Earthy Superstar

Chapter 234: : Mushroom House Season 2

(I have a cold, I took a Kanggan at noon, just like sleeping pills, I went to bed until four o'clock. Sorry)

   The movie box office battle of the Spring Festival file is coming to an end. Jackie Chan’s "Yoga Kung Fu" is still better. The rabbit audience is younger and the box office is close to the limit.

   At the end of February, Li Tiezhu quietly came to Kyoto to take the Beidian Art Examination. Although he was deliberately low-key, he was still photographed by a reporter who squatted into the examination room alone, but he chatted and left with Song Zhuer.

   But, that’s okay, the test results won’t be announced until next month.

   And there are a lot of celebrities for reference this year. Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer chose to keep a low profile, but other artists' teams did the opposite. Naturally, they would steal a lot of attention, and this matter did not cause any waves.

   In the process of the little fresh meat fairies who participated in the art test competing for traffic, the self-heard madman Song Zhuer "accidentally" won a lot of favor because of helping the mountainous area.

   There is a group of people ridiculing Li Tiezhu on the Internet about why he thinks he can be admitted to Nortel, and comparing him with Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, and Guo Zhifan who took the art test at the same time, but these comments are too small to be ignored.

  Nortel’s performance department only enrolls 30 people each year, but there are 10,000 handsome men and women who take the exam. Needless to say, this elimination rate.

   But for reasons everyone knows, it’s easier to get admitted to famous artists like Song Zhuer and Li Tiezhu. Of course it's not absolutely fair, but it's not considered fraud. After all, schools need students' success rate, and artists need the school's professional improvement. Famous artists have inherent advantages.

   Li Tiezhu is not nervous. For more than a month, he has basically traveled back and forth between the capital of Shu and Kyoto, using the art test cheats he bought as a guide, practicing diligently, and seeking guidance from a trainer if he doesn’t understand.

   Generally speaking, Li Tiezhu's understanding of performance has deepened a lot during this period.

  Even, he also learned a few fancy martial arts routines to deal with physical examinations. After all, Li Tiezhu felt that pure men should not dance. It...immoral!

   At the end of March, the box office battle for the Spring Festival stalls finally came to an end.

   "Yoga Kungfu" has a total box office of 1.73 billion and topped the championship.

   "Blooming Heart" won the runner-up with a gross box office of 1.58 billion.

   "Those Things That Year That Rabbit" had a gross box office of 880 million, which won the third place with an auspicious data.

   Although there is a big gap with the top two, it is also a huge victory for Li Tiezhu, who "directed" for the first time.

   At the same time, it is also a huge incentive for domestic animated films. You know, the low cost of this movie is a bit rough, and it mainly relies on selling cuteness and feelings, and the plot is relatively thin.

【Ding! The fourth mission of the main line, the box office has exceeded 3 billion, and has reached 880 million, which is still 2.12 billion. Quest, reward 50 points of intelligence, upper limit of intelligence value of 5 points, advanced acting skills]

   When notified by the system, Li Tiezhu and 2B got on the bar.

   Li Tiezhu feels irritable, can you tell me a woolen thread if he didn't complete the task? Is there any reward?


   Li Tiezhu is overjoyed, is there really a reward?

【Ding! The main task patch, if the host completes 2.12 billion in one movie, he will receive an additional 10 points of intelligence reward]

   Li Tiezhu cut in his heart, who can do two billion in a movie?

   In the entire Chinese film industry, only last year Zhou Xing Xing’s new film "Mermaid" exceeded 3 billion, and the others did not exceed 2 billion, and the highest was 1.8 billion. What can I do? Can you star in such a movie?

   The sand sculpture system... It's a bit floating!

   Thinking of this, Li Tiezhu continued to cut 2B, but broke again, so angry that Li Tiezhu exploded his lungs.

   The little prince against the wind took out a special lesson to let them learn how to sharpen 2B pencils. After all, many people were killed by 2B in the college entrance examination every year.

   Li Tiezhu finally chose to give up. He bought a set of 2B mechanical pencils for special exams directly on the Internet, and everyone in the class had one set, except for Qin Tao.

   With the release of the Natu movie, the Natu Fund was officially launched.

  The specific operation is in charge of the professional team. All revenues and expenditures and projects will be announced on the official website. The launch of this fund has also made Li Tiezhu a good impression.

   This also made Li Tiezhu less critics and arguments when the Nortel professional examination results were announced.

  Although Li Tiezhu made his debut late, the rabbit is not his real director, but the scriptwriting, arranging, and editing are all he really participated in and led. Therefore, his professional ability may have been underestimated by everyone.

   can lead the rabbit to come, then he can be admitted to Nortel, there is no surprise.

  According to the usual practice, after Nortel announces the transcript, the top 90 will receive a certificate. After the college entrance examination, Nortel will give priority to the top 30 students with professional results among the students who have passed the academic performance.

   This year, the report card announced by Nortel also caused a lot of heated discussion.

   First place: Wu Lei 92.8 points

   Second place: Wang Xiaokai 90.6 points

   Third place: Song Zhuer 90.3 points

   Fourth place: Guo Zhifan 88.3 points

   Fifth place: Yang Xizi 88.1 points


   23rd place: Li Tiezhu 80.8 points


   good fellow!

  The top five are all well-known artists, especially, Wang Xiaokai and Yang Xizi also made their debut with singing. Are the singers now so good at acting?

   Wu Lei is the first major, and many netizens are amazed and congratulated.

   Wang Xiaokai, as one of the three minors, actually scored the second highest score, but it caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. There are people who are quite skeptical, but after all, it can't change the result.

   Regarding Shochikuer's professional performance, no one doubts. After all, although she has no acting skills, the audience still recognizes it.

  The fifth Yang Xizi was ridiculed by netizens again, so she almost said that she had walked through the back door. The most striking point is that if you don't have Wang Xiaokaihong and Li Tiezhu's strength, can't you keep a low profile? Like Li Tiezhu, he had to get more than twenty names, so he had to go forward.

   For this ranking, Li Tiezhu himself is very happy.

   Under the circumstance that only 60% of the "Art Exam Packing Cheats" was obtained, the 23rd place was basically confirmed. The next question is... cultural achievements.

   In fact, the cultural performance requirements of the art test are not high, and they only need to exceed the provincial art undergraduate line. In the case of Xichuan Province, it is almost 300% every year, which is already very low.

   For other art candidates, any wave will do, as long as people with normal intelligence can pass the exam.

   But Li Tiezhu and the others are not good. Their achievements will definitely be paid attention to by the media. If the cultural achievements are too bad, they will become a laughing stock.

   So Wu Lei and Wang Xiaokai told Li Tiezhu during the art exam, try to rely on more than 400 points, otherwise we will be scolded as happy. The family of Sichuan and Chongqing, Li Tiezhu was in a team with them during the art exam. They didn't get along for a long time, and the relationship was good.

   Even, the three of them made a bet that the one with the worst cultural scores will treat you on the day of school unless you fail the exam.

   Even Shochikuer, who has never studied, is now reviewing while filming.

   Because of the college entrance examination, the penguin culture also deliberately reduced the workload of Li Tiezhu. Throughout the first half of the year, only the recording of "Mushroom House" and the dragon set of "The God of Medicine" participated in the performance.


   April 3, Monday afternoon.

   Li Tiezhu received a letter from Mushroom House informing him to board a certain flight and go to the Maldives to participate in the recording of the new season of Mushroom House.

   This is a stalk left by Huang Sanshi from the previous issue, saying that the new issue will be recorded in the Maldives.

   The program was divided into several waves, and the pictures of the resident guests were taken separately. The letter was first received by Xiao H, and the letter was received by Mr. He who was drinking coffee. Mr. Huang Sanshi received the letter while eating spaghetti. The last letter flew to the crew of "The Boy with the Wind Dog", flew to Peng Yuchang, then turned and flew away, and flew in front of Li Tiezhu who was doing the cleaning at school.

   Li Tiezhu, who was mopping the floor, opened the letter and read it, and asked, "Which province is the Maldives in?"

   The program group looked cold.

   Li Tiezhu looked at the head teacher who was supervising at the door, the little prince against the wind: "Ni... teacher? I..."

   The little prince against the wind carried his hands on his back, and the flowing hairstyle was windless and automatic: "Fake!"

  The program team even gave him a heroic cloak, making the little prince against the wind look 1.8 meters tall and handsome.

   Li Tiezhu set off immediately.

   The next day, Huang Sanshi and He Ling were sitting on a simple ferry, blowing the river breeze with emotion.

   "This boat doesn't look like it can be driven to the Maldives."

   "No wonder I don't have to bring my passport."

   "Does this look like going to the Maldives? It's clearly entering the village!"

   "Suddenly miss Peng Peng a little, Teacher Huang, how about you?"

   "I don't want to, I just want Tie Zhu."

   "Then let's go to the new mushroom house and meet Tiezhu earlier."

   "Still not, we should drive the car around for a long time, and then go to the mushroom house."


   "Teacher Ho, the new house must not be cleaned, cleaned up or arranged furniture? Let's not disturb Tie Zhu's work."

   "You always make sense."

   Then, after getting off the boat, the two old urchins drove around in the car and the scenery was very beautiful.

   This episode is not a feature film nor a flying guest, but is broadcast as a forty-five-minute lead. Ten days later, when the pilot film was broadcast, the barrage was happy:

   "Well done! As expected, the old Tie Zhu robbed him once last year, and he can remember this year."

   "I have a hunch, this year's style of mushroom house painting is absolutely different!"

   "Ms. Huang doesn't need to cook this season."

   "After all, the variety shows that the serious brother participates in will become irregular, refer to Siha."

"looking forward to!"

   "Where is my serious brother? Why doesn't he show up yet?"

As soon as the picture turns, a beautiful aerial shot closes a courtyard by the side of the pavement. It is a two-story house. The courtyard is not small. The courtyard door is a natural wooden door covered by a straw shed. The door is pushed open, and the lens drills Went in.

   This season’s mushroom house is larger than the previous season’s yard. It is surrounded by bamboo fences. Opposite the house is a large bamboo shed, which is full of bamboo furniture, bamboo flooring, and various flowers and plants.

   Then, the camera took a tour of the interior of the mushroom house, Xiao H went out and ran a circle, the camera chased it and ran out the door, and picked it up with both hands.

   Li Tiezhu came out with a rucksack on his back. He hugged H and smiled warmly: "Hey! It's only three months, right? He's getting fat again? You can cook twice."

   Little H shivered: "Woo..."

   Li Tiezhu dropped the small H, turned his head and looked around: "Where are the lanterns?"


   The lanterns in the pergola flew away, flying very hard, and forgot to lose weight.

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