Earthy Superstar

Chapter 133: : The Immortal Body of King Kong

   The TV was turned on, exactly seven o'clock.

   At the beginning of "News Broadcast", the hostess said: "...Today’s news broadcast is expected to take 36 minutes..."

   The old man immediately focused, is there something serious again?

Then, the male host said: "Today's main content is... In the "Super Good Voice" finals resurrection that ended last night, contestant Li Tiezhu used an original song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts" in memory of the martyrs. Hundreds of millions of viewers successfully advanced to the top ten...please watch the details below..."

   Xiao Zhen was shocked. Didn’t you mean "Hot Interview"? Why are you still on "News Broadcast"?

   At the same time, many viewers in front of the TV were also confused. Did Li Tiezhu broadcast the news?

   This is going to be posted!

   Old man Li who stole a meal in a canteen on a construction site in Shudu, choked.

   Aunt Liu rushed out, and thoughtfully patted Li Fugui on the back: "Come on? Chill? My kidney soup is not good for me?"

   Old man Li waved his hand and pointed to the TV on the wall: "The dog said... on TV."

   "What's on TV?"


   "Huh? This is not a news broadcast? You are drunk too much."

  "Don’t criticize you for being lazy, I’m mumbling on my phone? Wait for a few photos, print them out, go back and burn the pillars to his mother, oops..."

   "Is it really on the news? If you want, take a few more shots, I'll take them too. Sister, I sure like it..."


   Kyoto, rock music.

   "News Link" was broadcast live on the broken screen, and big news was being reported at this time.

   A group of shareholders had a deep face without saying a word, and Yehenala's face was even more pale, and even a little trembling. The cigar in Wang Feng's hand went out without noticing it. He had been doing this for several minutes.

   A few minutes ago, after hearing the news of Li Tiezhu's "News Broadcast", they stopped all the actions they had prepared.

   They are waiting, waiting to see how CCTV will report on Li Tiezhu.


   Li Tiezhu was eating corn on the cob. Tonight he made beef bone corn soup and a few dishes, and he ate and watched TV with Teacher Lengba.

   Of course the TV was turned on by Lengba, and she just received the news.

   The cat trembled with excitement: "I'll go! You are going to be gilded!"

   Li Tiezhu did not understand: "What golden body?"

   When the cat was about to explain, Li Tiezhu's phone rang, and it was his old man.

   "Yaoer, you are on TV!"

   "Old man, why are you so frightened? Don't I go on TV every week?"

   "What do you think of those who catch chickens and dogs? This time is different, it's CCTV's "News Broadcast". You have been back for a long time. Let's go back and burn some paper for your mother and talk to her."

"got it."


   Wait and wait, wait and wait.

   The twenty-fourth minute of the news broadcast, finally...

The male host solemnly said: ""Super Good Voice" is a national singing competition show. Last night, a resurrection match became the focus of national attention..."

   Old man Li was trembling with excitement, and his phone almost fell into the soup.

   Aunt Liu turned on the continuous shooting mode exaggeratedly.

   On TV, the highlights of Li Tiezhu’s match yesterday began to be shown.

Narrator: "Li Tiezhu, a poor-born high school student who was only seventeen years old, started with "A Diao" such a wonderful song that is amazing and loves boundless. Then, another rock and roll original that reached the pinnacle. "Broad Sea and Sky" fully interprets the new generation of young people who are actively involved in poverty alleviation and public welfare, without complaining or regrets, their noble feelings and historical mission. What is even more exciting is the last song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts"!"

   On the screen, Li Tiezhu's dark and cracked face roars fiercely, and the music is very quiet.

Narrator: "In the form of an animated MV, this song is a playful and realistic depiction of the heroic deeds of the support army soldiers of the Battle of the Peninsula. It is close to the trend and perfectly expresses the hardships and greatness of the martyrs. The song Majestic and majestic, straight into the hearts of the people, instead of singing with fancy skills, but with sincere feelings and the most simple shouts, sing the fearless spirit of the heroes into...everyone's heart."

  My son, don’t you be a cow? !

   Old man Li wiped his tears. Although he doesn't know any music, he doesn't know what it is called Da Wu Dawei, but he knows what it is called "News Link".

   Aunt Liu's eyes gleamed when she looked at Old Man Li.

   But, this is not over yet.

   The picture turned around, and an old white-haired gentleman sat on a wicker chair with walnuts in his arms, with an angry expression on his face.

   Narrator: "Regarding the singing level and artistic value of "Dream Pursuing My Heart", we deliberately interviewed General Zhao Tianhua, the honorary president of the Chinese Composers Association, the senior composer of the Chinese Military Orchestra, and the singer artist of the former supporting military art troupe."

Zhao Lao shook his head slightly: "The greatest contribution of "Dream Pursuing the Heart of a Child" is to praise history and heroes. Secondly, it creates a new style of great ingenuity, not pursuing the so-called singing skills and skills, but moving with one's heart. Show with your attitude that rock is not only decadent, rebellious and accusing, but also passion and motivation! In fact, I have listened carefully to every song of Tie Zhu! He is a talented, loyal and patriotic young man. I can’t help but I have to ask, how can such an excellent player be eliminated? If the music that inspires the youngsters to change their minds, and the music that the acclaim hero regards death as home, UU reading is not advanced music, then what is advanced music? "

   Vernacular translation: "Youth" and "Dream Pursing Heart" are not advanced, but your royal family music is advanced?

   This is already a half-named criticism. It was almost as if Yehnala’s name was called out, and CCTV broadcast it directly without reservation and without cutting, and the official position was quite obvious.

   Do you think this is over?

The screen was turned back to the studio, and the hostess said: "Next, let us briefly appreciate the song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts", which sang the cry of hundreds of millions of people, and by the way, look back at the historic scene of the hero's return to China five days ago. ."

   Then, a good sound game video was released, although it was only a short section.

   "We are Eastern Airlines Flight 056, transporting the remains of support soldiers to Liaoyang."

   "Welcome the support army to return to China loyally. Two fighters from our unit are ordered to **** you throughout the journey."

   Li Tiezhu’s singing came:

run ahead

   greet cold eyes and ridicule

  How can I feel the vastness of life without suffering


   It’s better to indulge in burning instead of lingering

   for the beauty in my heart

   Don’t compromise until you get old

   This is the re-edited version of CCTV, which lasts only more than one minute, but for "News Broadcast", this time is already luxurious enough.

   The report on Li Tiezhu totals six minutes in total, which is the six extra minutes in this issue.

It turned out that Li Tiezhu’s song impressed many old heroes of the support army. It was originally decided that “News Broadcast” would be released today, and it was expected to be within one minute, but then I heard that Li Tiezhu rejected the interview of “Hot Interview”, and Taili made a temporary decision. Additional duration.

   Because of this, Li Tiezhu was plated with the impeccable body of King Kong!

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