Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2073: It's time to split again

All in all, the enemy's strong men were chased by these desperate guys all the way, and even frightened by the play of life for injury.

Under the hustle and bustle, there were more casualties on his side. In the end, one by one the strong were annihilated, and even attracted the attention of the will of the world. However, the world will only has some ignorant consciousness after all.

From the perspective of world consciousness, these people were the first to provoked this war. If they lost it, they deserved it. There was no problem with the whole incident and there was no need to punish anyone.

At this time, Du You also discovered the concern of the will of the world. "It turns out that if too many powerful people die in a short period of time, will they also attract the attention of the world will. Also, for the world will, these powerful people are also powers under their own control." Du You silently said in his heart. Think of it, and then begin to analyze all the possibilities.

"All future killings should be staggered. Don't die too much in a short period of time, at least a few days apart. Even if it's just the time of the outer world, the world will can have an explanation."

Lin Yucha reminded, Du You nodded. "What you said is correct, it should be staggered. This battle was united by them, so the fault is on their side, but it will be different when we start it ourselves."

At this point in the war, it has entered garbage time, and it is also a harvest time.

Next, there are almost no events worthy of special mention. Basically, they are constantly chasing and killing, then destroying the world, the world re-enters the cycle, and then locks the world coordinates. Finally, when the opponent's world re-evolves, he directly enters it to control it, connects his own world, and finally forms a brand new world.

The nature of the world is constantly improving, and the quality of the association is also constantly improving.

But after a round of continuous expansion, Du You found that things seemed a little different from what he thought.

"The surrounding forces are still strong, and they seem to be stronger. But our guild is too strong, so it will definitely attract their attention. If they unite, we may not be opponents for the time being."

With the expansion, the scope became larger and larger, and the different urban agglomerations came into contact with more and more powerful forces around them.

Judging from some data, among these forces, there are even some suspected Tier 9 powerhouses. Du You didn't know the specific matter, after all, the ninth-tier powerhouse rarely shot, and no one dared to be really sure.

But Du You was certain that when their guild was facing life and death, if there was a rank nine, it would definitely appear.

However, the sphere of influence of our own union is much stronger than them, and the lack of top-level powerhouses is not good if conflicts arise. Who knows what the so-called standard of life and death is in the hearts of those ninth-tier powerhouses.

Du You didn't know it well, so naturally he couldn't mess around. After thinking about it, Du You said, "It seems that a new round of division is about to begin."

"Do you want to split, so that no one will find that something is wrong."

"There must be someone who can find it, but there are too few discoveries, and the flow of information in this world is inconvenient. If a few people say that, who wants to believe it." Yes, it is not whether they will believe it, but whether they are willing to believe it.

No one wants to believe that these divided guilds are actually still one and still have a leadership.

Because that is too threatening to them, people always like to think about what is good for them.

Besides, even if it is considered intellectually, since it has been divided, and he still has such a strong strength and influence, why should he listen to other people's orders. This is totally unreasonable, and rights are not so easy for people to let go.

If considered under normal circumstances, this is of course no problem. But in fact this situation is not normal. Because all the strong are clones, and even when most of the people in the guild are clones, anything is possible.

Since they are all clones, how can the leadership change unless the clones become independent.

However, Du You's strength is too strong, coupled with the fact that he has always been in contact with the clone, it is almost impossible for the clone to defect.

"Let's not talk about the division, at least we have to finish the things in front of us. Occupy these worlds, and then split the foundation of a few more top guilds."

"Sister, don't you always help the master to make suggestions, our own guild will also develop."

That's right, the seed guild that the two people established at the beginning, although the development is also good, but because the two people have not been there, it is far behind Du You's guild.

Although Du You did not develop a new guild near them, they are now in a state of bottleneck.

"What can I do? The strength of the guild comes from the strength of the top powers. Now there are only two seventh tiers on our side, or we have spawned them by special means. Other people are too slow to improve. ."

Too good quality of clones is also a problem, and it is difficult to use special methods to promote the birth.

"Sister, do you think of a solution? Master, can you tell me too."

Du You had a headache, but Du You was unwilling to just refuse the general request of the two sisters. After thinking for a while, Du You suddenly said, "The only way is to let my clone enter your guild to help it develop."

This also has an advantage. The guild develops faster, and the clones of the two sisters can also get more resources to improve themselves. In any case, the clones controlled by the two sisters are indeed much better in quality than their own.

Maybe it's possible that the nine levels of fighting in the future will be handed over to them.

"Then it's Lin Yushi shouted happily. As for Du You's clone entering this kind of thing, the two of them didn't care at all. Everything about them belongs to the master, as long as the master is happy Enough.

Lin Yucha shook her head and did not object, it was indeed a good idea. After Du You's clone joins, the guild will develop faster. For some future things, it will be easier to proceed.

In all major worlds, the layout of the altar is now accelerating. Just because there are too many low-level worlds, it is not easy to control these worlds completely.

And the world after control, adventurers have no way to enter, then they will have to find a way to completely open these worlds. Otherwise, there is no place for low-level adventurers to go, and the will of the world will definitely notice.

So next, it is urgent to communicate with the will of the world and formulate new rules.



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