Earthy Superstar

Chapter 269: :Finish

The baby of the pig has a sense of variety. When I eat the roast suckling pig, I have a big mouthful, but I don’t swallow it, and I vomit quietly after a few chews. I also took a lot of shots with the remaining bones, and friendly advice to the post-teacher Cut her into the appearance of eating seven or eight pork chops.

She didn't swallow a bite. She placed seven or eight pork chops in front of her, touching her belly: "Ah! It's so supportive! The roast suckling pig is so fragrant! I haven't eaten so much in a long time..."

Li Tiezhu was shocked on the spot: "Don't waste it if you don't eat it, others are still eating it."

The big baby said: "I am providing footage for the show crew. The pork is so greasy, everyone eats less."

Peng Peng chewed his mouth full of oil: "Not greasy!"

Disharmonious dialogue will of course not be cut into the feature film, but it will affect the mood of other people in the program group. It is obvious that this issue is not as crazy as yesterday, and everyone is too polite.

After lunch, Fang Bo, Yu Weihe, Wang Su, and Yi Xiaomao all left, and the recording of the show continued.

There are not so many hot spots in this issue, but the quality of the whole film is still quite high. Li Tiezhu’s plan to fatten up and Peng Yuchang is implemented all the time. The very details are basically based on pigs, not let him work, and always give him. Eat all kinds of things.

The next day, after the section list was over, everyone went their separate ways again.


Li Tiezhu went to the hot search again. This time, he went to the hot search because of a moving picture. The program group posted the moving picture on the scarf.

Holding a yellow-haired Li Tiezhu on the steer, pulling the leg away is a cut.

Originally, the popularity of this animated picture was not too high. Everyone just sighed that Li Tiezhu was versatile. As a result, the animated picture was made into a ghost emoji package by online talents, and it immediately became popular.

The emoticon pack is still this animated picture, but with a few words: Come and play together!

play? ? ?

Breaking the legs is a trick to cut off one's children and grandchildren. Is it fun?

Isn't this going to get hot?

This emoji is everywhere on WeChat, Penguin, Bib, and forums.

Then, this emoji package was modified by the devil again, and all the changes were made to the text part, such as:

"Hey! Let me break your legs!"

"Cutting is healthier."

"Master gave you a minor operation."

"Cut off all the troubles!"

"The secret of happiness."

"Keep the roots!"

"A person has to lose something in his entire life."

"The steer's baby!"

When the steer pig emoji package became popular all over the Internet, Li Tiezhu had already returned to the "Ying Shen" crew. He wanted to spend more than a week to film the remaining scenes, and then go back to prepare for the college entrance examination. At this time, there are only twenty years left before the college entrance examination. Oh my god.

The crew members also send out Li Tiezhu's emoticons all day long, and they are always @李铁柱.

According to Song Zhu'er's theory of "I black myself and let black fans have nowhere to go", Li Tiezhu backhanded his vibrato and WeChat avatars and replaced them with pictures of steer pigs, which actually rose a little bit. Music fans are also magical.

The first scene that Li Tiezhu returned to the crew was when Cheng Yong came to the slaughterhouse and asked Huang Mao to go back and sell medicine for him.

This scene was controversial when he and Xu Shan competed in the platoon.

Xu Shanzheng said: "You shouldn't hate'I'. I think your character despises me. Moreover, Lu Yiyi's death was not caused by Cheng Yong."

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "It's not a question of whether it should be or not.'I' just hate you. It's not that I look down on it. I don't think so much."

"You have to think about it, you have to think about the behavioral logic inside."

"I don't want to! Huang Mao is a uneducated person, and he certainly doesn't think about whether he should hate you or not. If Lu Yingyi is dead, he will be uncomfortable and will hate you."

"He didn't want to come back to help Cheng Yong because he didn't know that Cheng Yong would not make money this time."

"No, no, no... he doesn't want to come back, simply because he thinks that Cheng Yong killed Lu Yingyi, his brain circuit will definitely think this way, although in fact it is not."

"Is that right?"

"How is it possible to be sensible in such a thing as the death of a friend?"

", he hates Cheng Yong? Why did he come back later? I figured it out?"

"I didn't figure it out, I just knew that Cheng Yong was not making money from selling drugs this time."

"I still don't understand, is this normal?"

"It's too normal! You don't understand the thinking of the bottom people. I know better than you. We rarely think about problems. Whatever is right or wrong, love and hate are all based on feelings."


"Just like I used to move bricks, a worker stole steel bars and was beaten by the boss. We all went to the hospital to see him and thought he was unlucky."

"Stealing is wrong!"

"We all know that there are very few people who steal things, but we still feel that the boss is too ruthless, and that the worker is very pitiful."

"What logic is this?"

"There is no logic. There was another time Uncle Huang went to Bend Lane and was detained. My old man went to help him pay the fine, and when he came out, everyone would pick him up."

"No one dislikes him?"

"No! Many female workers joked that Uncle Huang had eaten the national food for two days."


The last two of them couldn't convince anyone, so they had to let the director and producer participate in the discussion together.

Producer Ning Shitou said: "I have a big problem! If I don't speak, I just listen."

Director Muye said: "This question... Huang Mao was indifferent in the script. My first opinion was that Huang Mao knew that he should not hate Cheng Yong, but he still cast his anger on Cheng Yong."

Xu Shan nodded, "Yes!"

Li Tiezhu: "No. Huang Mao's living condition, except for his illness, is very similar to me who used to work on a construction site. I really don't think about anything. Once Lu Yiyi died, he hated Cheng Yong and would not consider what he should do. I just hated the question that I shouldn’t hate. Just like grabbing drugs at the beginning, I didn’t even think about whether I should hate it or not, so I just grabbed it.”

Muye said: "It makes sense, but if he hates Cheng Yong, what is the emotion of coming back to help him later?"

Li Tiezhu said: "I just want to go back! Moreover, he has begun to recognize and like Cheng Yong, but will continue to hate Cheng Yong. His idea will be very simple. If you did this early, Lu Yiyi might not die. He He would never think about Cheng Yong's fear of going to jail and what to do with the children in the family. He couldn't think of so many things."

Muye asked again: "Then...what about helping Cheng Yong drive the car in the end?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's just a gamble on whether he can rush out, he can gamble, but Cheng Yong cannot gamble."

Muye: "Brother Shan Zheng, what do you think?"

Xu Shanzheng also thought about it carefully: "Indeed, Peng Hao might not think so much about the role... Just play it like this, try first."

Ning Shitou didn't say a word, but also nodded. Li Tiezhu really took over the role.

Turn on.

Li Tiezhu was sitting on the ground eating a box lunch.

Xu Shanzheng walked in and said, "I'm starting to sell medicine again. Come back and help me."

Li Tiezhu picked up a piece of tomato, put it down, then put the lunch aside, stood up and walked in front of Xu Shanzheng, without a loud voice: "Dodge."


Muye was very satisfied with this paragraph, especially Li Tiezhu's last sentence of avoiding, a pun, indicating that he did not want to have any communicative disgust with Xu Shan.

After that, he started filming the scene where Huang Mao came back to help Cheng Yong.

Li Tiezhu looked dumb, but he could let people see his recognition of Cheng Yong.

Then there is the scene of the dock chat.

Cheng Yong smoked a cigarette: "Have you seen it at home?"

Huang Mao: "Not going back."

In fact, the subtext he said was that he went back secretly, but he didn't dare to go back again.

Huang Mao picked up a bottle of water: "They thought I was alive and well, don't scare them when you go back..."

This is modified by Li Tiezhu and confirmed with the director and Xu Shan, because it fits better with the short biography written by Li Tiezhu for his character. Let the family think he is alive and don't want them to know the condition.

Cheng Yong: "Aren't you dead?"

Huang Mao didn't drink any water, put it down again, and looked at the sea: "Sooner or later." After speaking, he glanced at Cheng Yong and showed a slight smile.

Cheng Yong: "Let's go back and have a look. Shave your head before you leave. Your hair is scary enough."

Huang Mao smiled.

Cheng Yong: "Do you really look down on me?"

Huang Mao: "Yes."

Cheng Yong silently moved his head aside.

Huang Mao: "It used to be."

Cheng Yong turned around.

Huang Mao turned his head shyly, not looking at each other.

The subsequent performances went smoothly, except that Li Tiezhu's appearance was always accompanied by some moths, there was no major problem.

Ning Shitou couldn't help but complain: "Why did you shoot Li Tiezhu so smoothly?"

Makino: "He is not acting. He is just a yellow hair on the crew. Didn't you see what he does on the crew? He is in exactly the same state as Cheng Yong. He does not speak. He is completely substituting. , You don’t have to look for state or emotions, of course it’s fast."

Ning Shitou shook his head: "Um...I know, it's my problem!"

Makino: "Of course it's your problem. You kind of like to direct others to act. How can you learn Li Tiezhu's lack of acting skills? Let him design by himself, it's good."

Ning Shitou: "I will try next time."

Makino: "Didn't you say you didn't look for Li Tiezhu to act?"

Ning Shitou: "I'm not convinced! I still have to challenge it. It's not necessarily all my problems!"

On the other side, Li Tiezhu had shaved his yellow hair and returned to a round head, which was finally comfortable.

"Hmm! That's cool!"

Xu Shan laughed and said: "You are so thin that you are so ugly to shave your head. You are all big stars, let's leave a hairstyle after the filming."

Li Tiezhu: "No! Long hair is not Xu Shan envied: "Why? "

Li Tiezhu: "Wasting shampoo. Oh, it's like wasting facial cleanser in your head."

Xu Shanzheng: "Am I special... I'll find Huniu to pull a can for you to wash your hair."

In the next two days, I filmed Li Tiezhu's driving scene and the hospital scene, especially the look that provoked the police officer, which turned the director into handsome.

Finally, all of Li Tiezhu's scenes came to an end. After another half day of recording his lines, Li Tiezhu flew back to the capital of Shu.

Monday, June 26.

Li Tiezhu came to school again with a small schoolbag on his back, and bought three cups of milk tea at the milk tea shop across the street, one for himself, one for Zheng Yanzi, and one for Qin Tao.

The college entrance examination was soon, and everyone went back to school, and Zheng Yanzi, who was recommended, also came back.

Qin Tao also came back. This was his dad's rigid requirement.

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