Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 838: Origin of the refining world

The battle started quickly and ended quickly. As the beetle broke out to the end, the whole city fell silent in less than twenty minutes. The city does not have so many sealed environments, and the exposed people are dead and clean.

There may be some people who can hide in the secret room at home, but there are a few such people. The entire city had become a dead city, and Du You was certain that there were no more than two hundred people still alive.

The whole city is full of beetles, and as the beetles collapse, a large amount of dark elements are expanded.

Du You had no intention of continuing to do it, because at this time the enemy's final resistance had disappeared. The Tiangang martial artist's explosive ability is poor, and he can't go anywhere longer than ordinary people. After that, none of them will die.

Du You knew that the five Valkyrie who broke through in the end were actually the last struggle of the will of the world. The last bit of power exploded, and there were five breakthroughs affecting the Valkyrie, and there was even no way for everyone to break through.

But this struggle was just a little longer for several Tiangang martial artists.

When this power is exhausted, the world's power fluctuations have reached the extreme.

"Look, master, the origin of the world is about to appear." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to the sky above the city and said.

Du You nodded: "Yes, it's about to appear, we will go over." Du You directly summoned Xiao Zi, supporting the two sisters, and he flew in that direction in the black jade griffin.

After a while, a group of invisible spheres slowly emerged, and the great pressure of nobleness gave Du You the illusion that he was very insignificant.

Perhaps this can't be regarded as an illusion, and now I am facing a world, although this world has let me do whatever I want. Taking a deep breath, Du You tried to calm himself down.

This is my first time facing the origin of the world, and I believe there will be more in the future. According to the secret method, Du You began to move. First of all, one's own magic power was directly released to a large extent, and began to erode and infect the origin of this world.

The surrounding dark elements are all created by their own skills, and theoretically they are all their own skills. Through the light of the dark spirit, Du You continuously extracted the surrounding dark elements to restore himself.

After consuming a lot of magic power, Du You finally infested the light ball in front of him. The entire surface of the light ball turned into a dark color, but the radiant light did not dissipate, it was just a little dim.

The whole world seemed to be still at this moment, which was different from the scene Du You saw last time.

Of course, last time it was Outland World, and the rules were perfect. This is just a derivative world with imperfect laws, so the situation where the whole world is still still doesn't surprise Du You very much.

After that, Du You didn't stop, and started to control his magic power, drawing little by little.

The most important point in that set of secret methods is this. Through a special rune, the origin of the entire world is controlled. Du You spent three days on this work and finally completed it.

"Huh, 999 special runes, finally completed." During the whole process, Du You felt that he was about to collapse. This is more exhausting than three days and three nights, because you have to concentrate all the time.

In fact, this kind of work is generally not done by Tier 4 people. If you are in control of the low-level world, you use rune scrolls drawn in advance to replace this job. There are not many people in the entire world who can complete this work independently at the fourth level. And Du You has now accomplished this feat.

The next thing is not Du You's thing. Du You moved in his heart and communicated his territory.

The power of the territory was originally impossible to cross the world to come here, but now the situation is different. With Du You as the coordinate center, the power of the territory spread over, and a special power was integrated into the origin of the world.

The instinctive rejection of the world's origin, a wave of conflicting power erupted, and even Du You was squeezed further and further away from the world's origin of light. Next, it depends on the territory's own power swallowed.

"This process will probably last for five days in this world. Then let's wait slowly."

While Du You was talking, while watching with the two sisters nearby, the light ball was constantly changing and eroding. With Du You's current power, there was no way to intervene.

"It is said that if you want to completely refine a world by yourself, you must at least reach the seventh rank, I don't know if it is true." Lin Yucha said silently, this kind of scene is really spectacular.

A little problem in my mind has gradually disappeared a lot.

"Who knows, we will know when we reach that height." Du You never doubted that he could reach that height. He is just accumulating strength now. One day, he will stand on top of the world.

"By the way, taking advantage of this time, let's clean up the battlefield. Really, nothing is left, even the mission is gone." Du You discovered that the original mission of destroying the Martial Kingdom had disappeared.

After all, the reward for the task was originally formed by intercepting the world's power. Now that even the origin of the world is controlled by oneself, how can there be rewards, and the mission will naturally disappear.

At most, there is a point of consolation prize, that is, killing those temporary Valkyrie before, but he burst a lot of balls. It's a pity Those temporary Valkyrie are all made, so Du You has nothing more than earning a lot of crystal coins. The few Valkyrie who broke through and the original Valkyrie gave a few weapons.

But they weren't used by Du You. They were all melee weapons such as swords, and they were all not good ones. Du You didn't like it at all. A group of people quickly cleaned up, but in the end there was nothing on these Valkyrie.

Du You could only put things away and wait until later.

Only when he reached the end, Du You's eyes changed. "Unexpectedly, this thing is actually my advanced material." Du You looked at the Wu Sacred Spring and filled a bottle with a bottle. Then only this bottle was useful, and the others were useless.

But advanced materials? One copy is enough.

"Master, what does this advanced material correspond to?"

Du You did not conceal: "Corresponding to my dark spirit light, a good thing, when the dark spirit light is upgraded, I will definitely have a stronger staying power." The feeling that the magic power can't be used up is really good, since After the breakthrough, this feeling is very rare. Even with the killing badge, but only killing ordinary people, the recovery is still too slow.

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