Earthy Superstar

Chapter 199: : Well-behaved Husky

(Although there is no two thousand five, but it is added in advance, because it may not be two thousand five)

Director Yan is really wretched. Not only did Shochu'er show his face at the end of this show, he also had a show operation. After Wang Tiedan finished singing, he unexpectedly added a scene from the next issue.

On the deck, Song Zhuer saw Li Tiezhu appear, and shouted in surprise:

"Ah! Tie Zhu!"

Then, she dashed towards Li Tiezhu, and when they were two or three meters apart... the camera got stuck.

Subtitle: Hahahaha, see you next week.

Direct spray on barrage:

"I see your sister!"

"It's like a broken dog author at a certain point!"

"You might as well prevent Songzhuer from appearing in this issue."

"Meet once and kiss once, hey!"

"Absolutely kissed!"

"It must be 50 cents to be on the show."

Many viewers were itching to watch, we have to watch Tie Zhu and Tietouwa spread dog food!

Another week to wait, the show crew is really dog...

The fifth issue of "Hahahaha" ended. The effect of this issue was even better than that of the first issue. There were constant laughter throughout the whole process. At the same time, Li Tiezhu's new attribute-nasty and bad was developed.

This was clearly reflected in his plot points torturing Brother Chao.

When the fifth episode was broadcast, it was just a month later when Siha encountered a word-of-mouth storm. Many viewers questioned that Siha was going high and low. The trailer and the first phase were not bad, and the second phase was also supported by Fang Bo. Joy, the third phase and the fourth phase of blood collapse.

Is it really not as good as Gojo?

Yes or no.

The three galloping bars are used to dancing within the rules, but this is an open program. So as soon as Fang Bo left, they lost their direction a bit, and the director team was a little bit hip.

The third and fourth phases really don't have a backbone. Deng Chao is trying his best to adjust, but Chen Chichi, who is more talented, is still lazy.

Fortunately, Li Tiezhu was picked up in the fifth period, and the effect was immediate.

Unlike the audience who have to wait for a week, the program group is still recording.

Song Zhuer pretended to be a staff member and took a few people down the elevator, took a brief tour of the cruise ship, and took them to the room.

When he came to the luxurious suite, Li Tiezhu patted Song Zhuer on the shoulder: "Master female, shall we live here? It looks so high-end."

Song Zhu'er almost laughed, lowered his head and dared not speak, for fear of revealing something.

Another female staff member rescued: "Yes, you guys take a break here first, and there will be a broadcast to inform everyone to participate in the event later."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, so many rooms?"

Luhani over there pretended to be exclaimed: "Wow! There is also an e-sports room!"

Chen Chichi covered his face with mosaics and smiled: "This is simply tailor-made for me!"

Luhani: "At that time, Brother Chi Chi, you will play games with mosaics on your face. It may be a bit disgusting."

Chen Chichi: "..."

In fact, this is a link that everyone has known for a long time, because the next issue will be an advertisement for "Dream Three Kingdoms".

The next step is simple room allocation. Each room has two beds. Because there are many rooms, there are two people in one room.

Luhani directly chose Li Tiezhu.

Deng Chao: "A self-heating hot pot meal, as for it? I just bought you?"

Mosaic: "Fat deer, why didn't you choose me?"

Luhani: "You and Chao Ge are snoring, so don't torture others, okay? On the night of the 0th issue, Tie Zhu rode on Chen Chichi and pinched his nose and couldn't stop it."

Chen Chichi: "Is there anything else? No wonder my back hurts in those few days."

The nine people gathered in the small living room and chatted for a while, and the broadcast sounded: "Dear travelers and friends, good evening everyone. We will hold a captain welcome reception for you tonight. All guests and friends, please come to the bar on the fifth floor to participate."

The Siha members went immediately and were welcomed by tourists and fans. Among them, Deng Chao and Tie Zhu were the most popular because the passengers were generally older and mostly women...

A group of aunts here gathered around Brother Chao to take pictures, and a group of aunts took pictures with Tie Zhu, and kept sending things to Li Tiezhu.

"Tie Zhu, this is for you, and this..."

"Have you been bullied during the recording? Auntie heard that Chen Chichi is not a person."

"Are you going to work to make money? I'll give you something secretly."

"Tie Zhu, what do you want to eat? Auntie bought it for you."

Li Tiezhu's hair was messed up. Subtitle: Crazy spoiling from mother's fan.

Li Tiezhu managed to squeeze out of the crowd. When he came to the Siha seat in the bar, his whole body was sweating, and all the Siha members were seated, even Deng Chao, with a fat man with a mosaic face in between. It's a bit contrary.

Luhani said to Brother Chao: "Look! Young fans can't do me, and middle-aged and old fans can't do Tie Zhu, hahaha..."

Deng Chao smiled bitterly, with folds in the corners of his eyes, and for a time he looked like Shen Mouteng.

The mosaic flashed on Chen Chichi's face: "Fat deer, do you think that among young people, your fans must be more than Tie Zhu now?"

Luhani was startled: "Huh? I'm afraid it's a bit hanged, and my fans are getting old. The main thing is, I fall in love with fans, and he gets fans in love. Is this double standard? This...immoral !"

Everyone laughed, Xiao Lu was really angry, and he was so angry.

When Li Tiezhu sat down, another mother fan shouted:

"Little pillar, you are so good."

After a brief introduction of cruise travel, the host said: "Next, let us welcome some special guests to perform for everyone. Who is it? Let us applaud first!"

Chen Chichi held the mosaic, twisted his fat round buttocks towards the stage, then turned back halfway: "It's not me."

Deng Chao: "Nonsense! Who would invite someone with a stamp on his face to perform?"

When the scene burst into laughter, Chen Yi laughed: "A familiar face again."

The fake Jay Chou I saw in the last two issues came on stage.

Song Zhuer pretended to be a waiter and poured wine to the Siha members. No one noticed any difference in her. When it was Li Tiezhu's turn, Li Tiezhu covered the cup and motioned not to pour him.

Song Zhuer decisively broke Li Tiezhu's hand.

Li Tiezhu lowered his voice: "Don't make trouble, get out."

Chen Yi on the side was taken aback, Tie Zhu played a big deal? What do you scold the staff on board?

The staff member murmured: "It's boring." Then he slipped away.

Chen Yi scratched his head, what's the situation?

Then, the audience cheered Deng Chao Donghai's son-in-law, and then the fake Deng Chao went on stage to sing. Everyone felt too much alike, and Deng Chao also took the stage to dance with the imitators.

The host said: "Next, we will invite an ordinary employee of Golden No. 6 to bring a performance for everyone, and invite her to make her debut."

Song Zhuer came on stage wearing a mask and holding a microphone, a little nervous.

The Siha members looked at the stage blankly.

Deng Chao: "Is it so casual?"

Chen Chichi: "This sister may be the unit's literary and artistic pacesetter!"

Luhani said: "Why do you still wear a mask when performing on stage?"

Chen Chichi: "Is it buck teeth?"

Li Tiezhu: "Don't talk nonsense, she just wears a mask, and some people even make mosaics."

Chen Chichi: "..."

On stage, without a prelude, Song Zhuer sang a cappella first, which was slightly out of tune, but the word was too recognizable:

"One day I was free and let Tie Zhu tell a joke..."

Everyone was upset in an instant.

Luhani covered his head, then jumped up: "Song Zhuer! She just received us..."

Li Tiezhu was instantly pushed onto the stage by Deng Chao and Chen Chichi.

Only now did Chen Yi woke up, it turned out that Tie Zhu had recognized Song Zhu'er before! However, for girls who pursue themselves, just say go, so... romantic?

Li Tiezhu hesitated, what am I doing on stage?

When Song Zhu'er came over, she took Li Tiezhu's hand and led him to the stage.

The audience in the audience roared, especially the mother fans, showing the hideous face of the old mother, yelling:


The Siha members are even more frantically clamoring.

At this time, the accompaniment sounded, Song Zhuer missed the beat, and handed the microphone to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu sang for a while, and she sang again. The song "Song of Neurosis" sang the ghosts, wolves, howling, and demons.

After singing, Song Zhuer bowed to the audience and then took off the mask.

Like everyone else, Li Tiezhu applauded gently.

After taking off the mask, Song Zhu'er jumped and shouted at Li Tiezhu: "Hey hey, didn't you expect it? It's old again..."


Li Tiezhu slapped Song Zhu'er on the back of his head: "No swearing! Recording the show."

Song Zhu'er raised his head, silly: "Okay, okay! Hey hey..."

Luhani's mouth was so wide open, his eyes were about to fall out, and four characters were added in the later stage: "Deer-style shock".

Luhani: "How could Shochikuer be so cute?!"

Everyone laughed: "Kiss, kiss..."

Deng Chao and Chen Chichi stood up and shouted: "Kiss!"

Luhani snickered. Although the scandal had been going on for the two of them for half a month, Sung Zhuer hadn't chased Li Tiezhu yet.

Chen Yi and Yan Qi are also clamoring, but they are a little bit sour in their hearts. This is Li Tiezhu's card face, and they are also newcomers. The gap is simply unremarkable.

On the stage, Song Zhuer looked at Li Tiezhu shyly.

Li Tiezhu: "What are you looking at? Go on."

With that said, Li Tiezhu pushed Song Zhu'er to the Siha seat and bowed to the mother fans to thank: "Sorry, sorry, she always sings out of tune..."

Song Zhuer and Li Tiezhu sat together, and Chen Yi took the initiative to give way.

Deng Chao regretfully said: "Why don't you kiss one? The audience is disappointed!"

Chen Mosaic: "Zhu'er, you make me look down on you like this. Didn't you say that I saw you once and kissed once?"

Song Zhu'er: "I secretly kissed, so why let you see it."

Li Tiezhu glared at Song Zhu'er.

Song Zhu'er stuck his tongue out: "Slightly~ I won't speak anymore."

Luhani squeezed over: "Tie Zhu Tie Zhu, teach me, how do you tame this? Why are you so obedient?"

Li Tiezhu: "Play twice in three days, don't you learn?"

Luhani shook his head: "If you don't learn, I may not be able to beat the one in my house."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Luhani came back to his senses and covered his mouth: "What did I say? It's over!" Spreading his hands, he fell on the sofa and waited to die.

After a while, Siha guests and the newly arrived Song Zhuer came on stage to greet the audience.

After Deng Chao introduced Song Zhuer, an veteran artist with more than ten years of acting age, he added: "At the same time, she is also a family member of our Siha Brothers. She belongs to Li Haha and Li Tiezhu..."

In the audience, mother fans were very satisfied with Song Zhuer and shouted, "Girlfriend."

Li Tiezhu covered his face.

Song Zhu'er said shyly: "Don't say that, I haven't chased him, prospective girlfriend, hehehe..."

After that, the whole audience danced a group dance and broke up.

The Siha Brothers returned to the luxurious suite to eat supper-spicy crayfish.

Song Zhu'er went back to remove her makeup, change clothes, habitually pull up a ball head, and came to the suite with her face turned upside down.

Everyone rushed to say hello to her.

Luhani: "Is it so fast? The makeup is not applied? Don't worry about it? Haha, there is time."

Song Zhuer said: "Why do I have to put on makeup at night? If I don't come to the lobster, will I be gone?"

Indeed, there are not many lobsters left on the table.

Li Tiezhu silently handed out an unopened box, and Song Zhuer took it in surprise, but my family Tiezhu knew it hurt people.

Mosaic Chichi eats crayfish: "I can smell dog food."

Deng Chao: "I've stuck my mouth, did you smell it?"

Luhani: "Hahaha..."

Song Zhu'er ate a crayfish with a disgusting expression: "Where did you buy it? It's not as delicious as Li Tiezhu's, but it's not bad."

Luhani: "Is this a dazzling demon?"

Shochikuer: "No! It's true. The crayfish, frogs and sauerkraut crucian carp made by Tie Zhu are the best I have ever tasted!"

Tian Yu asked: "Tie Zhu, when were you together?"

Li Tiezhu: "We are not together..."

Song Zhuer: "Teacher Tian, ​​don't talk nonsense. We are still in high school. Why do we have to wait for college? Otherwise, the impact will not be good."

Fatty Mosaic choked directly and asked Deng Chao to bring him water.

Luhani: "Now I know that the influence is not good? You have all kissed! The people of the whole country know that you are in love."

Song Zhu'er said in deep thought, "Actually, I haven't chased Tie Zhu. I was too sloppy about the kiss."

A group of newcomers and old people all laughed, this girl is too straight, right?

Song Zhuer added another sentence: "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm sorry... Teacher Wang Feng."

Deng Chao, who was about to talk, also choked with laughter, knowing that they had robbed Wang Feng's headlines.

Li Tiezhu was angry: "Talk to me and throw you off the boat."


Song Zhu'er obediently responded, bowed his head and peeled the lobster silently, before eating it by himself, and gave it to Li Tiezhu.

The old people winked, and the two newcomers looked strange.

Luhani's expression gradually became sad, and he stopped talking several times, but finally couldn't hold back:

"No, I can't figure it out. How come Zhu'er is like a husky, so behaved in front of Li Tiezhu? I am not convinced! Shuangshuang usually looks much better than her, who knows he is a tigress...well..."

The Mosaic Fatty flew over and covered Luhani's mouth: "Brother, is it okay to be alive?"

Luhani hugged his head with his hands, and smiled particularly tragically: "Hahaha... my god! Brothers, remember to visit my grave next year..."

Director Yan interrupted everyone's laughter and said: "In the last session of today, four resident guests will pick tomorrow's secret mission."

It's another time to hear and hear. Luhani is resurrected full of blood and draws first.

"Hahahahaha... laughed at me to death."

Chen Chichi also drew one: "Is it so funny? Hahahaha..."

Deng Chao: "These two people are crazy, what's the point for one task, huh... uh, goose, goose..."

Li Tiezhu also drew one: "Ah...this...why is your task so humorous and mine is so difficult?"

Those three burst into laughter, because what we are looking at is your task: "Hahahaha!!!"

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