have always been called Master Du You."

A person next to him said disdainfully: "What I bought, I found out that it was voluntary."

"No, it is said that these two are already adventurers, how could they volunteer to serve as servants."

"I don't know, there may be other reasons. But with Du You's identity and potential, is it weird to have adventurers willing to serve as servants. Following Du You, it should be easier to clean up tasks."

All in all, the two sisters just came to school and caused a huge sensation.

Instead, it was Xiao Bai next to him, who looked a little pitiful.

"Xiaobai is so pitiful, he is not an opponent at all. It is also two-to-one, and the relationship is closer, and it is normal to be left out." Some people don't know what they are thinking.

"If Du You doesn't want it, I can too."

"Where you go, you are not even an adventurer." Xiaobai also has a fan group. Although he is not as strong as Du You, he is not an ordinary person after all, and ordinary people can't match it.

They didn't know that Xiaobai had reached Tier 4, but even Tier 3 was not something ordinary people could catch up with.

"Xiao Bai is so pitiful, this time I met a rival, or two at once. No, we have to support Bai Zimo classmates." This is a female fan of Bai The name Xiaobai is often called by Du You, so they sometimes call it that way internally. This kind of name has been used for a long time, but it has some habits and does not have any insulting meaning.

At this moment, Bai Zimo was dumbfounded, how could things develop like this. Bai Zimo didn't seem to understand what he was going to do and what he should do. Can only be pulled around by the two sisters, like a marionette.

However, the procedures for the two sisters are also simple, after all, they are all adventurers. Such people joining the academy will greatly help the reputation of the academy.

When everything was done, the four people left directly, leaving only a chattering voice.

"I don't know if Bai Zimo can fight the two newcomers, do we want to make a move?"

"Sure. Let's go to Classmate Bai's house and wait. When she comes back, we will be like this."


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