Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 833: The ancient emperor ran away

   "What do we do next, their Valkyrie is dead, and there are no more threats to us."

   Du You shook his head: "No, those weapons are too many, and the attack power is not weak. The set fire will not produce good results, so we still follow the original plan." Du You insisted on following the original plan.

   The two sisters thought for a while, this time they left their arrows of space here just in case. Every hour, two people will come back to replenish it, and then teleport back to continue to create the spirit of exterminator.

   As long as the creature is killed, it can create the spirit of exterminator. There are no strong people nearby, although the population has been moved, but as long as you go a little farther, you can still encounter various gathering places.

   The demon-killing spirits created are not very strong, but the quantity is there, at least it can bring people huge psychological pressure.

   Du You still has a wave of fireball attacks every once in a while. This attack continued for three days. On the third day, the people in the city finally ran out of all their blade weapons. Even their Tiangang martial arts masters lacked physical strength and lack of energy due to long periods of inability to rest.

"That's a lot. This is the foundation for the existence of a powerful and ancient empire. Such a defensive weapon, if it weren't for my spells to restrain them, I am afraid that it would be changed into other countries even if they surrounded their capitals. "

   Du You understands why the ancient kingdom can exist and hasn't perished yet. This kind of background is really extraordinary.

   Even Du You suspected that Liang Country probably had a similar background, but he directly attacked it and took it overnight, leaving Liang Country no time to use it. It can be said that it is very aggrieved to perish.


   Du You still did not enter, but as before, used three waves of fireball attacks, condensing three seconds for the last time. A large number of fireballs smashed into the city, and then a large number of destruction dogs appeared, destroying everywhere. The whole city was gradually ignited. At this time, Du You was finally ready to attack.

   Frontal, without Du You's own action, the natural disaster giant dog rushed up directly, smashed the front gate, and then jumped by himself. Then, countless demonic spirits swarmed up.

  The spirits of Demon Slayers don't walk through the city gates one by one. Most of them are piled up on the city wall, rushing up like layers of arhats. Because of Du You's attack, no one is in love on the wall now.

   So even these demon-killing spirits can easily rush into the city wall, enter the city, and begin to wreak havoc.

   It was just that when Du You and others came to the palace, they found something was wrong here.

"Master, the emperor of the ancient country may have run away. We haven't found too many people here, and the jade seal has disappeared. There is also the treasure house just discovered, and the most valuable things in it have disappeared." Lin Yushi said. , These are all the messages from her demonic spirits to herself, and now the palace is full of these monsters.

   "Run? Can you run away like this?" Du You looked incredible, knowing that he had surrounded DìDū. Even if there is a secret road, it is impossible to pass through your own encirclement.

   But this is the fact that Du You unexpectedly. It didn't take long for the secret road to be discovered. Du You was surprised to find that the length of this secret road was more than ten kilometers, and the exit was within the mountain on the other side.

   At the exit, there is a big river nearby. There was a pier on the big river. Du You found a lot of traces of transporting things over there, but unfortunately there was nothing left now, and even the dock was burned down.

"It seems that this place used to be docked with one or several large ships. These people have long been ready to go back. With their ability to dig such a long passage, this is definitely a big project. These people are arranging I know to do this kind of thing when I have nothing to do, well, maybe this is what they call the foundation."

   Du You shook his head. There is nothing he can do about this kind of thing.

   "What do we do, do we want to chase. As long as we walk along the river, we should be able to catch up." Lin Yucha said.

   "No, forget it, what we have to do is not to replace it, but to continue to subvert the world. The emperor of the ancient country ran away, and the most worried thing should not be us, but the country of Wu."

  Du You thought for a while, and then said: "First slaughter Guang DìDū, and then all the way south, we don't have to worry about the affairs of the ancient emperor, first open the border passage and let in the army of the Wu country.

   This is Du You's plan. You don't need to do it yourself. In order to be able to control the world, Wu Guo will immediately clean up his former ally. At least, before he showed the idea of ​​attacking them.

   returned to DìDū, at this time DìDū had completely burned. There was a demon-killing spirit blocking him, no one could run out, and all that came out were killed. "This scene of massacre makes me feel that my heart is getting colder and colder."

   Du You was talking while touching his own heart.

   "Master, we will always be by your side." The two sisters leaned in gently, hoping to melt Du You by themselves.

   I don't know how long it has passed. When the capital of the ancient country was completely burned into an empty shell, Du You came back to his senses. With a wave of his hand, Du You set off again with the two sisters, attacking all the way towards the south of the empire.

   The ancient country is not as big as the Liang country, and the size of the entire country is not good either. The most powerful thing in the ancient country is its own organ technique, but this kind of organ technique has a limited scope, almost all of them are restrained by Du You.

   Killed all the way, it was easy and effortless at all. Until Du You pushed all the way to the south and completely shattered the southern barrier, at this time, the ancient country finally entered a state of extinction.

   "The emperor of the ancient country is still outside, but we are too few to find it. It depends on you."

   "Master Du You, please rest assured, this matter is covered by us." Hearing Du You's words, the generals of Wu Guo's eyes lit up. This is a great contribution from the sky, Du You obviously didn't intend to take it.

   Also, Du You's strength and contribution, his credit will never escape. Besides, they also know some actions within the empire. For this cruel warlock, no one would rest assured to keep him.

   And now, that is to open up the frontiers and expand the land. Whoever can occupy the most territory at this time will have greater credit in the future. If you can catch the emperor of the ancient country, it will definitely be your first effort. Unexpectedly, Du You could still give them this credit, which really made them excited. As a result, these troops set off overnight without stopping.

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