Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 981: Career advancement rules

Originally, it seemed that there were enough crystal coins, but now it seemed that it was not enough, and Du You also looked helpless.

   After thinking about it, Du You said, “Let’s go back and find out the specific situation first, and then consider which skills to improve first.” The skill level 36 is completely different from the level 33.

   As the level increases, whether it is one's own profession or various skills, each level up has a very considerable effect. After dealing with the immediate matter, the three of them returned to their homes.

  While waiting for the aura of the law to dissipate, he typed out acquisition information and bought what he needed. At the same time, Du You also studied some upgrade rules after Tier 4 at home.

   Although I don’t pay much attention to these things at ordinary times, I can hardly see them, but they are very clear in the records of the academy. "It turned out to be like this. It's no wonder that the higher the level, the harder it is to improve, even if their skills have become scarce." Du You looked at the information that was just filtered out of the college information.

  Professionals need to complete very difficult tasks when they enter the fourth level. Yes, the advanced tasks will allow you to break the first bottleneck, regardless of your own level or skill level.

   But at level 33, you will be in the bottleneck from the early to mid-stage of the fourth stage. At this time, everyone wants to break through the level and needs to spend 10,000 topaz. It takes 20,000 to upgrade to level 36, and 30,000 to upgrade to level 39.

   No matter who, no matter what the star status is. The next step is skills. The level of skills is improved, and the effect is completely different from before, because skill improvement has a base.

   "Sure enough, skills cost the most. If a good skill is a good skill, the price will be doubled. I now understand why many people can upgrade their own skills and do not go to it. Master, we..."

Hearing Lin Yucha's words, Du You waved his hand: "If we don't learn from those people, we would rather waste a little time, waste more energy, and improve our strength in an all-round way. Only with strength can we earn better. Crystal coins."

   Then Du You continued: "Furthermore, our strength has improved very quickly. It's only a year."

   Yes, it has only been a year since I was close to graduating from high school, and I have been promoted to the middle of the fourth level. It will take at least a few years for ordinary people to reach this level.

   Since I have been improving very quickly, why should I give up the future? With a good foundation, you don't need to team up with others to complete tasks and hunt down enemies. With only three of you, you will get more coins. This is a virtuous circle. Otherwise, it will be the same as everyone else, with less and less gains and worsening strength.

   The two sisters glanced at each other and closed their mouths. Whatever the master decides, then listen to it. Besides, it is indeed beneficial.

   The cost of the advancement of this skill really makes Du You feel very heady. Du You silently calculated in his heart and found that this skill was actually closely related to his star rating.

   The star itself is a base. For example, his skills are all 10 stars, so every skill breaks through 33 levels, at least 10,000 topaz, high-level skills will directly break through this level, showing a cliff-like improvement.

   at least 50% increase, normal is doubled. Therefore, his skill is not increased by 10,000 topaz coins, or fifteen thousand, or twenty thousand, there is no middle number. The flame of destruction that consumes the most is 30,000 directly.

   And when it breaks through from level 36 to level 37, it will be doubled directly like the level increase. The breakthrough at the previous level was 10,000, this time it was 20,000, the previous level was 30,000, and this level was 60,000, which is getting more and more exaggerated.

   Du You discovered that at this moment, the cost of evolving new skills is no longer the largest, and the maximum cost has become the promotion of skills. This is also the case after the fifth level.

   Du You took a closer look, and the proportions of crystal coins required for the fifth and fourth levels were similar. It was also a cliff-like upgrade, and the same was true for the sixth level. Although the number of crystal coins is the same, the levels are completely different. And as the level increases, it will become more and more difficult to obtain crystal coins.

  Many people will give up most of their skills and only upgrade a few skills because it is not easy to obtain crystal coins. After that, they will use squad and equipment methods to make up for their own shortcomings.

  As for equipment, as the level increases, equipment becomes more and more difficult to obtain, but the effect of each piece of equipment will become more and more significant. So in the later stage, the price of equipment is simply sky-high, and there is still no market.

   As for what will happen after the seventh level, there is nothing in the academy's information. I don't know if it is really not displayed or it is deliberately not displayed. However, Tier 7 is too far away from him, so I don't need to think about it for now.

   After learning about this advanced rule Du You also understands that there is no way to upgrade all advanced skills to level 36, so let's discuss it first and improve individual skills.

"The next goal we are going to is the Dark Dragon Valley. That world belongs to a broken world, and the creatures in it are mainly dragons or sub-dragons. Their defenses and magic resistance are very strong, and the strongest is magic resistance. Therefore, To deal with them, we'd better improve the normal attack aspect first. By the way, Master, your energy-concentrating magic cannon is not bad. Improve this."

   Du You lightly nodded: "That's how it should be, then I will first upgrade the energy-generating magic cannon and soul piercing, and the summoning aspect will upgrade the natural disaster giant dog and the dead orangutan, and the others do not need to be upgraded temporarily."

   These four skills cost a lot. They have just advanced a lot of skills, and now their coins are stretched, so they can't just waste it. These skills must be calculated carefully.

"In my case, the main thing is to improve the spiral sniper. Yushi, you can advance your own space arrow. This skill is the best against dragon creatures. If there are remaining coins, we will upgrade some skills that can assist attacks. "

   Du You nodded lightly, then counted while facing the panel. "There are still some remaining coins. Let me see. Let me upgrade the wild spirit. Yushi adds a demon-killing wing to increase speed and defense. As for Yucha, do you? Let me see, this is left. The crystal coin just enhances a space spirit and increases the mobility of the two of you."

   After improving a few skills in this way, the remaining seemingly huge exclusive topaz has already bottomed out.

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