Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2066: Why is there no guild?

With a "bang", a dormant bin was pushed aside from the inside.

"What are you doing, why are you so angry? Did you die? No, you are obviously pretty good." The person next to him looked at the person who just came out with a strange expression. The two people knew each other.

In other words, they are all in the same guild. Today, because of something, this person came a little late, but I didn't expect to see a colleague appear so angry when he just came here.

Although you can enter at a fixed time each month, everyone is one minute, so it is often staggered. Unless you enter the territory where your guild controls the world, the time there is related to the local world.

"No need to go in, our guild, our guild is gone."

"What are you talking about? You must be joking with me." The person just now looked incredulous.

The guy who came out looked at his friend, and a flash of depression and anger flashed in his eyes: "If you don't believe it, feel it for yourself, you can't feel it in the guild list anymore."

The visitor felt surprised on his face, but his face changed in the next moment. That's right, the guild list is gone. In addition to leaving the guild, there is only one situation that will become like this.

"How come, what is the president doing, why did it happen like this."

"Don't think about it, the guild leader is dead, dead in the hands of the enemy. Just now, our guild was completely wiped out, and all those who entered were not left. I heard that the plane we controlled was also destroyed. I didn't control the world in the guild, so I didn't die this time, but I will soon see others come out."

Looking at the other dormant warehouses around, this is their meeting place, and everyone comes out of the same place.

Sure enough, after waiting for a short time, I saw these people come out one by one, but they were all downcast.

"What are you doing? What are you stopping me for? My last chance of death is gone. I will soon become an ordinary person. Are you still stopping me?"

"Huh, do ordinary people talk to us in this way? Tell us what happened."

He's about to become ordinary people, and he's still showing off his power in this place, looking for death.

"You are asking for it yourself. I haven't become an ordinary person. I can still drag you to die together."

There seemed to be no hope for the visitor, and he did not wait for the other party to say anything, but he made a direct shot. Yes, although the last chance to die has been lost, there is time for the will of the world to collect its own power.

This time often lasts from a few days to a few months. Now his strength is still unaffected. This shot is completely different. The surrounding aftermath spreads and directly affects a large area.

The few people on the opposite side can only be forced to fight back, otherwise they will be killed on the spot.

But these few people just fought back, and they knew they were hit. Sure enough, the man did not continue to attack, but laughed loudly in the same place. After a while, a few rays of light fell in the air instantly.

A few people vaporized all at once. "Damn lunatic." This is the last words left by those few people.

Without a special identity, it violated the rule that the will of the world is not allowed to shoot in the local world. As a result, the will of the world was directly punished and all these people were wiped out.

A person who feels that there is no hope in the future and does not want to become a slave to work day and night, dragging a few hapless guys to death together. Although such things are rare, they are not absolutely uncommon.

I can only blame those guys for being too arrogant, and for being too mindless. I don't have to be arrogant in ordinary times, and I can still do this for people who have no future. I really want to die by myself.

But this also made other people feel grief, and a few colleagues disappeared in front of them like this, making everyone feel sad. They don't know what to do next.

"Can anyone explain what happened." Finally, someone spoke.

But this time, no one dared to do compulsive things. After all, even the person who lost the last chance to die, now has the same powerful power, and can drag other people to **** together.

Everyone looked at each other, and the last person who reached Tier 6 said: "It's the Shadow Guild, no, it should be the Dark Night Guild, a branch of the Shadow Guild. They raided our guild headquarters."

This is from the headquarters, and many others are from other branch worlds, or simply from the world without control. Some encountered enemies in other worlds and were killed.

During the guild wars, many people often got red eyes and didn't care where they were.

If the strength is not as good as that of the opponent, it can only be so, and if someone is killed, I can only blame myself for bad luck.

As he said, everyone finally gradually understood some of the reasons. The eighth-tier guild leader died, and the eighth and seventh-tiers in the guild were completely destroyed. Their death is really dead, it is impossible to resurrect.

Without these people, the guild would be completely finished. And the worlds controlled by their guild were also destroyed one by one by the other party. They didn't know if these worlds were occupied by the other party, but they were all the same.

"So, where should we go." Finally someone spoke again.

"What else, wait here, maybe new forces will rise in the future."

"I think we should join the Dark Night Guild. Since their guild is so strong, joining in is a great benefit to us." Some people feel that we should do this.

But immediately someone scolded: "You do you think of a betrayal that way?"

"Hmph, the guild is gone, this is not a mutiny at all. In other words, you still want to fight against others."

It's just a mere person, fighting against a powerful guild, isn't this looking for death? You know, their guild now has no one strong, and it is really against the past, that is, the egg hit the stone.

Even if everyone doesn't want to be infamy, no one wants to die. Looking at the few members with good strength, none of them uttered a word, but communicated with each other with their eyes.

Gradually, everyone is looking at them, wanting to see what their choices are.

As long as their choice is determined, many people will follow. Outside, the members of the guild knew what was happening here, so they gradually gathered. The entire street is a member of their guild, but it is currently on the verge of disbanding.


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