Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 906: The battlefield washed by fireballs

More than three hundred fireballs fell, and the scene was almost the end of the world. Without the intervention of powerful forces, the fireball hit the ground fiercely, and then exploded.

One after another, the ground kept shaking, and some people who were close to each other were blown away directly. People who are far away also feel like an earthquake. Some weak cliffs in the distance collapsed directly, causing several landslides.

The fireball strengthened to 43 seconds has the power to kill the Tier 4 giants. Such a big piece, except for a few lucky giants, no one can survive within the attack range.

"Oh my God, this is, is this really the power that a Tier 4 chaos can display? Is this what a student can do?"

"Our student union must accept him. Such a powerful force cannot be left outside."

Many people looked at this horrible scene, their faces began to change, and they didn't know what they were thinking. Even those Tier 5 masters, although their strength is much stronger than Du You, it is impossible to create such a scene.

This kind of destructive power has the power of the dominant level on any battlefield, which is very terrifying.

This wave of fireballs came and went quickly, but the scene before him had completely changed. The ground was burned into a piece of colored glaze, and a large amount of dark power gathered here, resulting in a very special change.

The colored glaze on the ground can now also be said to be a material containing dark power, although the level may not be high. The power of this one's own power to directly change the environment of a region is shocking.

But what is more noticeable at this time is not the ground, but the huge flame group. After the flame fell to the ground, it did not disappear, but directly condensed, forming a large number of destructive dogs.

Most of these devastating dogs are Tier 3, but a large part of them are Tier 4. This kind of terrifying quantity and powerful strength, even though they are all composed of dark flames, still easily entangled all the giants on the spot, and then hunted them down. After this wave, the giant lost at least tens of thousands.

This is due to the relatively large size of giants, so the number of giants on the battlefield is small. Replaced with ordinary creatures, after this wave, God knows how much to die before it's finished.

"It's amazing. After the fireball, it still has the ability to summon. This type of spell will be enough to kill the city."

"It must be enough. I really don't know where he got such a powerful skill." Everyone looked envious. This powerful skill requires not only the ability to acquire, but also the good luck to advance.

"Why haven't such people joined the student union? How do you do things?"

Finally, the president Gao Qiong reacted. Du You's strength is too strong, even stronger than himself. If it's normal, Gao Qiong definitely doesn't want a person who is much stronger than himself in the student union, which would threaten his status.

But now it's different. Gao Qiong is already in the graduating class, and it won't be long before he graduates. At this time, being able to bring in a strong figure to the student union will benefit you greatly after graduation. On the contrary, if the opponent is strong, it is impossible to threaten one's position, because oneself is going to leave.

"We have no choice. The two people who just joined in the first grade have a good relationship with him, but Du You is a lone ranger, and basically doesn't like to be with other people very much, so..."

"No matter what method you use, I must bring him to our student union. If such a powerful person does not join, what if someone else will follow suit in the future? This is a huge blow to the reputation of the student union. And let people in other schools know , We don’t even get people like this into the student union, what they will say about us.”

Thinking of the insidious tricks of other hostile academies, everyone feels weary.

At this moment, a person next to him suddenly said, "It's not the time to talk about this. Since the giant has been cleaned up by a wave, should we take this opportunity to take this place down?"

"Yes, if we occupy this place this time, then we will have a transit point."

Gao Qiong shook his head: "No, we can't attack right now. There is still a Tier 5 flame giant who hasn't taken a shot. This time one was injured, but we don't know how many others are behind. If there are more opponents, we might be afraid... …"

The battlefield of professionals can't be done with a large number of people. The number of people is just to overwhelm the opponent and provide an advantage to oneself. The real decision on the battlefield depends on the existence of the top.

A Tier 5 giant, once started, the casualties would be heavy. They are an academy, not an army. While protecting students, they also have to fight against powerful presences at the same level. It is difficult even for school leaders.

Rushing over at this time is to make trouble for yourself.

"Let's take a look at the situation. With so many flame monsters rushing over, it would be great if they can attract the opponent to take action. Once we figure out how many Tier 5 giants they have, that's when we take the initiative."

This is a plan made directly by the senior management of the college, and it cannot be changed by them.

At this time, the battlefield had completely changed. The students couldn't find their opponents, and stood still doing nothing. Everyone is now discussing the previous battles with excitement. Whether it is Du You or the academy masters, they are all so to see the battle of stronger people, and it will be for them in the future. There are great benefits.

On the opposite side, some giant corpses were left on the ground, and more were burned before. The Destroying Dogs rushed all the way into the valley, constantly bursting out waves of fighting within. It's just that there is no Tier 5 giant involved.

Du You in the air turned pale, and he used too much magic power this time. Several dark spirit lights passed through Du You's body, and they shrank a lot, and Du You's magic power quickly recovered to more than 70%.

There is no full recovery because it is not necessary. With the help of dark light and other skills, Du You's magical power is still recovering quickly.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with me here." Du You looked around for a while before landing. Just now the fireball burst, but not only did the giant wipe out all the giants, but many firebirds in the sky were also smashed down.

After the flames of destruction had completely erupted, this sudden battle was quickly over. It was just that until his destruction dog reached the time limit and collapsed, there was no Tier 5 flame giant on the opposite side.


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