Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 913: Flame Giant Bloodline

The two sides intervened on a large scale, and soon this wave of giants was repelled, and the loss was clean and neat.

Although there are more Tier 5 giants, they have no idea how strong the opponent's strength is. They only know that the opponent's strength seems to be stronger this time. Inferring from normal circumstances, they are not opponents at all.

As a result, these Tier 5 giants didn't even have the intention to show up, and continued to linger at home.

Director Wang and Li Daxian also breathed a sigh of relief without feeling the Tier 5 giant's hands. With their two strengths, they can only deal with three fifth-order giants at most, drag four fifth-order giants, and more will not work.

Now it is obvious that the opponent's strength is stronger, so there must be more Tier 5 giants. If they really take the risk, they will be the ones who will die. No one can bear that black pot.

It's all right now, and the enemy is repelled swiftly and neatly, and the giants dare not take any action at all.

"It's really good, it reminds me of our childhood." Director Wang sighed.

"Cut, how did we compare to them when we were young? This year's strength is a bit outrageous." Li Daxian said unceremoniously, making Director Wang's face a little embarrassing, telling the truth.

The strength of this session was indeed too strong, mainly because of the appearance of a monster like Du You.

Because of Du You's background, the strength of this entire session seems to be very high. It was precisely because of Du You's pressure that Gao Qiong took the risk and used a joint magic circle that he didn't intend to use.

The successful release of the skill of Hell Ice Lotus allowed them to successfully see the mighty power of the Student Union.

The battle is not over yet, the situation here has been passed on through the market, and everyone in the five major colleges knows it. Regardless of whether it is for Du You or the Student Union of Capital University, the reputation will be greatly improved.

At this moment, Du You didn't pay attention to this, he just knew that the giants had finally been repelled.

"Hey, it's even less rewarding." Du You looked at his personal space and was slammed by the student union. The situation where he had a low burst rate became worse, and only one yellow ball burst out.

Just as Du You thought, there really isn't any good thing. Basically, some crystal coins still have that little value. Other useless things may not be sold at a good price even if they are thrown on the market.

"Sure enough, it depends on the effect of the treasure chest." Du You opened the treasure chest and looked inside.

The number of crystal coins is less than last time, this is also a matter of no way, this time the problem is not solved by oneself.

But what finally got made Du You's eyes bright. In this battle, after all, he played the most important role, so the things he obtained were not comparable to others.

Flame giant bloodline: After using it, you can obtain the blood of the high flame giant.

"It's actually a high pedigree, this value is really high enough. But unfortunately, I can't use it myself, I can only exchange it with others." Du You thought silently as he watched the treasure chest disappear.

This time the gain is indeed not small, this high bloodline means that it can be directly promoted to the sixth-order peak. The pedigree level is that the low-level pedigree can only be promoted to the second level, the intermediate to the fourth level, and the high-level to the sixth level.

After reaching the sixth rank, it is no longer what ordinary high-level bloodlines can tell. It is said that there will be more advanced levels. Du You didn't know the news in this regard just because of the hierarchical relationship of the Monet.

But the senior bloodline was indeed the top of all bloodlines before reaching the seventh rank.

This kind of giant bloodline can greatly improve all aspects of one's own qualities, and can also improve one's own use of the power of flames. It is very precious to warriors or mages with the fire attribute, especially the magic warrior type with the fire attribute, which fits better.

Du You put his things away, looked up at the giant army that had completely collapsed, and left silently. If you don't leave again, I'm afraid I will be surrounded later.

Sure enough, not long after Du You left, many people were looking for him everywhere. They just couldn't find Du You, these people went to the people who had just cast the spell, and they all became star figures in the academy. Those semi-professionals who became reporters were even more excited and kept coming forward to interview. This is big news.

After leaving, Du You went straight into the market and continued to look for things that were useful to him.

I don't know if it was due to luck, Du You suddenly saw something special on the booth, and his heart throbbed. "This is advanced material? Why does it look like a heart."

Thinking about it all, Du You stepped forward and said, "How do you sell this?"

"Ah, this, this is the heart dug out of the dark night giant, it is said that it is still a fifth-order dark night giant."

"Bullshit, the Tier 5 giant hasn't died yet." The person at a nearby stall said disdainfully. They set up stalls here, and they are all material markets, so everyone is a competitor.

Of course, this is also when there is no task, they will come to this place. Many stalls are empty. After setting the transaction requirements, the professionals will do other things. Du You happens to be the owner of the stall back here.

"We also have this kind of giant heart here. We have everything we want. These are all good materials."

Du You glanced at calmly, because although there are other hearts, they can't be his advanced materials, but this one is different, and this one is his own advanced materials.

Du You saw that the other party had just set the price, thirty topaz coins, the price was very high. But Du You didn't hesitate, he communicated directly with the market rules, and paid thirty yellow crystal coins, and his heart fell into his own hands.

The other party seemed to realize something, opened his mouth, and finally could only shake his head and sigh. No way, the price is already high, and the other party directly buys it, indicating that the other party needs it. Unfortunately, because of market rules, I can’t do anything I want to sit down and raise the price. Du You was very happy to get this advanced material.

"Now my dark aura can be improved." That's right, this heart corresponds to Du You's dark aura. Being able to obtain a Tier 4 halo is of great help to the improvement of one's overall strength.

Just at this moment, a group of people suddenly walked in the distance. "Hey, that heart is what we are after, you let me put it down." With a loud roar from the other side, a group of people ran over and surrounded Du You. Du You was taken aback for a moment, put his heart away, and looked at the people around him. These people were very arrogant one by one.

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