Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 983: Changes in hometown

Soon, the two assistants in the territory left the city, hired people there, and contacted the construction company at the same time. Although today's various high technologies have made it easy to build cities, it will take several days.

   That night, the two sisters returned home. "How is the city situation now."

When    came back, the two sisters hid their identities and did not go with Du You, but secretly learned about the changes in Yuncheng. The last time was the Lin family's choice, Du You will not forget it.

   Can't trouble the Dark Night Mercenary Group for the time being, but the Lin Family? That's different.

   "Things are a little troublesome. We first found out that a period of time before, the cloud city has changed a lot. This new city owner was originally very strong, but recently, it seems that the Lin family has risen rapidly, and there is a big contradiction with the new city owner."

   Du You looked at the data collected by the two sisters, the front part was very normal.

   It is nothing more than that after changing a city owner, the new city mainly regains its power to control the city, so the methods are relatively tough. Soon the whole city was washed again, and many people were investigated for various things and then stepped down.

  Similarly, a group of people who supported the new city lord came to power. Within a short period of time, the line city lord firmly grasped the entire city. Then the city owner connects large organizations in other cities outside to develop in the city.

   Although Cloud City looked like it was no different from before, in fact, its strength was far surpassed before. Not only was the destroyed Marine Mecha unit restored, it also gained some Tier 3 combat effectiveness.

   But just a while ago, things suddenly changed. Among the major families that had been suppressed, the Lin family suddenly bucked the trend. It is said that there were suddenly a few more professionals whose strength reached Tier 3 in the family. These people didn't know where they came from, and they were able to compete with the city lord all at once.

   The struggling families that were suppressed by the arrival of the new city owner naturally got close to the old family of the Lin family, so they formed a big alliance together and confronted each other.

   "The Lin family has risen? What is the reason, did their head of the family remarry his wife?" Du You was a little curious.

   "No, the Lin family originally found a new wife for their Patriarch. It is said that they are about to get married. But then suddenly something happened and the marriage was gone."

   "Then, the Lin family suddenly rose. I don't know what kind of help it received, but it must not be the nearby city. Now the Lin family is about to occupy most of the minerals around this city."

   Du You knocked on the table, and the Lin family suddenly rose, Du You didn't expect it.

   Suddenly, Lin Yushi said, "When I came back, I found that there seemed to be someone watching us nearby. The only people in this city who have enemies with us are the Lin family."

   Du You nodded slightly: "It is only the Lin family, but the Lin family should not know. According to the circumstances, last time Lin Ming only thought that his brother's death was related to us, so he provoked to deal with us, the Lin family..."

   Suddenly, Du You's eyes narrowed, "When did the Lin Family rise?"

   Lin Yucha seemed to have thought of something, and quickly looked through the information in his hand. After a long time, Lin Yucha said: "It was not too long ago, the time will not be too long. Looking at this time, it should be before and after the dark night mercenary group asked us to apologize."

Du You sneered: "Very well, this should be what happened. Most of the Dark Night Mercenary Corps attributed Lin Ming's death to us, and also linked the deaths of several other people with us, otherwise the Lin Family I won't do this. It's just that the Lin family is not acting rashly now, so it should be known about our strength."

  The Lin family has no power in the capital. How can they pay attention to their own strength? Someone must have told them.

   Various things are connected together, and Du You is 80% sure that it is basically the Dark Night Mercenary Group who is doing the trick.

   "Damn dark night mercenary group, master, should we find a chance to kill them." Lin Yushi said.

   Lin Yucha knocked his sister on the head in an annoyed manner, and the girl started not thinking about the problem again. "Our strength is far from the opponents of the Dark Night Mercenary Group, so we can't attack them at all. If we take the initiative, that's our fault, and the Dark Night Mercenary Group won't be able to say anything against our academy at that time."

   Du You also said: "The Dark Night Mercenary Corps is afraid of the power of the Academy, not our own. That's why they will deal with me indirectly. If I take the initiative, then it's not just what they want."

   "But what good will it do for them?" Lin Yushi still didn't understand.

Du You pondered for a moment: "I can't think of it, but I am afraid there is only one general benefit, and that is reputation. On the one hand, we have lost their face last time, and some people want to get it back. On the other hand, It may be that after losing the face of the academy will do them any good, but the specifics are not clear."

   Du You didn't know the inside story very clearly, so he could only guess, and didn't know what was right or wrong.

   "Then what should we do now." Lin Yushi pouted and said.

   "Hehe, the Dark Night Mercenary Corps does not take the initiative to stand up, but find a spokesperson, can we also find it. Besides, it is not possible, we take the initiative to deal with the Lin Family also said in the past, because the Lin Family is our enemy."

   Du You smiled, he has more initiative than the opponent, and he can completely end on his own. But Du You didn't want to be too proactive, so that it would be easy for the other party to find a handle, so just find a spokesperson.

   "The Lin Family rises, the most direct enemy is the New City Lord, so we have to help the New City Lord here. Master, what do you plan to do specifically." Lin Yucha thinks about things more clearly than his sister.

   "It is impossible to send troops, and it is impossible for the territory soldiers we made to cross that far to reach Yuncheng. But we can help the city lord train his subordinates, for example, help him train a group of Tiangang martial arts."

   This is the biggest role of the territory, cultivating a group of special professionals. The explosive power of the Tiangang martial artist is so powerful that it is difficult to beat the Tiangang martial artist at the same level without any special ability. This is the most distinctive profession in his territory. Recently, my own territory has helped the college cultivate a group, so Du You still knows this well.

   As long as there are a batch of third-order Tiangang martial artists on the New City Lord, then the Lin family will be unlucky, as long as he beats the side drum.

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