Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 951: Garden star

Sorry, forgot to update.

"Head, is this really the case?" Gan Mu was a little unwilling. Even if Du You is a genius, he has been going smoothly to the present Gan Mu, and being forced to kill his subordinates makes people feel unwilling.

Even if the subordinate did calculate himself, killing him personally would be a serious blow to his prestige. Even if you want to kill, it can't be the situation of being forced to kill.

Qiu Yu sneered: "Huh, of course not, but we won't do it on the face of it. Think of your own way, if you have the opportunity, do it in another world, don't drag it down to the mercenary group. Now that kid has been caught by Capital University. The protection, Capital University is not as simple as it seems, our strength is far inferior to them."

If this kind of remark is directly said by the head of the delegation, it proves that there is no room for negotiation. Although Gan Mu was not reconciled, he could only shut up.

On the other side, Du You has already contacted Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, so that the two of them don't have to choose asteroids. A few hours later, all three people and Li Minglu appeared at Du You's home.

The law aura in Du You hasn't dissipated, so there is still no way to enter the giant world.

On the contrary, after the giant world is controlled, it is very easy for the people inside to get out.

"Look, this is the apocalypse given to me by the Dark Night Mercenary Corps, Garden Star, what do you think about it and whether it is suitable for use as our base." Du You took out various documents and proof of property rights.

Of course, this proof of property rights is not just as simple as a piece of paper, but a special contract with the power of law as a fairness. The power of this kind of contract can make anyone unable to violate it.

"There is indeed no problem with the information. They dare not leave any hidden dangers on it if there is a contract. I don't think there is a problem."

Li Minglu was the most experienced, and was the first to agree. According to the data, Garden Star is an asteroid that the Dark Night Mercenary Group has prepared for many years, with a diameter of 800 kilometers, neither too large nor too small.

I was preparing to set up a sub-base on it before, but now it is handed over to Du You.

A large planetary air conditioner is built on the garden star, and a large gravity regulator is buried inside. The surface of the planet has been modified, with soil, water, and air. Many plants have been planted on the asteroid, and farmland has been opened up. There is no way to build functional buildings in the main world, but territory influence can increase the output of various crops.

It's a pity that some civilians who had immigrated before have been transferred by the Dark Night Mercenary Corps.

If you want to continue to develop Garden Star in the future, you still need to find ways to immigrate yourself. Besides, even if they left these people on it, Du You couldn't believe it. Who knew if there were any spies they left behind.

Of course, there are loopholes in recruiting yourself, but at least it is more reassuring than this.

After the space channel is opened, the earth's will will directly take over the various laws on the asteroid through its territory. At that time, the asteroid is almost the same as the earth and does not need a large planetary control system to maintain it.

The controlled planet fully meets all the conditions for human existence. Just wanting to enter another world is a little troublesome. Basically, you can only enter a few related worlds through the territory channel, and it will be very difficult to enter other worlds.

"The Garden Star is very suitable. I have completely checked it and there is no problem. Are we building territory on it now, but where does our population come from?" Xi Qianxue has read the information.

Du You shook his head and said, "No, let's build a coastal city first. We will gain a firm foothold on the earth first, and then develop the power of outer space. Those places are more dangerous and take too much time. We want so much. The population is not that easy." The population can only recruit by themselves and let people pass voluntarily.

So first go to some small cities, and only if the people in them have a bad life, will they want to leave. But the lord of the small city will definitely stop it, and it needs to show a very strong strength.

No need to think about big cities, those people will not leave the earth easily. As for refugees, it is even harder to find them, because the environment on the earth now tends to be stable. As long as people gather together, they basically form their own cities.

"That's okay. We have found the land in the coastal area. There is no owner. Just report it to the Land Bureau. The price of the land is very cheap, including the outer islands, and only some white crystal coins will do. "

The reason for using white crystal coins is actually because the number will be larger if credit points are used. For those present, the white crystal coins are really nothing, and enough can be taken out at hand.

"Very good, then do it as soon as possible, do I need to do anything?" Du You said.

"Boss, you don't have to do anything, just wait for us to open the passage after we have built the urban framework. But the underpass will have to trouble you two for help."

"Don't worry, this matter is left to me." Li Mengyao said without hesitation. In every city, there are channels connected underground, which are specially used for subways and underground vehicles to travel. It is too dangerous on the ground. Most of the traffic between the city and the city relies on this underground passage.

Of course If you want to choose faster, you can also use an aircraft or even a teleportation array. However, it is not easy to open the teleportation array. It requires certain qualifications, and it also consumes a lot of energy to maintain it.

Du You has already checked that if a city can exist steadily for more than ten years and has considerable strength, only then will it be allowed to build a spatial teleportation array, otherwise that is not possible.

My own territory has just been constructed, and there is definitely no such possibility. As for ten years later, at that time, perhaps he would be able to create a teleportation array, and there was no need for other people to help. Even the teleportation array built by the alliance is actually learned from other worlds, and the technology is not too bad.

After discussing some details, Du You became an idler again. When Li Minglu returned to the giant world, there were still a lot of things to be busy over there, and he even received a lot of people to visit and visit every day.

Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao put aside the matter of contacting the asteroid, but they also need to contact them for the opening of the underground passage. It doesn't matter at all to connect the underground passage with the capital, it is really not that easy to do.

Du You still doesn't know what the identities of these two people are, but the energy in the capital is not small.

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