Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 957: 2Communication in the Territory

"The city has been completely taken over, no one will know what will happen next here." Li Minglu has already reached the side of the earth through the passage, and at the same time quickly dispatched his confidant to take over.

That's right, these confidants were all cultivated by Li Minglu himself. It's basically the civilians in the territory. These civilians are absolutely loyal. Li Minglu feels relieved, Du You feels even more relieved.

Du You nodded and didn't say much nonsense, and walked to the inside of a hidden hexagonal city wall that had been prepared a long time ago. This place had long been tightly controlled by the soldiers. Du You stretched out his hand, and a circular vortex emerged. This passage leads to the world of Arran, and this place will be concealed by other buildings in the future.

When the passage was formed, Saria and Aisha also brought people over. "This is the earth, and it doesn't seem to be any different." Aisha said, turning around.

Unlike others, Sharia and others, who have not been regularized, can only move within a certain range and cannot leave too far. Unlike Aisha, she can appear anywhere on the earth and can also enter other worlds through channels. Of course, this entry passage can only be Du You's territory passage, and other people's territory passages cannot be used.

The forces of the two territories are also the same. They can enter the city of the archipelago, but they cannot enter the other worlds through the passage. And for the sake of confidentiality, the troops from the city of the mountains cannot be sent to this place casually.

"You're Salia, I've heard the boss talk about you a long time ago." Li Minglu first stepped forward and said.

"I have also heard of you, you know more about the earth, and you will need your help in the future."

The atmosphere of the meeting between the two people is still relatively harmonious. After all, everyone's identities are similar, and there is also one boss. Du You didn't need to use any power technique to make his subordinates disagree, because he didn't worry that his subordinates would rebel.

In this pleasant environment, communication is still very easy.

"By the way, there is a giant world, I want to see." Aisha originally wanted to go to other places on the earth, but Du You refused to let Aisha go there because those places were too dangerous. So Aisha wanted to go to the giant world.

In the giant world, he is powerful enough to protect Aisha. I haven't seen it for a while. Aisha has gained a lot of benefits by hunting creatures in the Arran world. Now she has reached level 29, and even her skills have been increased. As long as you continue to upgrade, the next step will usher in advanced tasks.

After Aisha is transformed into a professional, it is the same as them. There is no way to advance without going through the advanced task.

It's just that it's still accumulating, without enough weapons and skills, it's not good to rush to advance. Moreover, in the advanced world, Du You also selected Aisha, in the giant world.

Whoever makes himself strong in the giant world, it is easy to help Aisha directly complete the task.

After getting permission from Du You, Aisha left this place briskly. Naturally, someone else led Aisha into the giant world. As for Aisha's appearance, there is nothing strange on this side of the earth.

The earth is full of all kinds of strange equipment, all kinds of transformation methods, and all kinds of bloodlines and special techniques. It is not a troublesome thing to be like a fox like Aisha, as long as the individual is willing.

Du You didn't worry about Aisha's safety, but watched Li Minglu and Saria discussing development issues.

After negotiation, the troops from the city of the mountains could not be sent over for the time being to avoid being discovered. Although some people had long thought that Du You had two territories, Du You didn't say it, and no one would ask.

But if there are other forces, then the space channel of this place will be exposed. Although no one will forcibly break into the space channel, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. It was really uncomfortable to encounter these troubles in the early stages of urban development. Simply hide it.

But this hiding is not completely unhelpful. It is true that the general strength of the mountain city will not come, but some of the people who practice Tiangang martial arts will come.

Du You built the Martial Arts Hall in the central city, and there is the profession of Tiangang Martial Arts, so the emergence of this profession's military strength does not seem very strange. As for whether they were trained or trained by directly employing troops, that one can't be seen at all.

These days, there are many martial arts masters in the city of mountains, and you can still find a lot of them. Moreover, those who choose are their own leaders, who are absolutely loyal, and don't worry about revealing anything.

As long as a little restriction is added to the leader, even if other people want to use soul control type skills, they will annihilate their own spirit for the first time, and it is impossible to investigate anything from it.

These two people have been in possession of the territory for a long time and are very experienced. In terms of various details, Du You can't think of problems, both of them can find out and solve them. Du You only discovered now that he was really far from the two of them in terms of managing territory.

Fortunately, he is a lord, and they are all subordinates, and Du You is also happy to learn a little more knowledge in this place.

This pleasant discussion lasted for most of the day, and it didn't end until the meal.

"In the future, we will establish an intelligence station here. If anything changes in the giant I will let people tell you through this intelligence station, and you can also tell me about your side. Although the troops cannot pass directly, it is okay to come up with an idea to transport something."

"Attention, it's better to just build it next door. The intelligence station will expand and become a material center."

Hearing that, Li Minglu did not oppose either. The mobilization of different materials between the different territories of the two worlds to support each other is good for the overall development. Moreover, you can focus on screening in this place.

Some materials that are not used in the two territories can also be circulated directly and sold through the city.

"Next, the underground passage will be opened, and some civilians will be transported to live in. Do you have any good ideas."

Du You finally spoke, and Li Minglu had already thought about it a long time ago: "There is no need to think about the big cities and the capital, but there are still some hidden residences around. We have found out and contacted them. Most of these residences People want to enter the city, but they have never had a chance. Now they are definitely willing to come and fight."

"As for the spies from other organizations, it's okay to keep them from getting to the core."

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