Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 836: Imperial capital surrounded by corpses

   "Look, what are they doing? Is this trying to shock us." A group of people on the city wall looked at the scene in front of them, their faces were not very good. There is no fear, but there is always anger.

  Because a large number of demonic spirits were walking back and forth in front of them, they did not attack. Instead, they threw a large number of corpses outside the capital. Many of these were their nationals. After the slaughter in nearby cities, the bodies were transported over.

   "That warlock shouldn't have such superficial thoughts, he should want to use some special means."

   "You can't just use these corpses to cause a plague. If so, it's really dangerous."

   The people around turned pale, thinking of something terrifying. As a world with an ancient background, there is no powerful magic power yet. If there is a large-scale plague, it will be really terrible.

   If the city itself is still controlled at this time, then in this city, you can only wait for death. In the end, relying only on the plague could turn the entire capital into a dead city.

   "It is also possible that some evil spells are to be used, which can't make him succeed anyway."

   "Yes, please tell your majesty quickly that you can't let them continue."

   "What are you going to tell me." At this time, Emperor Wu came out and heard what they said. These ministers quickly told the visitors about the large number of corpses outside, and the emperor's face gradually became ugly.

   "Your Majesty, why don't we do it now."

After thinking for a while, the emperor shook his head and said, "No, you can't do it right now. Now there is only the warlock outside, and no other warlocks behind them have appeared. This is a good opportunity. If such a large corpse is to be used with magic, he must be alone No. When the time comes, when they are all out, we will catch them all."

   Everyone nodded slightly, and continued to wait. The emperor was right. Instead of exposing it now, it's better to wait. Otherwise, those warlocks in hiding don't know what they will do.

   Du You was a little strange, he was ready to be interrupted by someone coming out a long time ago. Even if the other party directly dispatches the Valkyrie, Du You will run away as soon as they start, dragging these guys to death.

   But what I didn't expect was that my actions were very smooth, and no one interfered with me during the whole process. Du You didn't understand what they were thinking, because Lin Yucha had already left at this time.

   "No matter what they think, we do ours, and more corpses can have a better effect."

   Du You was on the way, but brought all the corpses over. Not only humans, but also a large number of animal carcasses. If it wasn't for the number of Demon Slayers to be insufficient, this corpse could double. But even so, more than 100,000 corpses were brought. So many corpses piled up outside the city to form a big circle, which is very spectacular.

   Even the soldiers, seeing so many corpses at this time, their bodies trembled.

   "Ah, I can't do it anymore, we have no chance of winning, we are going to die, we are going to die."

   A soldier collapsed, turned around and wanted to run, but before he could run far, he was chopped off his head by an officer next to him. Only then did other people who were also about to collapse come to their senses.

   Just watching the more and more corpses, everyone trembled.

"Listen to me. Now is the moment of life and death. Even if you run away, don't even think about leaving this city. Everyone will die. These corpses are residents of nearby cities, and none of them survived. ."

   "If you want to survive, there is only one way, and that is to fight until you win. In battle, you still have a silver lining. If you don't fight, you will definitely die."

At this time, the emperor also spoke: "My people, our country has been established for many years, and it is not without a little background. This time, we will be able to succeed, and the victory belongs to us. Many years ago, we had defeated the warlock and won. Today’s beautiful life, many years later, we can also defeat them."

   As the emperor spoke, the soldiers gradually calmed down. Yes, even the emperor is here, so what's your fortune?

   In this situation, if you don't work hard, it will be a dead end. These days, all kinds of information kept coming back from various places. Of course, they knew the ferocity of this warlock.

   What qualifications do ordinary people like myself have to escape under such circumstances?

   Besides, if you run now, you will die immediately. If you choose to fight, you can at least survive until the start of the fight.

   Du You also heard the emperor's declaration, and didn't know what method was used to spread the voice throughout the capital. Du You smiled slightly: "A good speech, as the emperor, this identity itself has a lot of weight."

   "Yes, it's like the ancient emperor's imperial conquest. As long as you play in person, morale will always be raised to the highest level. In this case, the battle basically rarely fails."

   I don’t know when Lin Yucha has already returned to the team. Several people are looking at the surrounding eyes with indifference. Although there are smiles on their faces, most people will definitely feel scared when they see this smile.

   It’s just that they haven’t noticed it. Many professionals have this kind of mentality.

   With the passage of time, gradually the corpses that Du You brought, as well as the corpses temporarily collected from nearby, piled up in this place. Facing the wind, you can smell a bad smell. In this weather, many corpses have begun to rot and become moldy. As long as he is given enough time, it can indeed cause a large-scale plague.


   There is no way to deal with the plague, the whole city will become a dead city. But Du You knew that the plague could affect ordinary people, but it would definitely not affect those Tiangang warriors.

   As a Tiangang martial artist, he has qi protection on his body. This ordinary type of plague has no effect on them at all.

   So from the beginning, Du You never thought of using this method to deal with the enemy. "The corpses are all in place, then I will start too." Du You waved his hand, and the rotting insect cloud was released.

   That's right, the skill that has not been used is this rotten worm cloud. Even if this skill does not increase the level, the power of this skill does not rely on the level to play its role, but relies on a large number of corpses.

   Now that there is a corpse and there are a lot of people on the enemy's side, it is the best place for this devastating skill to be used. It has not been used, but it is also a killer tool used to deal with the will of the world.

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