Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 902: Fire Giant's Counterattack

In the face of the overwhelming giants, no one dares to take it lightly. Of all the giants, none of them are ordinary creatures, at least they are all first-order. Most of those who can come to the battlefield today are Tier II.

This swarm of giants rushed over, there are tens of thousands of people, to say nothing. No one knows how much is left behind.

"This is a counterattack from the Giants, but I don't know if they plan to attack in an all-round way."

"Regardless of what they think, we just need to do a good job of our defense. We have not yet completed the offensive preparations. In addition, their top giants, we also have school leaders to stop them."

There are no fifth-level students, not even fourth-level students. If you rely on the students to do it all by themselves, it is impossible to be the opponent of these giants. But the college itself is not vegetarian.

In the rear, a secret army of the academy had been waiting here long ago, and this team was mainly composed of Tier 4 professionals.

"The giant ahead is about to reach the trap area. Don't waste time. Let the ships on the salt lake be ready to go into battle at any time."

With an order from above, the boats on the other side of the salt lake started to move. These boats were built by students majoring in architecture during this period. Although they are all wooden boats, their combat effectiveness is not simple.

The various runes above make the attack and defense of these ships no worse than iron ships. Some ships even have energy weapons, and their attack power can even reach Tier 3 or Tier 4 power.

It is a pity that because of the rules of this world, to control these weapons, one must also have a corresponding level and profession. Otherwise, just relying on these weapons can also cause giants to die.

In addition, behind this side, a large number of weapons were also pushed up, aiming at the giant in front.

"Our armored samurai is ready, do you need to push it up?" Suddenly someone came to report.

"Wait, the casualties during this period are too great, and our territory construction time is not long. If this continues, even if the soldiers themselves have no opinion, the lord will have opinions." This lord is not an ordinary person.

These are all school leaders mobilized by the academy, and students don't have this kind of item that can establish territories in other worlds. If the battle caused heavy losses to the territory, it would be difficult to explain at that time.

"Then let the summoned object go on first, now let them start preparing." The person before said again.

It's no good not to prepare, because some giants have already stepped on the trap. It's a pity that the giants are too big, coupled with good skin resistance and defense, so ordinary traps have no effect on giants at all.

There were even some fire attribute traps. After the explosion, the second-order fire attribute traps did not blow a first-order flame giant to death. This was really an embarrassing situation.

There is no way. Among the usual elemental damage traps, the fire element is used the most. Who makes the fire element's explosive effect the strongest? Even with previous experience, some people still make this common sense mistake.

The cadres of the student union were not in the mood to consider these at this time, and many giants had already rushed over against the trap. The giants don't know much about traps, but with their strong physical qualities, they are able to bear it down.

When entering the trap area, the ships on the salt lake began to attack. A series of crossbow arrows, a series of beams of light, from the ship side towards the giants. The giants were attacked, and they fought back. The giant near the lake stopped and began to attack the ship with stones and javelins. Suddenly, the most tragic battle broke out here first.

"No, the attack is too fierce, we must retreat, or we will die."

Under the fierce battle, some students finally couldn't stand it and began to retreat. When they backed away, they even brought more people back, and the water army, which was originally superior, began to appear weak.

On the contrary, the giants found that the ships on the water were retreating, and their morale rose suddenly.

The school leaders stood by, and Director Wang frowned. "Hey, after all, the students are not the real army, and it is impossible to force them to rush forward. Otherwise, even if the casualty ratio is within the school's control, the parents of those students will not let it go." After all, the college is an academy, not an army or not. Other organizations.

If the school forces students to rush forward, it doesn’t need to be too many. As long as four or five students die, some parents and organizations will start to scold the school. This is their limitation, there is really no way.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the college can easily win the quota this time, because they will definitely lose very few students in the war. Moreover, the students have gotten some exercise, and their future will be even brighter in the future.

"Huh, it is indeed safe to retreat now, but there will be limited achievements in the future. If they enter other organizations after graduation, they will not be soft." A white-haired and white-bearded leader said with disdain.

Director Wang didn't say anything. It was all personal choice, and the college had to consider its own reputation.

If you really don't care about being the same as the army, this academy won't be able to go on.

"Look, I've already touched it before." Suddenly, someone shouted loudly. At the forefront, a giant has already crossed the trap area and got in touch with the students. This time the giants' counterattack came very suddenly and very firmly.

Many students are scattered outside and haven't come, so there is a shortage of troops. After a large number of giants rushed over, the students' summons immediately went up, and then the tragic fight began.

Summoners are generally not opponents of giants. Especially for Tier 3 giants, the flames on that fist are released, and few summons can hold them. Behind, some Tier 4 giants also ran over, and they were about to join the battlefield.

"These giants are crazy, I'm afraid we will take action later."

"No, we can't make a move. We have to block the guys behind. If we make a move now and are seized by the Tier 5 giant, it will be dangerous, or we will collapse."

Director Wang objected, and the others couldn't help it. Indeed, although the Tier 5 giants did not show up, they could feel it. The oppressive breath of the other party makes their hearts always vigilant. Similarly, the giants of their breath should have felt it too, otherwise those Tier 5 giants will not fail to appear, but the giant's temper is very hot.

The fifth-level giant is already an absolute leadership among the giants, because the limit of this world is the fifth-level.


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