Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 966: Devour the behemoth

Because there had been an attack, Du You would carefully survey the surroundings before each battle. Those people can escape their own spiritual exploration, which shows that their spiritual exploration is not invincible.

Facts have proved that it is not that the opponent is a dog, it will definitely correspond to his pet. After hunting down a dog, Du You found that none of the three of them received any benefits, so they could only pack a part of the items and take them away. Even after the battle, they didn't even get a better piece of equipment, only some crystal coins.

"Forget it, go ahead, I don't believe it, I still can't get some suitable advanced materials. There are more than 30 natural disaster monsters around here, except for two that we can't deal with, there is no problem with the others."

Du You has already found out that the two most powerful are far away from the city. The reason Du You didn't dare to deal with it was because the two natural disaster behemoths were actually Tier 5.

This kind of natural disaster behemoth is even stronger than giants in its class, and it is simply abnormal.

Fortunately, under the laws of this world, there are not many natural disaster monsters, and they suppress each other. It can be said that they are almost like mortal enemies. Otherwise, this world will not have the power of other creatures to survive.

On the third day, the group came to a place where a special natural disaster beast was. "Be careful, this behemoth of natural disasters is called a devouring beast. Don't be confronted by his front mouth, otherwise it's dangerous."

Du You's investigation materials have already indicated the special features of this behemoth. When Du You saw it, what impressed him the most was a big mouth, a mouth that occupies more than half of his body.

What it looks like behind, but can't see clearly, only a few short legs can be seen, this should not be a behemoth that is good at moving speed. The ability of this giant beast natural disaster cloud is also very special, that is, swallowing and annihilating.

Du You decided not to let the natural disaster giant dog take action this time, because he was worried that the natural disaster cloud of the natural disaster giant dog would be swallowed by the opponent. Being swallowed by the same natural disaster behemoth, God knows if there will be sequelae.

The three people present a triangular position, and then attack directly from a distance. Du You passed by with the energy-concentrating magic cannon, but as soon as it touched the opponent's skin, his energy-concentrating magic cannon disappeared.

"No, the energy swallowing has exceeded my upper limit." Du You discovered that his spells might not be able to pose a threat to the opponent. If there is only oneself, Du You will definitely turn around and run when he sees this kind of enemy.

Fortunately, there were two sisters. After finding that the energy arrows were useless, they replaced them with normal arrows for the first time.

The spiral sniper has a very good effect, and the power of this move is concentrated, and there is no way to easily swallow it. Every attack can create huge scars on the opponent's body, one hole at a time.

Although this devouring behemoth is dangerous, it seems that there is only one move, and that is to open its mouth. At the position where the mouth was aligned, a black ray shot out, instantly annihilating all the substances that were submerged by the black ray.

All three of them have teleporting ability. Whenever they find that the monster's mouth is aimed at a position, the three of them teleport away without hesitation. Fortunately, this guy's speed is not very fast, they can still react to the speed of the turn.

Lin Yushi didn't have that kind of single-point powerful attack, so he could only use continuous shooting skills and use quantity to make up for the lack of quality. Especially the target of the attack, often aimed at the location of the wound created by the sister. If it can hit, it will cause huge damage to the Devouring Behemoth, at least a sharp pain is indispensable.

This battle turned into a battle between the two sisters slowly, and Du You's own spells were completely useless. If you summon your own summoned beast, you might be swallowed by the opponent if you face it.

Even though bubbles might restrain this special dark power, Du You didn't dare to bet. Because there is only one life for Bubble, if he dies, he is really dead, and Du You can't help at all in this battle.

In this way, it took five hours, which can be said to be the longest time spent dealing with the behemoth. This devouring behemoth is finally dying, and there is no way for it to move.

"Master, come on next, this guy can't move anymore." Lin Yucha said to Du You.

Du You nodded, and then summoned the natural disaster giant dog. "Go, approach from behind, don't go to the front, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Du You said to the natural disaster giant dog.

Then the natural disaster giant dog stepped forward, from behind, holding down the devouring giant beast, and Du You and the others were relieved. The natural disaster cloud in the sky is indeed not the opponent's opponent, even if the opponent has been seriously injured.

But with the natural disaster giant dog biting down, the dying behemoth finally fell into the wind, and the natural disaster cloud could no longer suppress the opponent, but was swallowed by the opponent bit by bit to strengthen itself.

But when Du You and the others thought that there was no problem, suddenly, the Devouring Giant Beast exuded a black light, this time not directly facing the front, but spreading out from all directions. Du You's expression moved, but before he took back the natural disaster giant dog, the natural disaster giant dog was shrouded in light.

When the light disappears, the giant natural disaster dog disappears, and the panel prompts the death of his giant natural disaster dog. At the same time, the devouring behemoth that had just issued the last move was completely dead, because the ball burst out.

"This is too scary. Fortunately, we didn't get close to Du You was first fortunate, and then a little worried. He was worried that the huge natural disaster dog that was killed would be affected in any way.

But forget it, call it out a day later and you'll know.

The last devouring annihilated, but it did not annihilate the Devouring Behemoth's own body. The huge and tattered body was in front of them. Since it was completely dead, there was no problem approaching this time.

"Do you feel it?" Du You asked the others. "I feel that there is my advanced material, it's this guy's big mouth. Although it's a bit bigger, it should be foldable when cut."

"The master's luck is really good. What kind of skill does this correspond to?" the two people asked.

Because of the good start at the beginning, their expectations for the natural disaster behemoths were a bit high, but in the next few days, they killed several natural disaster behemoths without obtaining the materials, and they realized that it was not so easy.

Yes, if it is really that easy, God knows how many people will come to hunt and kill, it is impossible for this world to have so many natural disaster beasts now. The power that human professionals burst out is not something a mere world can resist.

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