Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 989: Found the dragon king

When the scarred red dragon was finally pierced into the back of the head by Lin Yucha, the dragon was considered dead.

   Du You immediately raised his head and said: "Be careful, the dragon dies, and the dragon king may appear." The dragons have a very strong sense of territory, and there is a king on every piece of land where the dragon lives.

   Just like at this time, there will definitely be a dragon king in this fragmented world. Du You just waited for a while, but Du You found nothing, which made Du You feel a little strange.

   "Why don't you have a Dragon King? I don't know this." Du You looked at the dead red dragon.

"Definitely not. With the arrogance of the dragon clan, the Dragon King must live in the most central position. It is not here." Lin Yucha shook her head and pointed to the red dragon and said: "And this red dragon should be an adult soon." TV Mobile terminal/

   Du You nodded, the same is true. After opening the ball, Du You harvested some dragon materials and a bottle. "It looks like there is no need to test, this guy has exploded his blood."

   Du You looked at the bottle in his hand, the fallen red dragon bloodline was still a high-level bloodline. I really don't know if the price can go up with the word depravity, I'm afraid it will drop a lot.

   "Is it degenerate just because of the dark attribute? The dark attribute provokes someone." Du You rolled his eyes, and he was also a dark attribute, but Du You never thought he was depraved.

"The crystal nucleus of an adult dragon is a good thing, and the dragon skins at specific locations on the body are also good things. Let's get it down and take it away." As for the dragon blood, this thing is not too hot, but it is cold. Oh no.

   They need to use crystal coins for authentication to take things away, and the authentication effect of dragon blood is not good, so it is better to give up. The other things on the dragon are also the same, most of them are taken back to waste, and only the most valuable ones are taken away.

   Then, the group continued to look around. During this search, a group of people found several dragons around, all of which were of more mixed bloodlines, but there were more than a dozen dragons in number. After hunting one by one, Du You was very disappointed after experimenting with the pedigree bottle. This pedigree was completely unavailable for him. Recommend to read TV//

   Although, for others, this lineage is already very advanced.

   Fortunately, hunting this way, although the world is unstable, but they also got some good things.

   Dragon Head Pendant: Purify the soul and provide spiritual protection. Can effectively resist the curse. (Dark yellow)

  Because of the curse resistance effect, Du You directly replaced it and took off his original Earth Dragon Eye Necklace. After experimenting a bit, Du You found that with this pendant, the curse of death had really weakened his effect a lot.

   And Du You discovered that the few pieces of equipment on his body had actually become more than yellow, not even the green one. Being able to put together a yellow equipment at Tier 4 is also very powerful. Perhaps the number is not comprehensive enough, or the collocation is not so reasonable, but it is absolutely enviable to be able to do this.

   In addition, when hunting before, I also got two dragon armor knee pads, just to replace the two sisters' King Kong boots.

  Dragon Armor Kneepads: Increased speed by 35, defense increased by 34, leg armor doubled, and leg attack increased by 33. (yellow)

   Take a closer look, the green equipment on Lin Yucha's body has also been replaced, but Lin Yushi still has two pieces on his body, a belt and a ring. But these will have to wait to find a way later.

   After all, this equipment is not so easy to obtain, Du You has no other way, only hunting and completing tasks by himself. Although the efficiency is much higher than that of others, it is not 100% obtainable.

  In this unstable world, it is not easy to be able to benefit.

   But after hunting down these dozen dragons, Du You finally found that the surrounding dragons had been killed, and in the process, he never saw the local dragon king appear.

   "Let's go to the middle and have a look, I don't know what happened." Du You brought the two sisters closer cautiously.

   When the group finally came to the center, they found that this place was like a valley. A huge black dragon is sleeping on the ground, behind it is a black pool. And beside it, there are a lot of scattered biological bones, and even the bones of other dragon races can be seen here.

   "It turns out that I slept here. This sleeper is really heavy. I haven't noticed so many dragons that have died."

   Du You smiled, as long as there are no other changes. "Look at this color, this should be a very good dragon, the bloodline on its body should be very pure, maybe my bloodline will fall on this guy's body."

   Du You originally wanted to find the shadow dragon, but the shadow dragon belongs to a special elemental dragon family, not a normal dragon family. Although it may exist in the Dark Dragon Valley, it is not so easy to find.

   If the dark dragon in front of him has pure attributes, Du You wouldn't mind using this one in front of him.

   For Du You, as long as the power contained in the bloodline is pure, he has no other special requirements. After all, this requirement is very special for dark creatures

   He is still very worried that the dark power will affect his spirit and even his character.

   "Master, how do we do it." Lin Yucha whispered.

   "We are still attacking, but this time the timing is just right, let's plan." Du You first turned around and collected all his summoned beasts, and then muttered to the two sisters to plan.

   The plan was very fast, and it didn't take long for everyone to recover their magic and physical strength, and Du You was ready to do it. He didn't mean to set up traps, because he was worried that once traps were set up, this guy would be alarmed.

   After the three people approached a certain distance, they released their attacks at the same time. Du You first quietly condensed his energy-concentrating magic cannon, and after discovering that the other party had no response, condensed for the maximum time, and then pointed towards the front.

  Almost at the same time, the arrows of the two sisters also shot out.

  The shaped energy magic cannon hit the softest abdomen of the dark dragon, and instantly the dark dragon's skin opened. Even if it is the same dark attribute, but the attack power is too strong, it can also exceed the defense limit of the dragon itself.

   Before the dark dragon opened his eyes, the spiral sniper flew in and directly pierced one of the dark dragon's eyes.

   Amid the painful screams, Lin Yushi's soul spike has penetrated into the soul of the dark dragon, and then began to grow wildly, continuously extracting the soul of the dark dragon, and weakening the state of the dark dragon.

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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