Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2099: The war finally broke out

After the manufacturing is successful, Du You does not need to continue manufacturing. On the one hand, because Du You had a deeper understanding of the light and dark elements after these two productions, he had already succeeded in understanding the law.

Continuing to make new ones has no meaning at all for one's own improvement.

On the other hand, this place is after all its own territory. After the manufacturing is successful, the territory has been recorded. In the future, if you want a new elemental lord, you only need to spend an extra point. Of course, there are a lot of points.

But it can also be transformed, that is, transforming other element lord spirits into other element types. This cost more than direct manufacturing. For the time being, Du You didn't have that many points to waste.

The next step of research is much more troublesome than the study of light and dark elements, and it will take longer.

It's just that the trouble has come before Du You can do any research, and Du You's research process is directly interrupted.

"What, the southern coalitions, what are their reasons for coming to deal with us?" Du You looked puzzled, because they had been provoking him all the time, and their strength was strong, otherwise they would not unite.

In Du You's opinion, even if a war breaks out in the future, he will first find an excuse to deal with others instead of being hit by someone. What reason did these people use to attack themselves like this?

"What else? People in this world have problems with their heads. The reason they attacked us this time is because there is a poisonous element mutant lord on our side, and they are going to destroy this guy."

"Poison element? Just let them take heart." Du You was a little speechless.

There are only two mutated poison elements under his own hands. One is the three-headed monster before, and the other is the new elemental lord now. The strange appearance is a tree, full of poisonous trees.

"In the legend, only the poisonous element lords have the ability to kill other element lords, so of course they will feel threatened. When they encounter the poisonous element lords, they will unite and seal them. This is already a customary rule."

"It turns out that they used the rules. It seems that the people who came this time were not good."

Du You looked at the report and found that the troops used by the other party were still deployed. It didn't look like it was to deal with an elemental lord, but it seemed to be dealing with his entire country. Is this to destroy himself?

"Yes, hum, I've seen it before, and they actually have more than 20 element lords here. According to the number of element lords we have now exposed, their power is used to destroy us."

Yes, even one or two powerful enemies that might exist are taken into consideration. If their own strength is really what they think, this kind of strength is enough to destroy themselves, saying that they are here to destroy the Poison Elemental Lord, Du You said that he would not believe anything. Perhaps, they also hope that they can be subdued.

As long as he surrenders the Poison Elemental Lord, there will definitely be problems within him. At that time, there will be either split or infighting. They can take this opportunity to deal with themselves, or win some elemental lords.

In this world, the element lord is the top combat power and an important guarantee for a country.

The more elemental lords in the country, the more it shows that one's own country is powerful, and at the same time, the country is also safer. It is really rare for Du You to be found an excuse, and then everyone unites to attack.

"Forget it, since they are going to do something, then we can't be subdued, just let them see our hidden power." Du You emphasized the two words hidden.

"Lords of light and dark elements are ready. Let them experiment in this battle, and let the enemy see this new mutant element. Don't think that only poison elements can restrain them, and there are more restrained ones."

"Master, are you planning to make it public? Although the light and dark elements will be considered a variant type, will it be a bit bad if you directly disclose it?" Lin Yucha still hesitated.

"Don't worry, I have studied a lot of hidden materials and the memories left by those element lords. In their memories, there is no such thing as an eighth rank powerhouse. Although there will definitely be in this world, there are definitely not many. And I’m afraid that for some reason it’s either unable to move, or temporarily unable to get out. In short, there will not be many.

The small number means that they don't need to worry for the time being, as long as it doesn't make the whole world boiling, those guys won't be dispatched. Besides, if the quantity is small, they can solve it by themselves.

"Occupy this world as soon as possible, I feel that my clone is about to enter Tier 9, so we don't have to waste time here." The reason why we are not in a hurry is that we are waiting for the clone to increase its level.

With the ninth-order clone, he can only attack the ninth-order world. Then control those worlds step by step, and then solve the ninth-order powerhouses who are controlled by the will of the world one by one. At that time, you can really work on this world.

Without the power of Tier 9, Du You couldn't help it. But even for oneself, it is still not an easy task to cultivate the clone to the ninth level. There are too few resources in this world.

"Perhaps, we have to use the power of the world itself to improve. If this has always been the case, we have got too few Tier 9 powerhouses. And the quality is definitely not good. It is not easy to play a role in the decisive battle."

When Du You heard Lin Yucha's words, he nodded slightly: "You are right, you can't always improve on your own. Forget it, next I will arrange for some people to use the world will of this world to exchange their cultivation power to improve~www there are some problems, it is not a big problem, as long as it does not directly accept the power of the will of the world."

Du You had already studied these very clearly.

Although the will of the world is at the tenth level, it is limited by oneself, the size is huge, and the strength that can be displayed is far from reaching the tenth level. At most, it is just stronger than the ninth-order peak of himself.

But this world is only one, with too few resources, and it's all controlled by the will of the world. If you don't take the risk of relying on the opponent's power, when will it be accumulated to deal with them.

But now is not the time to consider these things, what they need to consider is the next battle.

Under Du You's order, the southern forces gathered. In the absence of violent soldiers, Du You could not gather much power. Du You was sure that as long as he ordered them to go to the front line, these people would soon collapse.



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