Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 930: The counterattack of the flame giant

With the expansion of the leasing business, the realm really started to increase a large number of crystal coins. These coins can not only guarantee the development of the realm itself, but also have a large amount of surplus. Then it will be no problem to use it to promote the development of another realm.

This is also the reason why Du You is looking for a lord who can absolutely control, just to help himself hide this fact. If people find another territory for themselves, the trouble will be big.

A small territory is nothing, but a territory that is at least Tier 6 and no one else has entered is completely different. The world of Arran Continent is much larger than the giant world.

Similarly, with the development of the leasing business, Du You found that the soldiers under him often had some new ideas. The skills that the Tiangang martial artist originally lacked were also born from the soldiers.

I believe that after a period of time, these skills can be summarized and perfected, and then they can be added to the Hall of Inheritance. The true inheritance hall can not only be used to inherit occupations, but also a large number of vocational skills can be used for learning.

Only with the continuous invasion of students, the flame giants in the hinterland suffered heavy losses, and more and more flame giants and entire tribes were slaughtered. Among them, the most ruthless one was not other people, but Du You. Du You took the two sisters, freed from the shackles of the territory, and finally embarked on the journey again.

Because of his great strength, Du You was very cruel to hunt. But this is also beneficial.

Giant's Boots: Increase speed by 34, increase defense by 36, and double the recovery speed of physical strength on the ground. (yellow)

This is what Du You has gained during this time. Similarly, there are some gains in the drawings, but they are either useless or have something to do with the giant race, so they are basically not useful.

With their hunting, the real giants above Tier 4 are often concentrated, and it is difficult to find giants on a large scale. Therefore, everyone has been getting deeper and deeper recently.

More than a week has passed since the start of the leasing business.

On this day, Du You, who had just slaughtered and cleaned up a tribe of giants, suddenly received news from the academy.

"The flame giant began to counterattack, and everyone immediately returned."

"What do you mean? The flame giant's counterattack, are you so anxious?" Lin Yushi was a little unsure.

"It's better to go back quickly. This world is different from the previous world, but there are Tier 5 giants. If we encounter these, we will be dead." It is impossible for the giant to ignore the powerful existence of Du You.

Du You thought for a while and nodded and said, "Then go back quickly." As he walked, Du You contacted the market and used the bulletin board on the market to find out what happened.

It turned out that it was because the students kept making trouble. A group of students saw a tribe of super large flame giants, so they rushed in and started the massacre without even thinking about it, because they were a large group of people.

There are hundreds of students and professionals alone, and at the same time they bring more soldiers and summons. I originally thought that this massacre would give them huge benefits.

But they didn't expect that there would be high-level giants hiding in them, and when the hunt was in the middle, those giants finally couldn't stand it. So a large number of Tier 4 giants and Tier 5 giants appeared at the same time, directly destroying their attacks. If it weren't for their strong ability to save lives, absolutely none of them would be able to come back alive.

But even so, more than 30 students died there directly, which is definitely a major loss.

And because of this incident, the academy analyzed that the giant might be planning to attack the central city in a sneak attack and wanted to destroy it. This time he sneaked in close. So the college issued an urgent order to get everyone back.

"It turns out that this is the case, let's speed up and fly back." Du You directly summoned Xiao Zi.

Du You and Lin Yucha rode Xiaozi, and Lin Yushi opened the Demon Slayer's wings to follow behind him, very fast. It was only after they came back that the atmosphere in the Central City had become very solemn this time.

"What happened? How did this happen?" Du You directly found Li Minglu.

Li Minglu lowered his voice: "The information from the outside world is not so accurate. This time, it is not just 30 students who have lost. In fact, with the sudden loss of other places, the total is almost 100."

"There are so many. It's no wonder the college is shrinking." The loss of a hundred students is almost reaching the upper limit of the college's loss this semester. If it continues to increase, the college will not be able to explain it.

"We are already pretty good here. I heard that the other four academies, because the number of people lost in this operation has already exceeded their death quota limit, and now there are already people outside. If it weren't for their strong academy, In addition, this time it was led by the academy alliance, and the academy alliance was holding it down. I'm afraid it would have been fried outside.

This is the limitation of the academy's organization. Students are not soldiers and can't be consumed at will.

But now it seems that their Capital University is pretty good. This should be the credit of their leasing business. After this period of leasing, Du You found that his territory experience value was almost halfway past.

Go on, it won’t take long to definitely reach Tier 5, and then the Tier 5 drawings given by Director Wang can be Well, we don’t care about this kind of thing, I think it will follow this situation. Going down, I am afraid that a decisive battle will soon begin. "

"Perhaps this is a rehearsal of the decisive battle." Li Minglu seemed to have thought of something.

In short, at this time the outside academy alliance and the academy have begun to conduct a lot of public relations for this matter, and it seems that they have to formulate new rules under special circumstances.

It is said that once this rule is passed, there will be significant benefits to the development of major colleges at that time. Although the number of losses may increase, since you have become a professional, you must always be prepared.

But these have nothing to do with Du You and the others. What needs to be concerned now is the present. Because just the day after Du You came back, a fiery force rose in the distance. That huge power seemed boundless, Du You knew that this was the aura of a Tier 5 flame giant. Because of the difference in strength, I gave myself this illusion.

At the same time, Director Wang was also ready with his Tier 5 troops. Just as Li Minglu said, this Tier 5 battle might really have become a rehearsal of the decisive battle. This victory or defeat is related to the next battle strategy.

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