Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 885: Surprise back to the territory

Fortunately, everyone has long been accustomed to this state of rushing in the air. During the whole process, except Aisha was a little boring, everyone else was fine. Although you can't do anything in the sky, you can chat.

Just like the Kan Dashan that some people on the earth like, now everyone has a tendency to develop in this direction.

A few days later, the group finally returned to the territory. After landing, Aisha finally felt relieved. "Great, I finally landed. Is this your territory? There are so many people."

At this time Du You had restored his human appearance, and all the messy things on his body had been taken off. In the entire territory, only Aisha was a little fox, or a white fox, which also aroused the curiosity of many people.

Fortunately, in the center of his own territory, here are the leaders recruited by himself, so no one will come to offend. Only Salia and the women under her would watch Aisha sparkle. Aisha didn't care about other people's gaze at all. On the contrary, she seemed to be familiar with herself, and quickly became acquainted with other people.

"I know that the human system is indeed much more advanced than the orcs. If so many orcs are piled together here, that kind of system will definitely not support so many people."

"You are wrong, and we can't support it either. It's just that we have territorial functional buildings, otherwise it will definitely not work." Sharia has a very good impression of this little fox who is similar to her own identity.

Du You did not interrupt these people's communication, but habitually took the two sisters to the warehouse. All the things collected during this period are still kept in this place.

What I didn't expect was that there were unexpected gains this time.

Among the many miscellaneous things, Lin Yushi fell in love with a **** corpse. This mummy has been around for years, it was wrapped like a mummy, but the cloth strips wrapped around it were blood red, as if it had been soaked in fresh blood.

The records left by Saria said that it was dug out in an ancient tomb, and she didn't know what it was. Only because it is special, it will be sold. But because it is a corpse and I don’t know what it is, the price is very low. If it weren't for the determination that the strength of the deceased was definitely above Tier 4, Saria would definitely not buy it back.

"Good luck, collecting a lot of items is really useful." Du You said with a smile.

"It's the master this time, you come first." Lin Yucha said, pointing to the distant skill hall.

Du You shook his head and said: "No, let's follow the order. I will use the elemental spirits first, and the rest will follow our order this time. One by one, the free time can also be used to adapt to the new skills."

The reason why the Dark Elemental Elf is used is because the Dark Elemental Elf is alive, and Du You has to unseal it every once in a while, which is very troublesome. So it's best to use it first.

Du You looked at his personal space, and this time he gained a lot.

Broken main board, cloak, two wings, wave guard, broken stone tablet, fang necklace, desert death statue, thunder dragon statue, picture ghost, colorful haori, rusty spear, dark element elves, **** corpse

"Let me take a look, plus the things we brought when we came in, this total attack has 13 advanced materials, 13 skills can be upgraded." This kind of harvest, it is no wonder Du Youhui is so happy.

Others want to get this kind of gain, but don't know how long it will take to transform it into their own skills, and they don't know how long it will take. It is even possible that the 13 skills will never be completely transformed.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, let's get started. During this period of time, I have already felt a little bit about studying the Death Book." Lin Yushi seemed to say impatiently. Du You didn't say anything, and threw the dark elf into it.

The fit was relatively high, and within two days, the new dark spirit was transformed.

Dark Elf: Summon a dark elemental elf. The elemental elf can increase the power of your dark spells (level*1)%, reduce the power of the enemy's dark spells (level*1)%, and reduce the damage of light spells to your side. (Level 31, 10 stars)

The name changed and it became a dark elf, probably because of the material. This time it was no longer a spell that was actively used against the opponent, but a dark elf was first summoned. The dark elves, who had long wings and looked very delicate, couldn't tell the difference between men and women, staying by their side forever without thinking.

But this effect is really powerful. Not only can it increase its own strength, but it can also suppress the power of the enemy's light and dark spells, and the range is larger. This is almost like adding three aura or domain-like skills.

The key is that you can free up your hands to attack in the future, you don't need to release the dark spirit before launching an attack. The dark elves without thinking are almost instinctive in the use of their own natural abilities, and are not affected in any way.

"How come these skills are more and more like summoning types." Du You shook his head and looked at the elf beside him with a wry smile.

In order, the broken motherboard is next. Then more than three days later, a new skill appeared, this time it was the photon wizard.

Photon Elf: A mutant species under special rules for intelligent programs, a legendary mutant species that is almost impossible to form. It takes 12 hours to re-summon after death. (Level 31, 10 stars)

Mutation mental power: 100%

Skills: Transformation, no entity, photon incarnation, electronic manipulation, photon clone, photon differentiation, phantom light, entity manipulation

Transformation: The photon sprite has no shape and can transform into any shape.

No entity: The body of the photon elves is a special structure no entity, immune to physical attacks, and the damage of spell attacks is doubled.

Photon incarnation: It transforms itself into a photon form, which can move at the speed of light, or it can be integrated into various electronic devices.

Electronic control: When the photon elves are integrated into electronic devices in the form of photons, they can form an existence similar to an intelligent system, suppress and replace the original intelligent system, and control various electronic devices.

Photon avatar: Create a photon avatar for remote control of electronic equipment. The number and quality of photon clones increase as the level increases.

Photon differentiation: The photon elves can differentiate themselves into multiple light groups to avoid damage. As long as a bunch of photon clones survive, the photon elves can be resurrected from it. Cooling time is 1 hour.

Illusion: Creates an optical illusion on a large scale, which can affect the enemy's perception.

Entity manipulation: The photon elves can use the photon incarnation to enter the body of a creature to control the behavior of the creature. The level of the controlled person cannot exceed his own, and the stronger the strength, the shorter the control time.


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