Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 859: Orc's dog blood plot

"According to the rules, I should get the teeth of this thing down and hang it around my neck." Du You said tangledly as he looked at the two fallen bobcats.

"Yes, with your master's strength, there must be something to see on the neck. Now these..."

Needless to say, Du You knows that the two sisters are fake. The teeth of high-level monsters are not comparable to ordinary things. They are all good materials, and the value is not low.

The teeth on his neck are all the teeth of some first-order monsters, and there are even ordinary animals left behind, which are worthless.

In accordance with the sacrificial rules, the creatures that he hunted and believed to be valuable would knock off the biggest tooth of the monster. Then after using a special ceremony to sacrifice, hung on his own necklace and become a trophy.

It is said that these things are not only a symbol of the strength and status of the priests, but also have a certain bonus effect on their own spells. It's just how to do this kind of sacrifice, Du You didn't know, this was the unique method of the world's orcs to sacrifice. Du You has not seen many similar methods in other sacrificial professions.

But although it won't, it doesn't matter. Outsiders can't see it anyway. They can see the strength of the tooth master, but they will never find out whether there has been a sacrificial offering or not.

Du You was full of entanglement, knocked off the lynx's teeth, washed it several times, and finally hung it on his neck after it was cleaned. Just look at the other teeth, some are not in harmony, just throw them away.

Anyway, I am now dressing up as a sacrificial ritual who has just come out to experience it, and my teeth will increase slowly.

"Wait, this fur can't be wasted. Let's pack it up and put it on."

The whole body of Warcraft is valuable, and the orcs will not waste it. This fur is directly made into clothes, which can also show its noble status. Tier 4 monsters are not what ordinary orcs are qualified to wear.

Even some well-established orcs, if individuals do not have the strength, they will not be allowed to use these things. This is the rule of the orcs, and the strong are respected.

"Forget it, it's better for you two to wear it. I'll wait to find a more suitable one." Looking at the blood-sparkling fur, Du You felt a little helpless. The two sisters are not disgusting at all, and are still making comments.

After a series of original methods, the fur looks good. Although it is not shiny and smooth, it also has a very special noble feeling. After all, the material itself is very valuable.

The group continued to hunt, scatter the spirits of demons and run around. As long as a high-level beast appeared anywhere, the purple electric golden eagle on the head would be able to spot it immediately, and then start the hunt, which was very easy.

After a few days, Du You discovered that there were roughly only three Tier 4 monsters in this place. One is the lynx, which can be said to be the overlord of the entire forest, and the other is the boa constrictor, and I don’t know its name. It seems that these two things are each other's natural enemies, and they are always fighting with each other. Injury and death are common occurrences.

The last type is a lizard that lives by the stream. If it weren't for mental perception, Du You would not have noticed it when he approached. The hidden ability of this lizard is not worse than that of Lin Yucha, and even more advanced.

Fortunately, because of the special living environment, this thing can still be found if you pay a little attention.

This chameleon has levels, but its strength is not high, and it also provided Du You with some crystal coins and materials. Du You didn't have a way to use these materials, so he could only collect them and sell them when he returned.

After coming in for a few days, basically searching it all over, Du You was about to leave.

"Really, none of the equipment burst out." Du You was a little disappointed.

"There will definitely be, the explosion rate of Tier 4 is already very high, with our hunting speed, how can it be impossible to have no equipment." The two sisters are very open.

The three of them just came out of the forest, and suddenly came a white shadow in front of them. Take a closer look, this is a young fox person, and it is the least common white fox, and his status among fox people is not low.

"Help me, someone is chasing me." The young fox man said, his voice was very soft, with a little natural charm, it turned out to be a little girl.

Hunting down a little girl? Du You frowned without knowing who did it.

Suddenly, Du You saw in the distance, two figures were rushing towards this side, these two were not ordinary people, and they were fully equipped. Generally, among the orcs, it is rare to see such a complete equipment.

This is specially forged equipment. It looks like a knight, but it is not white, but two red foxes. It's just a warrior who appears among the fox people. This is really rare enough, Du You thought in his heart.

"Hurry up and get out of the way. This is a traitor to our white fox clan, and we want to take her back for trial."

The two screamed while rushing over.

What Lin Yushi didn't hesitate about was a shock arrow, an arrow directly blocked the action of the two people, and shook them back. "Tier 3, not very strong, the fox is really not suitable for melee combat." Lin Yushi said in the panel.

"Nonsense, I am not a traitor. It is clearly that our own system has problems. Human beings are so much weaker than us and still prosperous. What is wrong with them in learning governance methods.

"Humans are not good things, they are not our friends at all. You traitor, you also want to take people to study with You are sending our people to humans."

Du You understood, it turned out to be because of a different concept. It is just because of a different concept that the arrest is made. Is this a fuss? After all, there are not many white varieties in the fox family.

"I don't want to go back, I will definitely be burned to death by you when I go back. Big brother, save Aisha, and Aisha will be your guard in the future." The little fox girl pulled Du You's clothes with a pitiful look. .

"Damn it, as a noble white fox person, not only did you learn boxing instead of sacrificing, but now you have to protect a lowly gray fox person. This is a shameless betrayal of you."

In the orcs, the ranks generated by blood are very strict.

"There is no noble or not at all, aren't we orcs respecting the strength? The noble is the strength, and what does it have to do with blood." As a white fox, Aisha actually retorted directly.

This is really deviant. Du You has always believed that this kind of person who abandons his noble status and has to make himself ordinary is a fool and a person who will not appear, but he did not expect that he would actually meet one today. Incredible.

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