Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 977: The last 1 summoned beast advanced

Lin Yucha controlled the platform Floating Cloud to spread its wings, and as a result, two pale gold wings bloomed from both sides of the clouds. This wing made the clouds look like a weird big bird.

   "This is too conspicuous." Lin Yushi said hesitantly, so that no one can see it in the air.

Du You shook his head: "No, only we can see that other people can't see it." Du You just asked through his soldiers, and found that the soldiers in his territory could not see the two big wings. , This is the most illustrative of the problem.

   The expansion of the two wings is equivalent to the addition of two shields on both sides, and in fact it also strengthens the defense of the entire floating cloud.

   "Try speed, this is the most important thing." These two wings are mainly used to increase speed.

   Lin Yu nodded, and then the three of them took their wings and started experimenting. As a result, the speed of this floating cloud at the beginning will not be very fast, but as it continues to accelerate, it will eventually become faster and faster, just like a train.

   If you carry more things, the acceleration time will be longer, but when you accelerate to the fastest speed, they are all the same, at most, the difficulty of deceleration is different. There is no friction at high altitude, and the resistance is automatically weakened by the floating clouds. When the fastest speed was reached, Du You discovered that this speed was already almost comparable to Xiao Zi's speed.

   may be slower than his own flying summoned beast, and not as fast as Lin Yushi's Demon Wing, but not too slow.

   "This skill is a skill suitable for long-distance driving. With this skill, we won't have to fly with the summoned beast in the future." Du You was still very satisfied with this.

   Lin Yucha nodded slightly. This skill may not have a very good effect on combat, but the journey will be different in the future.

   In the past, he could only hurry on Xiao Zi's body. The long journey could not move around, which was very uncomfortable. But now with this, it can be completely arranged, and the whole floating cloud is like a small square.

   is different from the hard work of driving on the road in the past, and on the road in the future, it will be the same as living at home. This skill, for Du You and others, obviously enjoyed the effect greater than the actual combat effect.

   This is not to say that this skill is useless, on the contrary, if this skill is used well, it is very powerful. If the floating clouds on the platform are arranged in advance, Du You can even turn it into a battle fortress similar to a spaceship. Mobility and combat ability are very high, even if it is used alone to transport goods, the effect is not simple.

   Next, there are two wings on the strange bird. Corresponding to Du You's Black Jade Griffon, it is also the last summoned beast skill that has not yet advanced. Du You took it out and put it in the skill hall.

   Advanced can be said to be quite satisfactory. There is nothing special about it. It took less than three days to complete.

   Black Jade Gryphon King: Wind King Gryphon is transformed from the power of darkness. It takes 24 hours to re-summon after death. (Level 33, 10 stars)

  Magic: 100%

   Skills: air combat, wind blade, whirlwind bodyguard, wind blade ball, riding, blade storm, tearing void

   Air combat: Enhance melee combat ability, increase air melee combat by 100%

   Wind Blade: Control the wind to form a wind blade, perform long-range strikes, and have dark attributes.

   Whirlwind Body: Control the wind to form a barrier around it, with certain defensive and offensive capabilities, and dark attributes.

   Wind Blade Ball: The sphere formed by the wind blade explodes after hitting the target, and has a dark attribute.

   Riding: The black jade griffon king has a riding function, and can play a stronger power with the knight profession. TV update is the fastest/ /

  Blade Breaking Storm: A tornado composed of fragments of the Dark Wind Blade, immune to itself and the rider.

   Tear the Void: The claws and mouth of the Black Jade Griffin King have powerful cutting abilities, which can tear open space. Sharp space cracks can be used to strengthen attack power, with space attack attributes.

   To my surprise, the Black Jade Griffin King did not improve his own defense capabilities. Originally, Du You thought that these summoned beasts would move in the direction of omnipotence, constantly making up for their own weaknesses, but in fact they were not.

   This black jade griffin became the black jade griffin king, still the wind of the dark attribute, but the two added skills are of attack type.

  The blade storm is similar to wind blade fragments being drawn into a whirlwind. It is like a meat grinder, which can **** everything into it and crush it. It is a powerful attack skill within a certain range.

   Once activated, it will cause a whirlwind, even a tornado, and the terrifying suction swallows everything around it, which is very terrifying. Moreover, the dark attribute attack is added, and it also has the nature of constant corrosion.

   In terms of attack, it is definitely stronger than pure wind attribute. This general skill of a meat grinder, especially in the case of a large number of enemies, can have a very powerful clearing effect. But for the kind of enemy with strong magic resistance and defense, this effect is not so good. This is the conclusion obtained after experimentation.

   And the last new skill tears the void, this skill actually involves space effects.

   It is a pity that This skill is not a long-range attack, but a melee attack. It can only be activated by claws and beaks. It does not have a spatial effect, but directly tore the space with the help of dark power.

   Then used the space crack to make an indirect attack. This flying creature actually kept moving in the direction of melee combat. It's no wonder that many worlds say that Griffin is the king of the sky, this thing is indeed very abnormal. Recommend to read TV//

   After experimentation, Du You found that this kind of space crack attack was terrifying. This is not a crack created by the Space Mage, but a disordered crack that is directly torn apart. Although it is not easy to control, it is more lethal.

   This kind of space crack can even easily create a lot of wounds on the dead orangutan that he has advanced. If it weren't for the powerful defensive magic resistance of the death orangutan itself, there was really no way to resist it.

   is the poor effect on super huge creatures such as natural disaster giant dogs, that is because of the contrast of body size. The Black Jade Griffin King is so big, and the advanced level hasn't become much larger, so the range of claw attacks will not be very large, which is a limitation. But for ordinary small enemies, the effect of this unexpected attack is absolutely disastrous.

   Even in a certain sense, it is more effective than the method of the death scorpion.

   "Although it is not very comprehensive, but it is better to fight, very good." Du You was a little disappointed at first, and then smiled with satisfaction. It doesn't matter if the defense is not good. If you die, you are not really dead, and you can be resurrected.

   In a very big sense, the attack of own summoned beast is powerful, and its effect will be more obvious.

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