Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 995: World fragments collapse

As we spoke, cracks appeared out of thin air on the ground, and the whole world seemed to be shaking. A destructive force is brewing under the sky and the earth, and you can feel it even without feeling it carefully.

   "I don't know what's happening in this world, so it won't be the fragments of the world that will collapse, right?"

   Lin Yucha's words reminded Du You. "Strange, obviously we didn't use much destructive skills."

   "Forget it, don't worry about that much, let's go." I can't figure it out and think about it again. It's dangerous now. Du You immediately opened the space channel, and the two sisters were instantly absorbed.

   Just before Du You was sucked in, he looked back and suddenly saw a horrible scene. The land where they were originally located suddenly shattered into two halves from the middle. In the pool where the shadow dragon appeared, something seemed to rise and fall in it. The source of that destructive power seemed to erupt from this place.

   But then Du You had no time to see what happened next, and they were all absorbed into the space channel.

  With the passage of space, the three people are constantly being pushed to walk outside, but they can't do anything now. I can only watch the surrounding passages bursting out of light and trembling, as if it might shatter at any time.

   No, it's not like, Du You turned his head once, and suddenly saw the entrance of the passage behind him in horror, and suddenly collapsed. Immediately after that, the passage began to collapse rapidly from the direction of the entrance to this side.

   The force of space shattering spreads continuously, and even the space channel can't bear it. This kind of force is simply not something that I can bear. Regardless of whether it is oneself or the two sisters, being caught up in this situation is a dead end.

   But they have no way, because in the space channel, there is always a force that restrains them, and sends them back unhurriedly. This force is a kind of protection, but also a kind of restraint.

   There is no way to break through this power, and the feeling of involuntary life and death hits my heart. Du You felt extremely regretful in his heart. If he knew it would be like this a long time ago, it would be better if he was talking nonsense before and leaving quickly. Du You secretly vowed in his heart that if he survives this time and enters such a dangerous place in the future, he will never stay for one more minute.

   No, I won't stay for a second, I will leave immediately.

   Behind him, the space storm became more and more violent. From the beginning, it was a little like Mars, and now it has become a vast and boundless tsunami, constantly pursuing him, faster and faster.

   Seeing, when the space storm was about to engulf him, suddenly the front exit finally appeared. The force that restrained himself pushed himself and the two sisters out of the exit.

   The three of them ran forward almost involuntarily, until they realized that they had appeared in the underground secret room of their own city, and ran to the end of the secret room, and then stopped. When you look at each other, you can see the fear in each other's eyes.

   Yes, even with their current strength, it is definitely not without fear. On the contrary, the stronger the strength, the more able to experience the feeling of powerlessness. In the face of that power, they are as small as the ants.

   Looking back at the space passage that was shrinking rapidly, it seemed that the danger had passed. But at this moment, suddenly a force shook the channel open, and there was a loud noise in the room.

   The next moment, the space channel is completely closed, it seems that this force is stronger than the space storm. The space storm was completely blocked behind, but the force that broke out before was not completely blocked.

   The powerful force vibrated towards the surroundings, and countless small cracks appeared on the walls of the secret room, on the ceiling, on the floor, everywhere. There are three of the biggest ones, which almost separated the secret room from the middle abruptly.

   You know, this secret room is made of special materials mixed with special alloys. To cause such a terrible scar, even Du You's current strength dare not say that he can easily do it. This sudden burst of power has surpassed his current full attack, and this is just a little aftermath.

   If you ran slower before, don’t even want to survive now.

   "It's terrible, this is the power of the collapse of the world. No wonder it is said that the fragmented world is very dangerous, and it really is." Lin Yucha said with a scared face, and it really scared them just now.

   Du You also looked solemnly: "Yeah, I didn't expect that the fragmentation of the world could affect the space channel. If a world collapses, that kind of power is simply unimaginable."

   The collapse of the world is not impossible, although Du You does not know whether the outer world will be destroyed. But the destruction of the derived world happens from time to time. Imagine that even if the derivative world is destroyed, I am afraid that the power is not weak.

"Well, this time we are back safely. After a few days of rest, let's find out about the next semester. The next semester is about to start. If there is nothing important, we don't have to go to the class." Du You said .

   While talking Du You also opened his personal space. This time, I brought back a lot of things and a lot of materials, which must be dealt with as soon as possible.

   On the panel, in terms of advanced skills, there has been a lot of improvement during this period.

Advanced skills: advanced dark magic (level 33), advanced mental perception (level 33), magic power (level 31), mysterious recovery (level 32), spiritual shield (level 33), dark element affinity (level 34) , Body of the Night (Level 35), Magic Nebula (Level 33), Skilled Hand (Level 31)

   Unknowingly, on the basis of advanced skills, he also made a lot of progress. Du You then looked at the skill panels of the two sisters, and there were also many advancements in advanced skills.

Advanced skills: Intermediate Demon Slayer (Level 34), Concentration (Level 32), Rapid Fire (Level 32), Mystic Recovery (Level 33), Magic Nebula (Level 33), Advanced Mental Perception (Level 32) , Mental shield (level 32), lock (level 30, full level), stable magic (level 31), skillful hand (level 31)

   Looking at the panel, I finally calmed down a bit. Not long after, the people from the territory came to the warehouse and collected the things Du You had brought. The next thing to deal with is left to them.

   Du You pulled the two sisters, a fire in his heart began to burst, dragon blood and the sequelae caused by the dragon blood lineage, accompanied by the previous shock, felt a little uncontrollable. "Go, let's go together to suppress the shock."

   "Wait, wait, wait for us to finish the bath first."

  :. :

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