Earthy Superstar

Chapter 150: : The road is uneven

   Young Master Wang is open-minded, Li Tiezhu can be stupefied, this kind of people... beasts are inferior! It's tempting to harass other girls because of a bet.

  Wang Dashao: "What do you look at? Haven't seen a scumbag?"

   Li Tiezhu: "I have little knowledge."

   "Come and add a WeChat, don't contact me in the future if you have anything, you can contact me when you are fine."

   "You scan me, are you sure you won't harass Teacher Lengba?"

"Then I don’t guarantee. What if I bet on something next time, but it won’t be her every time, right? Me, Wang Cong is blind, and the girlfriends I look for are all the same. Who am I looking for? Looking for it? Why hang on a tree?"

   "I'm also face blind, I don't know Lin at all, so I just said I've seen him acting..."

   "Hahahaha... Destiny! I think everyone is like Lin, except you, you are really unique..."

   "Thank you, you look very imaginative."

   "Okay, you just have to do the "Dream Three Kingdoms" music well. I will not target you! I am scumbag, but I will not bully good people, I have integrity."

"thank you."

   Li Tiezhu found that this rich second generation was pretty good.

   Young Master Wang got in the car: "Go. Be careful yourself, the road ahead is uneven."

   Li Tiezhu scratched his head and looked at it. There is a straight avenue. The infrastructure of the East China Sea is very good, and the road is well repaired. Why is it uneven?

   Then, Li Tiezhu's car also came.

   He is now the top brand of the Penguin Culture and Music Department, and was assigned a black car, which can be used in the East China Sea. Moreover, Zhang Xiaomeng said that after Li Tiezhu's competition, the company will also provide him with a car and driver in Shudu.

   Li Tiezhu was so happy, and later called the driver to take the old man and Aunt Liu to buy vegetables, anyway, the gas company reimbursed him.

   If you can, you can, because... Li Tiezhu can only get 10 million plus a fraction of the 20 million contract today. In addition to tax, the company and the broker each have a commission of 20%.

   It hurts a bit, but the cat tells Li Tiezhu that he is lucky enough, and Penguin desperately needs music stars, and the contract for Li Tiezhu is very generous. Not only does the copyright belong to the individual, but the company and brokers mention it less, and other companies are even more illicit.

   Even the cat can only get 50%, so Ms. Mi has a big appetite.

   While Li Tiezhu was playing the game, Zhang Xiaomeng talked to Li Tiezhu about Luo Feiyan's topic and asked the company executives again, and the answer was still very firm: full support for Li Tiezhu, **** the boulders and meteors.

   can take the top three, the company promoted Zhang Xiaomeng, he and Li Tiezhu each increased a 5% commission, the company gave the profit.

   Zhao Liya's studio is almost talking to Penguin, and the cooperation agreement is about to be signed, which is barely considered as Penguin's artist.

   In the car, Li Tiezhu received a call from the Good Voice Program Group.

   "What? Give me a vacation? Um... OK, I see."

   Li Tiezhu hung up the phone, thoughtful.

   Zhang Xiaomeng's heart twitched: "What's the situation?"

Li Tiezhu said: "The program team said that the event on the scarf last night was still very hot and has a trend of getting worse. Therefore, the program team asked me not to go to the "Super Training Camp" this Wednesday and go directly to the game on Saturday. And , Told me the key words of next week in advance on the phone, so that I could write the song well. He also said that this is for cold treatment and to protect me. The external excuse is that I have to deal with academic matters."

   Zhang Xiaomeng: "It's Luo Feiyan's ghost. This will make you less visible in the week before the game, and..."

   Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "It's okay! I'll take the championship, because of this keyword... it dinged again."

   "What did you ding?"

"you guess."


   When there was no one, Li Tiezhu called the cat again and told her about Wang Dashao.

   Lengba had mixed feelings in her heart. She said she was uncomfortable. Young Master Wang stopped pestering her and said she was happy. She became the object of other people's betting. The bet was still a set of pictures, and she couldn't be happy.

   In order to hide from you, I have become a cat for people, and it turns out... this is it?

   In the afternoon, Li Tiezhu flew to Kunyang, who was not free, this time it was not a discounted ticket, because it was booked by the crew of "Happy Birthday"-first class.

   There are not many Li Tiezhu's scenes, and the filming can be finished in two or three days.

   Therefore, he contacted Xu Shanzheng after he was given a holiday, and the other party was also upright. He did not refuse because of the recent turmoil and called Li Tiezhu directly.

   Zhang Xiaomeng also found a young assistant for Li Tiezhu who had just graduated. He is currently responsible for taking care of Xiaojiu. This is the card of Penguin One.

   On the plane, after Li Tiezhu signed and took photos with several passengers, he still held a tablet and earphones for the demo. When he was ready, he should quickly pass it to Zhang Xiaomeng of Donghai for recording.

  The key word of this issue-dream.

   Of course, I can't sing "Chasing Dreams and Hearts" anymore, even if it fits well. Li Tiezhu bought a nice special song from the system again, and then he didn't respond. Let's make this one first, then other songs can only be bought hard.

   Current intelligence value: 99 points.

   Remaining intelligence value: 28 points. (Purchase a special song, consume 1 point)

   Music achievement: 254 points.

   Variety Achievement: 262 points.

   Film and television achievement: 5 points.

   Douyin fans: 25.41 million. (After the bib incident, several million were dropped)

   Cat domestication degree: 25%.

   No one will be eliminated in the finals, but there will be three singing rounds, the first round of qualifying, the second round to compete for the top three, and the third round to compete for the championship. Finally, there is another round of thank-you singing, UU reading, of course, you can sing casually in this round.

   After finishing the demo, the plane also landed.

   Li Tiezhu turned on the Internet, sent the demo to Zhang Xiaomeng, and then slowly got off the plane.

  Song Zhuer volunteered to pick up the airport. She was a swoop when she saw Li Tiezhu, but Li Tiezhu’s backpack was not a person, looking for food. Li Tiezhu did bring her a lot of food. She chewed beef jerky and took Li Tiezhu to the small town where the crew was in the car.

   Click! Click! Click!

   "Be close! Don't be shy..."

   "Spicy claws, look like this!"

   "Which is it, what are you hiding? I am not afraid of a girl! Come here!"

   got in the car, Song Zhu'er and Li Tiezhu took a few photos with Li Tiezhu face-to-face, and then began to send a scarf:

   "Finally I am looking forward to you, these days filming and eating boxes are gluttonous! Now we can improve the food! Hahahaha!"

   Li Tiezhu wondered: "You were scolded in hot searches last night, and you don't have a long memory? You took a photo with me and sent a scarf on the cusp, do you think you were scolded hard enough?"

   Song Zhu'er shut the bib and looked innocent: "Yeah! Why are they scolded on hot search, Xiao Zhen and Teacher Tony are ranked higher than me?"

   Li Tiezhu: "..."

   Song Zhuer waved a small fist: "I'm not convinced! I'm booking a hot search for tomorrow! I hope it ranks higher."

   "Spicy Claw, you are not honest like this."

   "It's Nezha. Of course it's dishonest, I'm so hypocritical!"

   "One of them is a bit exposed, delete it."

   "I deliberately pulled down the collar, let them provide some suitable excuses."


  PS: I'm sure, it will be on the shelves next Friday, 20 chapters will be updated! !

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