Earthy Superstar

Chapter 125: : The cutest person

   At this moment, on both sides of "MV", the votes of Li Tiezhu and Lin Xiao are still increasing.

   Lin Xiao: 38 million votes.

   Li Tiezhu: 110 million votes.

   And, Li Tiezhu’s singing has just begun. Obviously, the vote has exceeded the number of live broadcast viewers, and there is no doubt that the audience is canvassing votes from relatives and friends.

   Even if you didn’t watch it, you must take out your phone to vote!

   After all... the milk powder is invincible, the mother powder is domineering, and the sister powder is sweet and cute!

   The grandmothers have experienced those turbulent years, and the mothers have been fascinated since childhood. As for the can the heroes forget? Vote for my brother Tiezhu! Huh~

   The singing gradually became stable, although everyone knows that this is only a temporary illusion:

   Regarding ideals, I never choose to give up

   Even in the desperate days

   Maybe I have no talent

   But I have the naivety of dreams

   I will go to prove that it takes my whole life

   Maybe my hands are stupid

   But I want to keep exploring

   Give all your youth without regrets

   On the big screen, the animation part temporarily came to an end, and the real photos of the Battle of the Peninsula appeared, all in black and white. However, some characters have been replaced with rabbits or eagle sauce, cows, roosters, etc...

   The first photo: July 1950, on the south stick side of the 38th line, the Mi Army next to the south stick command post is camouflaging the transport vehicle.

   Singing: Running forward-facing cold eyes and ridicule!

   Li Tiezhu broke the sound!


   Even if his voice has always been very high, "Big Fish" and "A Diao" can do well, even if he has learned the techniques of falsetto, snorting, etc., but he has broken the sound, let it be broken!

   It was this broken sound that ignited the whole scene.

   Song Zhuer and Leng Ba hugged and wept, and the average audience is similar.

   Second picture: In November 1950, at the Battle of Changjin Lake, on the side of the Chinese Support Army, in a freezing environment of minus 40 degrees below zero, the soldiers repeatedly charged the target position.

  Singing: How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering! ! !

  The voice is slightly low, Li Tiezhu is accumulating energy, everyone can feel it, and look forward to...

   Teacher Yu Qian squeezed his fist and waved, and sang softly in his mouth. At this moment, it is no longer important whether the song is rock or not. Of course, it is indeed rock.

   "How can I feel... Yue Yue, I got off the show and bought me a pair of bigger pants!"

   Xiao Yueyue: "Woo...Huh?"

   The third picture: September 1950, Seoul, the Mi Army cleared the remnants of Beibang.

   Singing: Fate he can't let us... kneel down and beg for mercy!

   Li Tiezhu's voice was hoarse and sharp, thick and sharp.

   Fang Bo wiped his nose, and looked at Xu Shanzheng with red eyes, "You won't kill him, right?"

   Xu Shanzheng: "He comes to the program group, I will invite him to dinner. Round head!!"

The fourth picture: In November 1950, on the battle front of the Battle of Changjin Lake, there were not many support army soldiers supported by their own artillery. They could only rely on their flesh and blood. While they encountered rice artillery fire, while resisting the heavy snow and cold, they crawled forward enough to be able to throw. The distance of the grenade can catch the enemy and fight!

   Singing voice: Even if... the blood is full of my arms——

   In the darkness, Li Tiezhu was on the verge of breaking the sound again, but he still didn't try to control it.

   still free myself, always sing my song.

  War is a man's romance, and a hero is a man's ultimate dream. At this moment, Nie Yao tried to keep his eyes wide open, not to let the tears fall, and smiled: Damn it! Just scream at you, why don't I give you a hot spot for a lifetime? I am Changshan Zhao Zilong!

   The fifth picture: In November 1950, at the battle front of the Battle of Changjin Lake, the supporting army is launching an offensive against the besieged U.S. army.

   Singing: Keep running! ! With innocent pride...

   The sound is broken again!

   twice, "run" and "zi". However, everyone at the scene stood up from their seats, tearing down their faces, pacing the beat, and humming in a low voice.


   The tutors in front of the stage and the eight players who have already advanced stood up and chanted with the audience.

  This song...It's so burning! !

   Sixth picture: In November 1950, at the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 1st Marine Division of the Mi Marine Division called for air support to resist the assault of the support army!

   Singing voice: How can you see the sparkle of life if you don’t insist to the end!

   The audience stood up and stared at the picture on the big screen. To be honest, many people are in their 30s and 40s, but this is the first time they have seen it.

   Seventh: After the support army entered the peninsula in November 1950, the machine gunners of the 353rd regiment of the 40th Corps launched the second battle, and the cover forces charged the besieged enemy!

   Singing voice: Rather than linger... it's better to indulge in burning!

   sang here, Li Tiezhu is not even singing, he is roaring! Roaring... all the skills are forgotten.

   Chief director Hong Bo smashed the Chitose Mountain in his hand to the ground! Drink Jill! I also want to indulge in burning!

   Eighth, Ninth, Tenth...

   Singing: One day it will sprout again——

   The first chorus ended, there was bursting applause, and no one sat down.

   The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, although they have already cried into tears, they are not sad, full of excitement! Pride is born spontaneously.

   The intermission sounded slowly.


   slowly weakened until it disappeared.

   The picture on the big screen is gradually dimming...

   The audience is a little frightened, is this over? I just sang it for a while! How about the second half? Could it be the kind of "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water" that only sings once?

   However, the big screen soon turned on again, and... it was far from over.

   This song is not long, so general, but with animation, it is about ten minutes long.

   Li Tiezhu talked to the program crew and director about this from the beginning, and said that even if he couldn't make it to the final round, he would still sing this song. After listening to the demo, Hong Bo agreed without hesitation.

   Papa Papa...

   The applause rang out, not enthusiastically, because it was not a cheer but a salute.

   The screen gradually brightened, the grass was full of ruts and craters, and the 38-lane wooden sign fell to the ground in broken pieces.

  Eagle sauce, fully armed, was observing with a telescope on the field. The hill on the opposite side was in dilapidated condition, but the fortifications on it were quite complete. Behind the bunker, a group of rabbit ears flicked, and suddenly, a rabbit stood up and took out a small speaker.

   Rabbit milk voice: "Eagle have the ability to come over and hit me!"

  Eagle sauce is bad took out the horn and replied: "You have no face and no skin, you should come and hit Lao Tzu first!!!"

   On two adjacent hills, you come and go with the milky rabbit and the eagle sauce.


   "Come on..."

   "Come and do it!"

   "Come on! To the death."

   Tent, telegraph sound, military map, sand table, busy staff, Yingchan walked into the tent.

   "Gentlemen! Are you ready?"

"yes, Sir."

   "Let's go and **** him!"

   "Brother, where are we attacking?"

   Eagle sauce pointed: "Here! Here... Let's showdown with the rabbit!"

   The stick pointed to a high ground on the sand table, and it was marked next to it:


  Eagle sauce took out the photo: "My-son, I will avenge you. Next, please speak with the plane and the artillery!"

   The cannon is in place and the plane circled.

  FIRE! ! !

   Fierce gunfire poured down on the small hill, ploughing Shangganling over and over again.

   trembling in the air-raid shelter.

   Milky Sound Rabbit: "It's annoying to hear the sound of cannons every day!"

   Nurse Rabbit stood up: "Then I will sing a song to my dear ones!"

   The bunnies narrowed their eyes with a smile.

   the sound of rolling cannons, the singing sounded:

   a big river with wide waves

  The wind blows the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides


  I'm used to listening to the chant of the father

  I used to see the white sails on the boat

   Barrage is unprecedentedly unified:

   "The cutest person!"

   "The cutest person..."

   "Salute to the cutest person!"

   "I hope "The Loveliest Person" will remain in the Chinese textbook forever!"

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