Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 974: Advanced skills

After experimenting with Ghostweave Crow, the next skill advancement will start. The feathers on the head of the giant bird correspond to Lin Yucha's eagle arrow. The skills of the two sisters not only need to be advanced, but also to upgrade their stars.

   So the time spent and coins are usually a bit more, and it's not even much different than the time and coins spent in upgrading your skills. Fortunately, they have gained a lot recently, so they don't lack crystal coins at all.

   Eagle's Arrow: Shoots an arrow into the air, and the spirit is attached to the arrow, looking for any target within 100 kilometers of its center, forming an attack from the sky. The arrow has a strong impact and lasts for 20 minutes. (Level 33, 9 stars)

   Two days later, the new skill advancement is completed. It was still the kind of ultra-long-distance strike, and the distance was even more exaggerated. It increased ten times and became a range of 100 kilometers. At the same time, the time to find the target increased to 20 minutes, which also doubled. This attack power does not know how much it has improved.

   After a general test, Du You found that the same Tier 4 people, I am afraid that the possibility of failing to defend themselves or even being killed by a spike is very high. Moreover, this attack distance can be regarded as super long-range.

  On the conventional battlefield, this attack range is even longer than most technological weapons.

   No time wasted. Next is the Lightning Throat, which corresponds to Lin Yushi’s Thunderstorm Arrow skill. It is also more than two days, because of the high degree of fit.

   Thunderstorm Arrow: The compressed lightning power is condensed in the arrow. After the arrow hits the target, the lightning explodes, producing a strong electric attribute killing and paralyzing effect, accompanied by lightning jumps to attack nearby targets. Requires passive skills with lightning attributes. (Level 33, 9 stars)

   "It seems that the change is not too big, so I added an ability, lightning jump attack. Try it out."

   Lin Yushi nodded, and then aimed at some test targets to attack. The range of the lightning explosion was similar to that of the previous lightning, but the attack power was much stronger. The range of electromagnetic shock has become much larger, and it has stronger restraint on electronic items.

   What made Du You unexpected was that after the thunder and lightning exploded, a series of lightning flashed out of the electric ball, like several chains of lightning, continuously attacking the surrounding targets.

   Now, the overall attack range and lethality have indeed improved a lot. Used in group battles, the effect will be higher. Not to mention the direct attack effect, even this deterrence can also make the enemy fear.

   Next is the white tiger brain, which corresponds to Du You's wild spirit, which is a rare auxiliary summoning beast skill.

  Wild Spirit: Increase the power speed of the summoned beast by 1% per level. Add wild intuition. (Level 33, 10 stars)

   Although it is to increase the basic power speed, the increase rate is now higher. The level 33 skill increases by 33%. It is only the power speed, but it is the most important attribute in the battle.

   After experimentation, Du You discovered that the additional ability of wild intuition really increased the most.

   My own summoned beasts are not living creatures, they are all transformed creatures, and they have no thinking. Usually relying on strong strength to fight, the performance is still very good. But Du You knew that the reaction speed of these creatures was actually a bit slower, and there was no other way.

   Unless you control yourself, there will always be deficiencies. But after adding wild intuition, Du You found that his summoned beast's combat effectiveness began to qualitatively increase. Without self-control, the natural reaction is very fast in battle.

   Some instinctive means of combat have been displayed, which is simply magical. This is the real fighting creature.

   Du You knows that although those who use real creatures as their summoning skills have various shortcomings, a strong combat power is enough to make up for all the shortcomings. Now, I finally made up for this. This kind of battle is not an improvement of hard power, but this kind of soft power improvement is more rare than hard power, and the improvement is also greater.

   Next is the big mouth, which was cut from the swallowing natural disaster beast, corresponding to his own dark swamp. I don't know what skill can be advanced, Du You is a little entangled, but also a little expectant.

   It took a long time this time, and it took four days to evolve.

   Devouring Swamp: A large area of ​​dark power is formed by magic spells to form the Devouring Swamp. Slow down the enemy trapped in it, and at the same time make the enemy in a dark and corroded state, and the vitality and energy will continue to be swallowed. Can swallow the soul body. The maximum range (level * 30) meters, the duration is 24 hours. (Level 33, 10 stars)

   Is this even the name changed? Du You discovered that the name of this rare skill has changed. The same effect has changed more significantly, making this skill more aggressive.

Now this devouring swamp not only has the ability to corrode, it can also continuously devour the vitality and energy of the enemy. This is already considered a powerful domain skill, although this is not a The disadvantage is that it needs enemies. It can only work after being caught in it, but the advantage is that it consumes less and has a large range. That's right, the ratio of this range has increased again. Now a level 33 skill can spread the swamp to 990 meters at one time, and few enemies can escape. Even if it is used to clean up the mobs, this terrifying skill is stronger than before. I don't know how much.

   Next is the natural disaster core that swallows the natural disaster behemoth, which corresponds to the magic surge of Lin Yucha. This is a skill that restores magical power, and it can be regarded as a core support. Du You and the two sisters have high expectations for this skill.

   Once the skill effect is not good, it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness of Lin Yucha. You know, Mana Surge is an essence skill, Du You admires it very much, it is more convenient and quicker than his own dark spirit to restore mana.

   Three days later, new skills took shape, and everyone temporarily put aside everything to study.

   Mana Surge: Speed ​​up the recovery of one's own magic power, and restore level*0.005% every second. (Level 33, 9 stars)

"The magic power recovery speed has increased by five times. According to the current level, 0.165% can be recovered every second, so all the magic power can be recovered in 606 seconds, which is ten minutes. This speed is higher than the recovery ratio of my dark spirit light. Up."

   Du You is talking about the recovery ratio, because Du You's own magic power is too much, so the recovery magic power of Dark Spirit Light is stronger than Lin Yucha, which can not be compared with the effect of skills. Judging from Lin Yucha's consumption of magic power, it is now possible to take off the killing badge, and with his own skills, he is enough to fight like a perpetual motion machine.

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