Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2082: The transformation method of elemental creatures

This course seems to be unable to listen to it, it is incompatible with Du You's thinking, and even different from what the local world thinks. After all, this is just a weird world, and it seems that it has not been discovered by others.

Even people in the local world would not want to transform themselves into elemental creatures, so how much fun would be lost.

"Master, I saw a big library over there before, so why don't we go there and have a look."

Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed in a direction, and Du You saw that there was a tall tower there, and the quality of the library should be good. "Okay, let's go and take a look." Among the cities, the strongest is only one Tier 7.

Du You had already felt that the power of the people in this world was too crude, and he didn't know how to control his own power. Du You could clearly feel it all at once, but the other party could not see his own situation.

Then, Du You and others came to the vicinity of the tower.

"There is an enchantment, no, this is used to detect the power of high-concentration elements. In other words, will only the passage of elemental creatures cause vigilance." Du You somewhat understood the development of this world.

It seems that apart from elemental transformation, there is basically no other way to use power.

Simply converge one's own power directly, and walk over in the flesh, and you can avoid this kind of detection without any other means. Three people entered it easily, and there were not many people in the library, but the quality of the books was good.

"There is no monitoring method." Lin Yucha sensed it and said.

"Normal. It's a miracle to be able to use the barrier with this rough method of use. Those flexible methods can't appear in their hands. First look for some information on the historical development of this world."

While talking, Du You began to look around. The three people dispersed, and it didn't take long for Lin Yushi to say: "Master, I found the information."

"Give me, let me see what's going on." Du You took the book from Lin Yushi's hand, and then looked through it. On both sides, the two sisters also came over and read the contents of the book with Du You.

In fact, just like Du You thought, if they develop normally, people in this world will gradually discover the ability to control the elements. At that time, whether it is a mage or an elemental type of fighting spirit, they can all be cultivated.

But when the world originated, it suddenly turned a corner. I don't know whether it was the will of the world in the local world deliberately, or it was a special mutation in the evolutionary world.

When the humans in this world were primitive humans, their ancestors went out once and suddenly saw a special creature. This creature is not an ordinary creature, nor is it an elemental creature, but a semi-elemental creature.

It is a creature whose whole body has become an element in half, and the other half remains normal. Although this creature was a beast, it was able to fight against some elemental creatures, which gave hope to humans who were struggling to survive at the time.

Since beasts can mutate in this way, can they also?

I have to say that the elementary rules of this world are relatively rough, which makes it very easy to transform at the beginning.

These humans were also crazy enough, exhausted their methods, captured the half-element creatures, and sacrificed many people for this. But for them, all this is worth it.

After their research, they finally discovered a special elemental spring water. This kind of creature can only mutate by drinking this kind of water. With this elemental spring water, organisms can communicate with the elements and guide them to themselves. Then they imitated this biological method, using elements to merge with their own flesh and blood, gradually transforming themselves.

This is the origin of the original elemental transformation secret method. In order to gain control of the elemental spring water, humans at the time fought fierce battles with those semi-elemental creatures, which lasted for countless years.

The enemies of mankind have become two kinds of semi-elemental creatures and elemental creatures. But the elemental creatures have no brains, so as long as you don't provoke them, there is no big problem. At this moment, the second turning point in history appeared.

The first spiritual power to break through the limits and be able to use spiritual power to communicate with elemental power appeared.

If the world is normal, this person must use his own power to directly communicate with the elements to fight, and then the profession of mage appears. But their thinking is a bit rigid, and they all think about how to reshape themselves.

He found that after his spiritual power broke through, he could communicate with the elements to transform himself without resorting to elemental spring water. After a long time of thinking, this person finally thought of a way to exercise his mental strength.

First exercise the mental strength to break through the limit, and then use it to transform oneself, the world has since embarked on such a crooked road.

Because there is no need to be restricted by the quantity of elemental spring water, plus human beings' own reproductive ability, humans have exploded since then. Groups of humans broke through the limits and then transformed.

They sum up their experiences with each other, and then learn from each other, and finally each special school is formed.

And the experience summary is basically to transform one's limbs first, starting from the skin, and making changes little by little. In this way, you can produce a strong combat power, and you don't have to worry about any danger.

In the end, step by step in depth to transform one's internal organs, there are also a series of strict steps. Even sometimes, you need to use some drugs to protect yourself, and use elemental nuclei to stabilize your situation.

There are also a series of transformation sequences of different but in the end they all rely on blood to transform the brain imperceptibly. The brain is the last and the most difficult step. Once completed, the whole body will be elementalized.

Next, humans will become elemental creatures, and their lifespan will become eternal. However, even if it is completely transformed, it is at most Tier 5 to Tier 6 strength. The next step is to strengthen and deform itself.

When comprehending the law, human beings will become seventh-order elemental creatures. At this time, they will be able to restore human form, and just like ordinary people, some of their previous functions will be completely restored. At the same time, because they have the law, they will become like mutant elemental creatures, capable of killing any type of elemental creatures.

In their view, this is the most perfect elemental form, and this form is also called the elemental lord. There are many element lords in the natural world, and the number of element lords on the human side is also rapidly increasing.

From ancient times to the present, the number of human element lords has gradually reached a certain level, and there is no problem protecting humans.


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