Earthy Superstar

Chapter 190: :3ha becomes 4ha (6000 words guaranteed)

The director was a bit stiff for a while. After all, Li Tiezhu's attitude was too tough and arrogant, and he seemed to be really angry. Wouldn't you really jump off the boat?

Wang Tieyan said: "Tie Zhu, water... can be cold."

Li Tiezhu didn't collapse, and smiled: "Haha, ah? I Li Tiezhu is not afraid of the cold! I can swim back with a high probability!"

Deng Chao is also a high EQ: "What about the small probability?"

Li Tiezhu was a little confused: "Um..."

Chen Chi Equator: "There is a small chance that you will swim back and shout at the boat, "Ah! The water is cold, please get me up"."

Luhani laughed: "Hahahahaha..."

Deng Chao: "Tie Zhu, don't go, let's go to the Seafood City."

Chen Chichi: "Yes, we love you! Go make us seafood."

Luhani: "Very good. The recording also brings a cook and a walking mushroom house. Hey? We can also invite friends to be guests!"

Chen Chichi: "Do you still need to raise a sheep on the boat? Called Dongba tua?"

Li Tiezhu also knew that he would not be able to get off the ship. After all, the agent Zhang Xiaomeng seemed to have reached an agreement with the program team for bereavement and humiliation, although it is likely to be temporary.

The cat can't be killed tonight, only another day.

Li Tiezhu glared at the director, angrily: " have to add money."

The director also laughed: "How much to add?"

Li Tiezhu asked the other three: "How many are you?"

Deng Chao: "Two hundred."

Luhani: "One hundred and eight."

Chen Chichi: "One hundred and five, hey? Why?"

Li Tiezhu: "Well, I signed one hundred, so who, you look at adding more, give me a step down."

The director was suddenly refreshed: "One hundred and two."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay. You can talk to Zhang Xiaomeng about the specific rules."

Wang Tie: "Then direct me, I'm only twenty..."

Director: "Okay! Let me give you a few minutes to calm down, and then we will move on to the next link. The passage just now will not be broadcast."

The celebrities are also people, and these four people are not in the right mood now, so naturally they need to calm down, especially the manic Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu has already proven his variety show strength in Good Voice, Mushroom House, Infinite Challenge, and Masked Singer. Compared to his musical talent, he has not fallen behind at all. In addition, he has recently become very popular. This price is not too big. High.

It was precisely because of Li Tiezhu's recent popularity that Director Yan chose to take the risk. As soon as he learned that Li Tiezhu was coming, he called Zhang Xiaomeng in advance to collude secretly.

The video is temporarily cut off.

Wang Tie: "I also have to get back to the top. I'm all champions. Why are the talk show champions so unfaced?"

Director: "Why don't you get off the boat? There is actually a lifeboat on board."

Wang Tie: "That's not enough, I just sigh with emotion and express my emotions."

In the restaurant, Deng Chao, Chen Chichi, and Luhani were still confused, but they could only comfort Li Tiezhu. They were excused for being cheated. Li Tiezhu's misfortune was purely unwarranted.

Li Tiezhu wanted to cry without tears, and his mood changed from mania to anger. After being relieved, he said, "This director is a real dog, super invincible dog!"

Deng Chao nodded: "Just know, don't say it."

Chen Chichi and Luhani laughed, and the surrounding staff and cameramen also laughed. You will be targeted by Yan Min, Li Tiezhu, who is notoriously careful.

After a while, the video restarts and recording continues.

Yan Min said: "Welcome everyone to Siha Travel Agency, I am the president of the company, Mr. Yan, this is the tour guide Xiao Wang of Siha Travel Agency."

Wang Tie played the guitar: "Hi!"

Luhani and Deng Chao raised their hands and said, "Hello, Xiao Wang."

Chen Chi grinned: "Isn't our contract signed three ha? Why did we change it to four ha casually? Is it so random?"

Deng Chao: "Before we were three brothers, now we are four brothers, and Siha is fine."

Luhani: "Tie Zhu still has a card face, you look at Wang Tie again, hahaha... do you want to ask why it can't be called Wuha?"

Wang Tie looked at the director and felt wronged: "I want to ask, but dare not ask."

Director Yan said: "In view of Li Tiezhu's joining, hahaha officially changed its name to hahahaha, the four stars should be treated equally."

Wang Tie: "Am I not a star?"

Director Yan: "You are an artist at best."

Wang Tie: "..."

Three people in the restaurant burst into laughter.

Li Tiezhu lowered his head and continued to eat, still unhappy.

Director Yan continued to introduce and announced a news that everyone knows, the first stop at Zhoushan. Then there is the problem of daily group fee and earning money from part-time work. No one is 200 yuan, so four people have to earn 800 yuan.

Chen Chichi fought back: "This is compulsory consumption. Recently, I have been catching this matter."

The director ignored: "Then, we don't allow face-shaping on this show, so once you are called by your name, you will have to deduct a dollar...Business implantation? Ah! Without business implantation, let's start working."

Then the staff took four contracts that looked like a menu, which was fancy. In addition, he began to put wheat on the four people. Those three were still lively, while Li Tiezhu was like a wooden sculpture, motionless during the whole process.

Mom sells batches! I just prepared a steaming and fragrant Huanggang secret scroll! !

After all, Li Tiezhu is not a traversal criminal or a rebirth criminal. He doesn't have decades of life experience. He is just a systematic native. He has only lived for 18 years so far, and his blood is just about to explode! Even if the cat was not ready, Li Tiezhu couldn't bear the same operation mode as before.

How can this kind of thing calm down?

Li Tiezhu concluded that Cengfan must be done less in the future. There is no free lunch in the world.

Director: "Take away everyone's phones."

Luhani and Chen Chichi objected immediately: "This is too much, right?"

Li Tiezhu finally woke up: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Don't want to take my phone away!"

As he said, Li Tiezhu jumped up, and his reaction became a little bit fierce.

Director Yan: "If you have anything you need to explain, you can call now."

Chen Chichi said to Li Tiezhu: "Acknowledge it, don't resist, we are on the thief ship."

Li Tiezhu didn't want to talk nonsense with Chen Chichi, he could make a phone call first, then turned around and walked out of the restaurant to find a remote corner and call Huanggang Secret Juan.

In the apartment, Lengba, who just took a shower, folded her newly bought shower gel, towels, bath towels, etc., wearing a nightdress, and changed all of Li Tiezhu’s toiletries. They were all newly bought today and also purchased. Some small appliances and new kitchenware.

The phone rang, and Li Tiezhu called. Was it a phone call instead of a video?

Li Tiezhu: "Teacher, I'm on the thief ship, um, director Yan detained me, now I have started recording, and I will pick up my phone soon."

Lengba answered the phone: "Huh? Huh? It's being filmed? So I don't want to video, are you afraid of being filmed? This Yan guide is really too much..."

A feeling of loss spontaneously arises.

Li Tiezhu: "I am very angry now."

Lengba: "Puff! Is it inconvenient for you to talk over there? With wheat on your body?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, teacher."

Lengba asked again: "Then I will ask, you answer, they can't hear me. Tie Zhu, when will you finish recording?"

Li Tiezhu: "How do I know? The program group does not follow the routine, maybe tomorrow night, maybe the morning after tomorrow. Anyway, I am going to Kyoto to rehearse the Spring Festival Gala the day after tomorrow, and he dare not let me go. Besides, I will participate in the first episode. ."

"Are you impulsive? Are there excessive behaviors? If so, let the program crew cut it."

"No, Director Yan hid in the house to video with us and couldn't beat him."

"That's good, be careful not to do things that are detrimental to your image, are you... are you feeling uncomfortable now?"


"Unfortunately, the teacher just washed himself for nothing."

"Don't say it."

"I have just finished that, and it's still safe, so I don't need the apple flavor."

"Please, stop talking!"

"Want to eat?"

"I'm going to hang up."

"The teacher wore the nightdress that night when he was a cat for the first time, and his defense value was 50%. Meow~"

"I... I want to kill Yan Min now."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You should record the show, don't shake your face, you know? Ask Brother Chao for advice when you encounter things. The teacher is waiting for you, there is always time, when the time comes, the teacher will teach you to play games. "

"I'm afraid I can't do it. What game?"

"Don't tell me, I'm afraid I said, you will really kill Yan Min, ha ha ha..."

"Well, goodbye then."

"Goodbye master, lick you~"

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu felt even more melancholy, the dog show group!

The sea breeze has a salty taste, blowing Li Tiezhu's long hair, drifting around, just like his mood, unable to calm down for a long time.

Li Tiezhu returned to the restaurant with his tousled hair. Chao Ge was giving a video to his family.

"My son and daughter are very worried about me now, they thought I was kidnapped."

Luhani laughed twice and asked Li Tiezhu: "Run that far and call Zhuer, right? We charge for seven days, and you two days, are you so reluctant?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, I have to call Song Zhuer."

Luhani was puzzled: "Huh? Brother, who were you calling just now? Running so far. UU reading"

Li Tiezhu didn't change the color and dialed the video: "I just called the teacher to ask for leave."

Chen Chichi: "This is called family status, Xiaolu, look at the humble appearance you just called, then look at Li Tiezhu."

Soon, Song Zhuer picked up the video, a little too excited, Li Tiezhu took the initiative to video with her for the first time.

"Hello! I'm cute. Why did you think of taking the initiative to give me a video? Hey hey...makes my heart pounding..."

"Spicy Claw, don't talk nonsense, I'm recording this show."

Li Tiezhu's face still changed, and he was a little flustered.

Chen Chichi and Luhani laughed mercilessly, really loudly: "Hahahahaha..."

Deng Chao shook: "My goose bumps are all up. Little cute?"

The camera teacher gave Li Tiezhu a close-up of his mobile phone screen. Song Zhuer was wearing a period costume and bounced around on the set, looking a little excited.

Shochikuer: "What kind of show do you record?"

Li Tiezhu: "I don't know what the bad show. I was tricked into boarding the ship, and the ship left. Now I have to collect my mobile phone. I don't have a mobile phone for two days. Don't you video with me every day? Tell you about it so that you won’t be able to post a video. No one answers, it makes you feel bad."

Depression, you still need to take care of it.

Song Zhuer said: "Well, let me video with you the day after tomorrow. Who else is with you, let me see."

Li Tiezhu turned the phone around and showed it to the three people.

Deng Chao, Chen Chichi and Luhani greeted Song Zhuer: "Hello, hello... Zhuer is good."

Song Zhuer said loudly: "Brother Chao, Brother Chichi, Brother Hanni! Please, everyone, help me take care of my man, the little girl must have a big thank..."

Deng Chao was stunned: "Is the little girl so domineering now?"

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