Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 987: The world is very unstable

As it continued to deepen, a group of special dragons and beasts were finally found in this complex terrain. This is a dragon beast living in a pile of rocks. It is a darkly walking dragon, walking on two legs like a velociraptor.

   Although he is not very big, he is a real Tier 4 creature in itself, even if it only has just reached Tier 4.

   "These earth travel dragons have no other abilities other than melee combat, and there is a black cloud on their bodies with magical attack effects, but their melee combat capabilities are very strong. Let's test their strength first."

   After a period of observation, Du You finally came to this conclusion.

   Lin Yucha nodded lightly, and then quietly approached. In a state of invisibility, a lonely earth travel dragon in front of him did not find any trace of Lin Yucha. Lin Yucha pulled the bowstring gently, and then an arrow flew out.

   Spiral sniper killing is a killer move from the beginning. The attack power of this trick is very strong, yes, but it will not cause any impact on the environment. Under the spiral sniper, the earth travel dragon seemed to have discovered something, but it was hit just after it moved.

  Because the arrow speed is too fast, this terrestrial dragon has no ability to resist. The arrow passed by, leaving a big pit in the head of Earth Xinglong. "It's a very strong defense, I thought it could be pierced directly."

   Lin Yucha stepped forward and found that his arrow had only penetrated the skull of the Earth Dragon, but it was stuck on the bone on the other side, only penetrating half of this bone. You know, the level of this earth travel dragon is not as high as its own, which is enough to show how strong this thing's defensive power is.

   "It seems that if you want to deal with the dragon, you can't come to the skull. The defense here is the strongest in the whole body. I don't know if it will be effective if you attack Nilin."

   "It should not work. I checked before coming to this world. The dragons in this world are very special. The inverse scale belongs to the hardest scale on the whole body. Attacking this location is better than attacking other places."

   Lin Yucha always likes to do his homework before setting off. Du You is ashamed of this.

   "Is that so? It doesn't matter. Let's continue hunting, earn a little coin first, and upgrade a few more skills."

   A group of people started hunting and killing the Earth Dragon in this place. Only a day later, Du You was a little depressed. "It seems that the world is not only unstable, but even the reward is very unstable."

   Du You looked at the ball in his hand. Who would have thought that a green ball could be shot after a Tier 4 creature was hunted. This was obviously the result of a Tier 3 quality hunt. The things inside the sphere are also very strange.

   The good is good, the bad is bad. I don’t know if there are so many bad things because of the world, but there are not many good things. This obviously should only produce light yellow, but at most yellow items, the earth travel dragon, unexpectedly appeared a dark yellow equipment.

   But looking at the bone stick in his hand, Du You was depressed. This thing is not needed for soldiers and soldiers. This is not a weapon at all, or in a strict sense, it should be regarded as a strange weapon. The additional ability of the bone stick itself is the dragon awe, and only creatures with dragon blood can have a terrifying effect.

   This kind of thing is basically a chicken rib, Du You shook his head, put this thing away, and then take it out to exchange things. As for the rest, there is nothing they can use.

   "The overall income of crystal coins has also dropped a lot. Fortunately, these dragon beasts themselves should produce a lot of crystal coins, and there are also a lot of them, but they can also supplement us. Okay, let's start upgrading skills."

   Du You calculated the crystal coins in his hand, and then he started to choose the skills that everyone could improve and improved. The performance of professionals is not only the level of the occupation, the most important thing is the number and level of their skills. As their skills improve one by one, their combat effectiveness and safety level here will also continue to improve.

   The next day, the group of people who had finished their rest embarked on the journey again. In order to be able to get a better harvest of his task, Du You left the only open task, but did not submit it.

   It's just this unstable world, and I don't know what I will give myself. This task is to hunt dragons and beasts, and statistics are based on the final hunting results. Generally speaking, it should be turned on when you are waiting for someone to leave.

   "Look, there are bigger dragon beasts, no, this should be Yalong." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to the front and said.

   Du You looked forward, and there was indeed a group of very large creatures that reached more than four meters in height. It looked like a group of enlarged triceratops, but the head was thicker and there was no bone plate behind.

This kind of dragon is very special. Du You saw that some of these guys were eating grass, some were eating leaves, and some were actually catching some small animals to eat. This is the first time for Du You to have such a very mixed food. See.

   "It doesn't matter kill them first." Du You waved his hand, and the dead orangutan teleported over for the first time. Divine toxins are not something that these Yalong can resist, and these creatures are poisoned in an instant. Then the dead orangutan punched, and the shocking force spread, and a dragon fell on the ground all at once, unable to get up for a long time.

   Other Yalong found the enemy, roared and turned around, opening his mouth and spouting bone spurs. Yes, it was the bone spur. The bone spur hit the dead orangutan with a powerful force, but the bone spur broke in the next moment.

   There was nothing wrong with the death of the orangutan, which made the Yalong feel like they were in trouble.

   But in the next moment, the Yalongs didn't have that many ideas, because the natural disaster giant dogs that were much larger than them jumped up. The huge body shape carried terrifying power, and suddenly a Yalong was photographed on the ground.

   If it weren't for the tenacious vitality of Yalong, perhaps this hapless guy would be shot to death under this blow. But looking at the way this guy is now, I'm afraid he won't live long, he's just struggling now.

   Du You and the two sisters instantly appeared behind the natural disaster giant dog, and then various attacks flew out. In the case of almost a sneak attack, these Yalongs had not figured out what had happened before they were besieged and killed by Du You and his own summoned beasts.

   When the bubbles came slowly and slowly, the battle was over, and this guy didn't play any role in the whole process. Even in this battle, the bubble did not release even a blessing spell, and it was completely in a state of watching a play.

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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